Filed in National by on February 2, 2009

Which party is in power?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I’ll rescue my own comment on this from anther thread in case anyone missed it.

    Here is the lay of the land for everyone who has been in a coma for the past eight years.

    Democratic Approach to Governing: Try to build consensus. Compromise. Be filled with doubt. Back off. Blame ourselves. Give in. Agree with Republicans who say we are weak. Promise not to cave. Cave.

    Republican Approach to Governing:
    Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack. Feign good will. Attack. Attack. Attack. Line pockets with the spoils.

    I can see why Republicans take that approach. Everyone hates their policies, so staying on the offense is all they have. Also, it works.

  2. RSmitty says:

    So Castle is a Democrat?

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    It’s hard to tell from who keeps appearing on TV to talk about the stimulus, but it’s supposed to be the Democrats.

  4. Miscreant says:

    The same party that’s been in charge for the “past eight years”.

    Is this a test? Hey, I used the key phrase. Did I pass?

  5. G Rex says:

    Very Silly Party.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Pants Party?

  7. Dana says:

    Well, last time I looked, the Democrats controlled the Presidency and both Houses of Congress. Perhaps what you are really combitching about is that the Democrats aren’t doing exactly what you thought they’d do, or as fast as you hoped they’d do it.

    I guess that I should point out that President Obama has been in office for less than two weeks.

  8. RSmitty says:

    Pants Party?

    Oh man…do you have kids? I ask, because via my kids, I know that phrase from one source only.

    OK, that link may be slightly cryptic, so this one will probably clear it up more.

    For the record, I think Zanes is awesome to watch/listen with the kids.

  9. nemski says:

    Zanes from The Del Fuegos?

  10. RSmitty says:

    Bingo, nemski. I’ve always heard from musician-friends of mine that kids music has the best lasting-potential for a career.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    I was thinking of Brick “I killed a man with a Trident!” (Steve Carrell) from Anchorman….

  12. RSmitty says:

    Well, now I feel odd. 😛

  13. MJ says:

    I think the hoboclusterphoegk party is in charge (it was a college thing).

  14. PI says:

    It must be the party that gives the NCC Exec a $300,000 slush fund for meals and events…and private weddings. Which is the same party that gives NCC council members a slush fund for whatever….then wants to raise our taxes.

  15. Dana,

    Perhaps what you are really combitching about is that the Democrats aren’t doing exactly what you thought they’d do, or as fast as you hoped they’d do it.

    I guess that I should point out that President Obama has been in office for less than two weeks.

    They are doing exactly what I thought they’d do actually and so are the R’s for that matter. It has nothing to do with speed.

    Obama has only been in office for two weeks, so I could be wrong, but this is still Bush’s fault till Mid November

  16. Susan Regis Collins says:

    PI I recently learned the hours at the Woodlawn library branch were (significantly) reduced….has this happened to other county libraries (or is the city getting the sh*tty end of the stick AGAIN).

    No outcry from Woodlawn (boy am I surprised) unlike our neighbor to the North..Philly when Nutter tried to close libraries.

    Just want to know if this is one of NCC’s underhanded ways of ‘reducing the deficit’ instead of cutting some fat.

    …..just asking.

  17. Truth Teller says:

    I thought the Dem’s were in charge because they won, However the way they been kissing the Repuk’s asses makes me wounder