Mike Castle Must Pay A Price For His Vote Against the Economic Recovery/ QOD

Filed in National by on January 28, 2009


So how do we make sure Mike Caste pays a price for stabbing Delaware in the back?


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (56)

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  1. nemski says:

    I’m still livid.

  2. R Smitty says:

    Is this where the “Dissent is patriotic” bumper stickers come into play? Man, the roles have reversed big time.

  3. anonone says:

    He only stabbed you in the back, sir.

    Never trust the scorpion to ride on the back of the frog.

    You could start by telling us what he told you.

  4. liz says:

    We had the chance to do something in November…where were most of you?

  5. jason330 says:

    Oh please. Let’s look forward.

  6. nemski says:

    R Smitty, first the Democratic Congress was not much a dissent to Bush.

    Second, Castle represents Delaware, not the Republican Party.

    It’s time.

  7. jason330 says:

    Awesome graphic Nemski.

  8. nemski says:

    Thanks . . . . but I wish I didn’t have to make it. I wish that Castle represented the people of Delaware and not the RNC.

  9. jason330 says:

    Not only did he not vote for it – but he is the poster boy for the GOP’s obstructionist efforts:

    Check it:


  10. nemski says:

    Carney should announce tomorrow that he is running for Congress on this vote alone.

  11. anonone says:

    So how do we make sure Mike Caste pays a price for stabbing Delaware in the back?

    Talk Protack into running in a primary against him.

    It would be amusing, for sure.

  12. I don’t disagree with his vote. This bill is a porker of a clusterf#ck.

    8 days in, and my pensive holdout for change has been replaced by resigned acceptance of business as usual.

  13. jason330 says:

    Carney should announce tomorrow that he is running for Congress on this vote alone.

    Tom Carper would never allow that.

  14. jason330 says:

    Jesus Brian don’t fall the the GOP spin. Have you learned nothing from the past 8 years?

  15. nemski says:

    Jason330, how are you not surprised by Brian’s comment. Libertarian is just kookier way to spell Republican.

  16. R Smitty says:


    Brian…you’re falling into wingnut status!!!

  17. anonone says:

    Have you learned nothing from the past 8 years?

    Has Obama? He bent over backward to appease the repub leadership with tax cuts in this bill, and they punked him. When this bill gets to conference, they should take every crappy repub compromise out and pass it with D’s alone.

  18. jason330 says:

    This vote should be a big wake up call for Obama.

  19. R Smitty says:

    When is the kill-’em-all post coming?

  20. xstryker says:

    I’m gonna have to agree with anonone on that one.

  21. xstryker says:

    Smitty – as soon as DelawareDem is finished writing it. Ha! Kidding!

  22. xstryker says:

    Mike Castle sez: Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again!

  23. I’m not falling for the spin. I just fail to see how $819 Billion of pork spending and municipality pet projects is going to stimulate the economy.

    Sure, most of it is stuff that may need to be done… but it is nothing that really affects the economy.

    How does it boost education to the unemployed so they can find a new job? How does it help businesses expand and grow, creating jobs? How does this help current businesses from closing shop and making the situation worse?

    How in God’s name does this stimulate the economy?

    Once the money is injected and spent fixing sidewalks and putting sand on beaches and creating power lines… once those one time jobs are expended, what next? None of these jobs are long term fixes. They are band-aids.

    This is a waste of money. It’s like fixing the roof but sacrificing the mortgage payment. yeah, needed to be done, but wrong thing at the wrong time.

    I’m not falling for the spin.

    Why not make changes to federal Student Aid to make recently the unemployed able to go college to learn a new trade? Then freakin’ fund it. 800 billion dollars worth of education is a long term investment into this country’s future. make them loans under the current structure and the government gets paid back within 10-15 years.

    Why not incentivize industries and emerging markets to create stable environments for fringe technologies and innovations to grow?

    Why not take more than 8 damn days to think about the best way to spend 800 billion dollars instead of using it to garner favors with everyone in washington, throwing some tax cuts and highway projects to justify it’s existence, saying it will create some jobs also.

    I’m not falling for the blue spin either.

    Omnibus. Pork. Bill.

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  24. jason330 says:

    Each dollar spent by the government on non-profit arts and culture organizations (for example) leverages $8.00 into the economy. Spending on roads returns $3.00 for every dollar invested by the government.

