A Center Right Nation No More

Filed in National by on February 2, 2009

Gallup mines all of the data they collected over the past year to provide various analyses of the state of the political nation and looks at political party affiliation:


(Click Picture to get the whole article and a bigger graphic.)

Open Left slices and dices this data further, highlighting the real disconnect between the apparent media stance that mostly Republicans get to sound off on the Recovery package AND Dems themselves who seem to have forgotten what voters actually voted for in November. Bipartisanship is great, a compromise including multiple good ideas is great — but succumbing to a narrative that has nothing to do with why you are now the majority AND a narrative that already has a track record of failure only lures you into the corner of failure that Rs currently live in. The economic issues at hand are very serious — returning to what has already failed doesn’t signal that you are ready to lead.

The good news of this map? Redistricting after 2010 will be fun…..
The bad news of this map? All of that Blue represents a remarkably Big Tent whose inherent diversities are always going to make it very tough for Dems to act in complete lock step as Rs do….


About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (18)

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  1. pandora says:

    If Republicans have new ideas to bring to the table I’m all ears. If all they have are tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts they aren’t worth my time.

  2. nemski says:

    Sadly, I think the Republicans are headed to abortion, gays and religion. What else do they have now that they have squandered limited spending, small government and foreign policy?

  3. caped crusader says:

    Hey, we’re in the Top Ten most Democratic states!

    The bad news is, that means more primaries, which will become the real election here. If you are programmed to think primaries are bad, that is.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes caped, if we’re going to be a one party state we’re going to have to have primaries. Every party needs renewal and fresh ideas.

  5. caped crusader says:

    Yes, some of the perpetual and predictable partisan rants and screeds on this blog prove your point, UI.

  6. Rebecca says:

    If you live in the 21st or 23rd Rep Districts your Democratic Committee is meeting tonight to reorganize, as required by party rules every four years. If you are interested in joining your District Committee see the deldems website for details on time and place at:

  7. Rebecca says:

    Quickly, the 21st starts at 7:00 PM and the 23rd at 7:30 PM.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    And the 8th and 9th on Thursday night at 7:30.

  9. Susan Regis Collins says:

    RY…….I clicked on your link and was surprised (not really) to see that the city of Wilmington’s City Committe and/or Sen./Rep. districts had not scheduled one meeting for the entire year. What’s up with that?

  10. liz says:

    What progressives should be pushing for is real Campaign Finance Reform. If we don’t get some new blood in these seats, it doesnt matter if your a d or an r. Republicans will run as dems and bring their tired old policies with them. We need some really good citizens to back whom we know what they stand for, what their record has been. But first we need to get our legislature to enact Campaign Finance Reform, so we have an equal shot.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    The City’s Dem Committees certainly do meet — they do not advertise them, however. And certainly not via the DelDem or CityDem websites. Just call your local committee leader to get the schedule.

  12. Yeah, the City Dem committees meet. Someone’s got to know where to stash the cash Buccini Pollin hands out en masse to screw the residents of Wilmington.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    I think that the BPG stash isn’t handed out en masse. There are specific folks who do share in the largesse, but it isn’t all of them.

  14. The most fun is watching the city council reruns on Channel 22. Seriously, I don’t know how half of these people are elected. I guess all it takes is a “D” after your name…

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Getting elected seems to be the end of the hard work. It is a real shame too, since in a city this size, someone with some vision and cajones could raise the bar ALOT. Several of them are decent people who really do have their hearts in the right place, but who can’t seem to step up.

  16. I wonder when the Democratic Party will do something positive for Wilmington?

  17. Tom S. says:

    Hey, just to interrupt the left wing masturbation session for a sec – does this map indicate any change over previous years?

  18. anon says:

    Nope, no change Tom. Everything is fine in wingnut land.