Republicans want more Palin

Filed in National by on February 2, 2009

I’m not kidding.  A new Rasmussen Poll has surveyed Republicans and this is what they’ve discovered:

Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in the future, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 24% think failedpresidential candidate John McCain is the best future model for the party, and 10% are undecided.

Only 17% of Republican voters say their party has been too conservative, and 30% say its actions and positions have been about right, with nine percent (9%) not sure.

TPM sums this story up best: With the party base itself shrunk down, the people who are still around are the most hard-line members, and are really the least fit people to fix the situation.

Ya think?

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (14)

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  1. nemski says:

    Progressive Alaska has about Palin and the Republican base, Palin’s Appeal to the GOP Starts to Make Sense. They’ve got it figured out.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! Better off asking for more Cowbell.

    Most likely they’ll get better ideas from that then that charlatan, Palin.

  3. kavips says:

    She should release her colonoscopy tape as did her interviewer Katie Couric. It should be done in the spirit of full disclosure. If they want more of her shit, they got it.

  4. jason330 says:

    the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years,

    Sorry to keep beating this pile of red pulp that used to be a horse, but conservatives were in charge for 8 years and were wrong about everything. EVERYTHING!

    Where is the contrition? Where is the apology to the country for being so stridently stupid and wrong?

    I shouldn’t, but I find these poll numbers astonishing.

  5. kavips says:


    you should know as do I that those numbers are made up.

    A more accurate measure would be those who supported the past Vice President Cheney…

    One has to remember how these polls are conducted… would you divulge personal and confidential information to someone you didn’t know, that could endanger your employment, your relationships, and your personal reputation, knowing exactly how easy it is to figure out who someone is?

    It could be a poll…. or then it could be…….. ???

  6. jason330 says:

    I had not tracked onthe fact that it was a Rasmussen Poll. My mistake.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Again, I do feel some kinship and sympathy for what the Republicans are going through because it reminds me of the struggle between the netroots (Democratic wing of the Democratic party) and the DLC corporatists. However, Republicans didn’t lose because they were too much like Democrats, they lost because they went far right and screwed up the country. Going far, far right won’t help that. All I can say though, is that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

  8. pandora says:

    I think the poll is pretty accurate. What’s left is the Palin party.

    Now, whether or not they run her in 2012 is anybody’s guess. But I’d bet if it’s not her it will be someone in that mold.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    If Palin runs in 2012, she won’t make it out of first few primaries. GAR-RAN-TEED.

    She’s a joke, but the people who sell soap will prop her up and make excuses as so far enough for her spectacle to feed the machine.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    That poll is likely just fine and close to accurate. Rasmussen has its issues as a political pollster (a known lean to Republicans), but they are the real deal. They take real polls and report out real data (you can get the Premium subscription to see the crosstabs that include both questions asked and results by group).

    Just claiming that they are making up numbers — with no evidence whatsoever — is a level of tinfoil hattery that I really hope doesn’t get a foothold in the progressive side of the house.

  11. liz says:

    Their slogan will be: “Country First”. Palin wants to open Anwar, and many wingnuts will buy that stand.

    They are going to go after blacks (get them to run on a its the person, not the party mantra).

    They are going to bring Reagun out the grave as their new hero, which is why we must consistently remind them of “his” supply side voodoo economics, which started the current financial demise.

  12. kavips says:


    In today’s computerized world, with the wealth of data, we can pick and choose how we want our polls to come out… Delmarva did just that in their attempt to kill Bluewater Wind, for example. (If you don’t get the answer you want, rephrase the question…)

    Today, polls are public opinion devices… They are used to sway people one way or another before an election or an event… You can still believe in them if you want, but real players don’t.. They conduct their own polls which of course have their own drawbacks as well but for now, are more reliable than the big names who have economic incentives to keep races tight.

    Which is why they are all over the place.

    With polls you need to have a “gut” check.. Is the information they’re saying believable or really out of whack?

    Do you know any Republicans who are happy with Bush and Cheney and see their chances of retaking the White House as good?

    Neither do I.. Therefore this poll must be viewed skeptically… Not necessarily is it pre-fabricated, but….. the evidence is far from conclusive….

    These pro Republican polls seems nationwide to have the opposite effect from their intention of garnishing support for the Republican party. Most threads nationwide, such as this one, are running with the theme “Republicans are so f’n stupid.” I don’t know if you have contacts in DC but down there, everything tainted by the Republican Party is a joke, and the bureaucrats are excited to dismantle all the crap they’ve been dealt over 8 years and get back to competently taking care of the nation’s business.. The atmosphere in DC is euphoric among government employees. It’s a wonderful event to experience: like V-J day all over again….

    The only ones who don’t get it, are the main stream media and those dinosaurs such as the pollster you mention….

    Believe me, I understand your response.. (I too have access to their data pool) and understand your take on their results. But unless you also have your ear to the ground, then you have no balance against what they are telling you…

    I’ll tell you flat out. What they are telling you, is crap.


  13. cassandra_m says:

    Scott Rasmussen is a Republican, certainly, and there are plenty of critiques to be made on the methodology of his polling (of which you’ve made none), but to dismiss them as making up data isn’t too far from the “Obama’s Birth Certificate Shows He Wasn’t Born Here” claim. Rasmussen ends up at about the middle of the pack for electoral prediction accuracy during the primaries and election just past and you don’t get to the middle of the pack by just making it all up.

    Polling data can be manipulated, but major polling outfits like Rasmussen also have a reputation to preserve. Many of them are not just doing political polling — there is all kinds of polling done my major players including all of the people who are trying to sell you more stuff you don’t need or wars you can’t afford. There is a very real reason why every major campaign (for President and for Senate, at least) has an in-house pollster. You can make the argument hat perhaps they should not do so much polling, but this is a very big business relied on by much of the economy.

    Among republicans, I certainly do know a few of the folks who think that 2012 is going to be ripe for the picking. (I work for one of them) And that Palin is the savior of their party. These people are in the last of the GWB supporters and they are a minority, but an assessment of where the base is is not just defacto crap. And I work enough with folks in DC government to know that there is something of a morale sea change there. Not that that has anything to do as to whether this is a reasonable poll, either. But if you were reading the wingnut blogs, none of this would be foreign, either — just read The Corner, red State or any of them and you don’t see much change or moderation. You do see a fairly active championing for Obama’s failure so that they can see a triumph of real conservative values, which right now is tied very much in their minds to Palin.

    But if you have a critique here of the methodology that shows that this poll is crap or shows that they just made it all up, I’m interested. Otherwise you are just asking folks to share your tin foil. Not exactly a good stance if you are tending your place in the reality-based community.

  14. anonone says:

    Right on Cassandra_m!

    Actually, Rasmussen was at the top of the pack with his prediction of the last election results.

    Kavips hates numbers and science that contradict his own version of reality.