    The bill is a direct stimulus vs tax cuts which are indirect and only return 80 cents for every dollar invested.

    Sorry dude, you’ve been duped.

  25. xstryker says:

    The perfect revenge against Castle – 10 year moratorium on new coin designs.

  26. xstryker says:

    You can’t reason with Libertarians, Jason, all you can do is prove them wrong over and over again. Just look at the line they pushed on deregulation for the past three decades.

  27. R Smitty says:

    The Senate’s probably going to modify it, anyway. This is far from final.

    A1, what GOP provisions were added? The amendment:

    House Republicans proposed an alternative plan that included lower income tax rates for middle and lower income workers, tax credits for home buyers and other tax provisions. It was easily defeated on a party-line vote

    was voted down.

    On the tax breaks in the passed bill, what are they again? I thought it was for middle-and-lower income brackets, but all I could find was that payroll tax break. If a payroll tax break is all the constituent is getting directly, then Rep Clyburn’s (D-SC) comment is something to ponder:

    What good is a tax cut when you don’t have a job?

  28. anonone says:

    Exactly, Jason.

    Read up on the velocity of money, Brian. Even if the government spends a dollar stupidly the first time, it is spent 5-6 more times in a year by the private sector. Hopefully, that money is spent productively in the private sector in a way that increases GDP over and above the cost of borrowing it by the government in the first place.

    That’s the idea, anyway.

  29. R Smitty says:

    The perfect revenge against Castle – 10 year moratorium on new coin designs.

    I do find the long-time criticism over the course of history of DL (going back to blogspot days) about Castle’s quarter program interesting. Yet…the design smack in the center of the site is….the Delaware State Quarter made possible by Castle’s program. Sweet irony.

  30. xstryker says:

    True, Smitty. Our resident logoist has been working on that one. We just haven’t agreed on a new one yet.

  31. anonone says:

    On the bright side, we should note that in spite of our Representative’s vote, the bill passed!

    Castle has made a career out of making his vote either symbolic or just not count, and I don’t think that anybody here should really be surprised except that Jason got people’s hopes up with his super-secret “apology” from Castle.

    You know, Jason, when a “confidential source” deliberately burns you with bad information they know is false, it is OK to go public with the circumstances.

  32. X – Don’t paint me with a Libertarian color, please. I am by no means set in my ways politically, and taking talking points from party masters. If I did you would hear me preaching some of the unrealistic idealism that is preached.

    A1 – I am not criticizing government spending, I am criticizing the direction of it. (Good luck finding a libertarian to admit that) Sure, the spending has an effect, but is it the best effect? Does it help those in need as soon as possible? From what i have read it helps those who have fallen, but not those who may soon fall into rough times. increased unemployment deadlines, welfare, etc.. but nothing to induce the economic situation into a mode where the situation reverses.

    I see reaction, not action. I may be duped, I certainly don’t have the time to read a 600 page bill, and i may be as green as the car I drive… but i just don’t see this as the right direction. Close, but not quite.

  33. jason330 says:


    I’m glad you get the irony. When I started calling him “ol’ pocket change” way back he was holding press conferences trumpeting his awesomeness every couple of months.

    I like to think I put a kink in that, but let’s face it – the quarters kind of ran their course.

  34. anonone says:

    Brian, I hear and share your concerns. I just don’t think we can sacrifice the good because we don’t have the perfect.

    I also don’t think that there is anything other than market forces that are ultimately going to turn this thing around. I think the stimulus buys time, will make the landing smoother, and will keep the GDP up until private investment can get its footing back.

    I also think that infrastructure is a sustainable competitive advantage in the world if we can maintain it. Also, greener energy can be a competitive advantage, too. Hopefully, this bill addresses those things, too.

    We’ll see…

  35. xstryker says:

    Brian – fair enough, and I ought to know better having met you before.

  36. Von Cracker says:

    Agreed that Castle is a very ineffective rep. Weak and unremarkable.

    Given the election, I do believe most independent voters realize that the GOP led the charge (certainly not unassisted) to where we are right now. So if the package helps, hurts, or keeps the economy static, I think those voters will remember this vote. The GOP knows this and are choosing between likely long-term political irrelevancy or hoping economy doesn’t improve (read: continued suffering of Americans).

    How f’ing cynical is that? Or worse, ‘letting it ride’ like a failed gambler with a pregnant wife and kids at home wondering if they can buy groceries next week.

