UPDATED: Comment Rescue: Sweet!

Filed in National by on January 29, 2009

I don’t read Dave Burris for the same reason I don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh, however…this comment was rescue worthy”


Jason’s post has caused Castle to go on WDEL to explain and defend his vote – which I believe is unprecedented both for Castle and for Delaware media.

Castle calling WDEL to explain “nobody ordered my vote” is like Larry Craig calling a press conference to announce “I’m not gay.”

UPDATE: Let’s keep the pressure on Castle. Take a second and write a short angry screed to the Del State News’ “Soundoff” There is a 100% chance that it will make you (and me) feel better.


UPDATE 2: Send a Letter to the Editor at the News Journal expressing your displeasure of Mike Castle.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (35)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good work, Jason! Castle does owe Delaware an explanation.

    It also sounds like the pressure may make him vote for the Senate/House reconciled bill.

  2. Larry Craig isn’t gay?

  3. nemski says:

    Not only is Castle spineless and gutless, he’s a real bad liar.

  4. apparently not, if he was he wouldn’t have been continually re-elected

  5. anonone says:

    Castle doesn’t owe Delaware an explanation. Delaware owes Castle a boot. Any other explanation than it is because he is a bobble-headed repub would just be a lie.

    We’re all still waiting to hear Jason’s explanation of Castle’s alleged “apology” for supporting Bush/Cheney for the last 8 years.

  6. anontwo says:

    I don’t read Dave Burris for the same reason I don’t use dog poop as hand lotion.

  7. anon says:

    Mike Castle has always had a glass jaw, and he is a terrible campaigner. He has been living in a bubble of protection from criticism.

  8. nemski says:

    anonone, my guess is that there was a lot of Scotch involved and that Jason, in a drunken haze, misunderstood, “Get the hell out of my office, you retarded blogger” to mean “Jason, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for all I have done wrong in supporting the worst.president.ever”.

    This is just a theory though.

  9. anonone says:

    He has been living in a bubble of protection from criticism.

    Thanks in no small part to Biden and Carper.

  10. pandora says:

    Such influence, Jason. You should be very proud, although I don’t think Dave meant noman’s comment to be taken in a complimentary fashion! 😉

  11. anonone says:

    LOL, nemski.

  12. nemski says:

    I don’t read Dave Burris for the same reason I don’t use dog poop as hand lotion.


  13. jason330 says:

    “I’ll take that as a compliment” is a mantra that has served me well through the years.

    A1 –

    While you are waiting for an explaination here is something you can do to easy the pain and disgust I am feeling because of Mike Castle’s treachery.

    Write a screed to “Soundoff” There is a 100% chance that it will make you (and me) feel better.


  14. Truth Teller says:

    When the bill comes back to the house I hope Nancy doesn’t allow any REPUK input

  15. anon says:

    True… their reward for voting No should be to have all Repub amendments and compromises deleted from the final bill.

  16. Did Castle actually say a Delaware Liberal post caused him to go on air?

  17. liz says:

    Castle on WILM right now…what a baldface liar. His excuses so lame…the same talking points as the GOP is using for their reason not to vote for it, was he reading from their talking points?

    Castle is claiming some democrats don’t support it either….TIME TO START A WATCH CASTLE FILE.

  18. nemski says:

    Did Castle actually say a Delaware Liberal post caused him to go on air?

    I guess he didn’t like being called out as a Republican lapdog.

  19. anon says:

    No Mike, it was the hard-hitting jounalists from the News Journal.

  20. liz actually made a non conspiracy type post !!!

  21. anon says:

    Grab those statements from Castle… audio as well as text, and keep them in a secure personal archive. Because surely they will be dead links by the next campaign season. That’s how the Delaware Memory Hole works.

  22. X Stryker says:

    What would be really great would be an expression of surprise and disgust from Tom Carper at how every last Republican (ie, ol’ Coinage McGee) voted against fixing the economy. I’m not holding my breath though.

  23. pandora says:

    I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that Republicans voted against tax cuts.

  24. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Republicans are following there real idol, Herbert Hoover when he decided to just let the free market work. Now how did that work out, he did have a balanced budget when he left office and a pesky 25% unemployment rate, but the super rich were doing OK.

  25. Don’t you get it, pandora? The tax cuts weren’t just for rich people and corporations. That’s why they were against this package. Republicans love them some wealthy folk!

  26. pandora says:

    Ah… so Republicans are parsing tax cuts now. Not sure about that strategy. What’s their next move? Telling people that the death tax really isn’t something most people need to worry about?

  27. Unstable Isotope says:

    Absolutely, MM. The tax cuts were for low and middle income people and the payroll tax cut benefits the working poor much more.

  28. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Massive strike in France, thousands of workers take to street demanding job security!

    In America thousands of people demand to know when american idol is on!

  29. cassandra_m says:

    He has been living in a bubble of protection from criticism.

    Thanks, also, in no small part to lazy media locally and nationally who persist in calling this guy a “moderate”.

  30. Just to set the record straight, I had scheduled Castle to join me on-the-air around the time of the House vote long before Jason’s post appeared.

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio

  31. jason330 says:

    Thanks for clearing that up Allan.

  32. frick yeah says:

    What would be really great would be an expression of surprise and disgust from Tom Carper at how every last Republican (ie, ol’ Coinage McGee) voted against fixing the economy.

  33. liz says:

    Thousands in the streets in England too…their economy has already hit rock bottom and they are blaming Bush. If Obama follows the republicans and continues to bailout bankers/gangsters….they will soon transfer their hatred to “the americans”.

    So Castle didn’t call Jason on his cell and give him the bad news, before he went on WDEL and read the “talking points from the GOP”?

  34. liz says:

    #20. because your “liberal” buds don’t share the emails with you….or read them themselves…should prove Liz ain’t on no conspiracy theories sweety…sometimes the shit is real. Check out HR 645..the Fema Camps. If I had written that on this blog prior to Jan 22…you would have said its a conspiracy. Now that the bill has actually been introduced into Congress…is that a conspiracy or reality, shit for brain.

  35. anon says:

    People would take you more seriously if you didn’t rely on third-grade shit like “banker/gangsters” etc. Are you under the impression that’s clever?