  37. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think Castle should be ashamed. All I see Republicans doing is sniping at small bits and pieces of programs. Putting people to work is putting people to work. Once people start working, the economy can start moving again.

    Yes, I hope Carney uses the logo above in his campaign ads against Castle. I think this vote by Castle means that he is retiring for 2010.

  38. MJ says:

    We could have done something in November if we would have had a candidate that could have won. Spivak in 2006 and KHN last year – the party needs to recruit a higher caliber candidate to storm this Castle.

  39. Rebecca says:

    From this morning’s NYT . . .

    Brad Woodhouse, president of the union-supported, pro-Democratic group Americans United for Change, e-mailed a statement condemning the Republicans’ opposition under the subject line “Political Suicide.”

  40. caped crusader says:

    If you think John Carney is some kind of anti-Castle, you haven’t really been paying attention. He is cut from the same Delaware Way cloth as Carper, Castle, Minner. That’s why Markell beat him. He is probably more fiscally conservative than Castle and not the basket to put all your 2010 eggs in. Sure, he can win but he will break your liberal hearts.

  41. Jason O'Neill says:

    There is nothing in that bill that will stimulate the economy. It is a spending bill, plain and simple.

    A liberal disguise at a fake attempt of stimulating the economy to bring false hope to those that need it.

    I applaud Mike Castle and the rest of the GOP that had the backbone to stand up to hundreds of pages of worthless spending projects that will not help the American family nor create jobs.

  42. edisonkitty says:

    Our republican bretheren have become the ‘nattering nabobs of negativism’ on this. What is patently obvious is that what we have done for the last 8 years has failed on a colossal scale. This plan involves lots of new directions. The Obama election was all about change. I say let’s get on with the new course and have a little hope. To continue doing what the R congress has been suggesting (and the D congress has been abetting) for all of the last administration would just continue the insanity. Time to let the new boss try his way.

  43. anon2700 says:

    “So how do we make sure Mike Caste pays a price for stabbing Delaware in the back?”

    Force him to work as Jason’s personal proofreader for a month.

    Geez, man, are you sure you work in the publishing industry?? 😉

  44. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t understand why I should listen to one word that Republicans say about how to manage the economy. The only “ideas” they offer are the same ones that got us into this mess – more deregulation, more tax cuts for the rich and more paycuts for the middle class.

  45. Unstable Isotope says:

    Spending is stimulus. GDP = consumer spending + business spending + government spending. If consumer spending and business spending are falling off, government spending has to come in to fill the void.

  46. anon says:

    government spending has to come in to fill the void.

    In a normal recession where we just experience a slight technical dip, it would be OK to just let it ride and wait for a market-based recovery.

    But in this recession, the underlying numbers are so bad that there really is no light at the end of the tunnel.

    It is true that the market always fixes things in the end. But this time it might take a decade, and would cost millions of broken lives and institutions destroyed.

  47. has anyone called him yet?

  48. jason330 says:

    Epilogue: Well this seals the deal as far as Castle not running for the US Senate – but one has to wonder, “What is he thinking?”

    Al Mascitti has long held that Castle was so weak and un-moderate under Bush because Tom Delay made him vote for every wingnut bit of lunacy they could dream up. This vote shows that it didn’t take the strong arm tactics of a Delay to keep Castle in line.

    Rather – I think he is simply weak. He is a foolish, craven polticitian. No big whoop. Just a run of the mill loser.

  49. MJ says:

    I didn’t support Carney in the primary (I’m a JackPacker and not only donated to his campaign, I worked on it), but if it comes down to Carney or Castle, I’m going with Carney. At least he’s a D and knows that if he doesn’t do right by Delewareans, we can primary him up and beat him.

  50. jason330 says:

    DV – I think the NJ carried his rationalization verbatim.

  51. edisonkitty says:

    Jason – I just read it, and yes, they did.

  52. edisonkitty says:

    This cat is old school, DV.

  53. edisonkitty says:

    Calling Castle’s statement “rationalization” is being kind. It rings so hollow. I keep thinking; well, here is a proposal to bail out our sinking ship, but I don’t like that the deck chairs are like so, and the band is playing a new song I don’t like. So…………….not only will I not help bail, I will stand and point out why I don’t like how you are doing it.

  54. besides, if he people call his office…maybe he wi

    LOL, Oh I crack me up

  55. Truth Teller says:

    One word Sheep