DCCC Thinks Sensenbrenner Is More Vulnerable Than Castle

Filed in National by on February 3, 2009

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is running ads against 28 House Republicans, attacking them for voting against Obama’s economic rescue plan.

“These are serious times, hard working families are worried about keeping their jobs, health care and homes – they want action, not House Republicans cheering about doing nothing,” said Brian Wolff, Executive Director of the DCCC. “Republicans’ champagne wishes and caviar dreams simply don’t connect with middle class families struggling to make ends meet and furious that their tax dollars are going to bail out banks, build schools in Iraq, or send American jobs overseas. The Putting Families First campaign is only the first step, we will continue to go district by district to hold Republicans who continue to vote in lockstep with party leaders and against the folks in their districts accountable.”

Check out the list of targeted Republicans below, which includes some surprising choices AND ONE VERY OBVIOUS OMISSION:

Representative Don Young AK-AL
Representative Dan Lungren CA-03
Representative Elton Gallegy CA-24
Representative Ken Calvert CA-44
Representative Brian Bilbray CA-50
Representative Bill Young FL-10
Representative Tom Rooney FL-16
Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart FL-21
Representative Mario Diaz-Balart FL-25
Representative Tom Latham IA-04
Representative Donald Manzullo IL-16
Representative Brett Guthrie KY-02
Representative Joseph Cao LA-02
Representative John Fleming LA-04
Representative Bill Cassidy LA-06
Representative Roscoe Bartlett MD-06
Representative Thad McCotter MI-11
Representative Michele Bachmann MN-06
Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer MO-09
Representative Lee Terry NE-02
Representative Leonard Lance NJ-07
Representative Christopher Lee NY-26
Representative Henry Brown SC-01
Representative Pete Sessions TX-32
Representative Eric Cantor VA-07
Representative Dave Reichert WA-08
Representative James Sensenbrenner WI-05
Representative Shelley Moore-Capito WV-02

Really, Chris Van Hollen? You’ll run ads against conservative dinosaur Jim Sensenbrenner, but Mike Castle isn’t worth your time? You’ll run ads against Roscoe Bartlett in an R+13 district, but not here in D+6.5 DE-AL? (I’m using 2006 PVIs for comparison until 2008 numbers are out for all districts)

You’ll take on NRCC chairman Pete Sessions and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, but not powerless, spineless, old Mike “Fancy Coins” Castle?

What kind of bullshit 49-state strategy is this? This is how you push Castle to retire? This is how you encourage John Carney to run?

Does Tom Carper’s “Castle Protection Program” extend to the DCCC?

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About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (23)

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  1. anonone says:

    That list has Carper and Biden’s fingerprints all over it.

  2. liz says:

    The three blind mice. You democrats REALLY believe these guy! Like they give a damn about republican and democrat….now do you freaking understand how the democratic party, Joe Biden, Tom Carper and the Del. Dem Party WILL NEVER “PERMIT” anyone to win against Castle! What does Castle have on these people? Everything…they have all been bosom buddies since they began their political lives…they are all neo cons! Yes, even Joe Biden was a war hawk neo con. Ditto Carper, and of course Ditto Castle.

    No this doesnt have the ‘fingerprints” of Biden and Carper all over it…THIS IS THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY FINGER PRINTS ALL OVER IT.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    There’s still plenty of time to get Castle on the list. A high-quality challenger like John Carney will make the race rise in importance.

  4. jason330 says:

    What. The. Hell!

  5. jason330 says:

    This is crying out for a sit down with the DCCC.

    You know they’ll be asking us for money, maybe the PDD can get a meeting.

  6. xstryker says:


  7. cassandra_m says:

    It would be worth sending the DCCC an email from Delaware Liberal (on the record) — asking them why they wouldn’t have Castle on the list. Get a meeting, but ask them to explain now.

  8. jason330 says:

    I agree.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good idea Cassandra!

  10. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t mind asking, but since this was Xstryker’s initiative, don’t want to step all over his work here. Let me know, X, if you want me to contact them.

  11. xstryker says:

    Go right ahead. I’ve got a lot on my plate tonight and tomorrow.

  12. jason330 says:

    I cross posted this at Daily kos.

    Someone said to post a comment at the DCCC blog because they seem to respond to comments. .


    I just did that as well.

  13. John Manifold says:

    Castle omission from DCCC list understandable.
    So long as the only candidates in the horizon or rear view mirror are named Micheal or Hartley, no one in Delaware, let alone the DCCC, will waste $ on opposing Castle.

  14. Pragmatist says:

    John Manifold gets it.

    With all due respect to all the candidates who have died on their swords in the past three cycles, it would be a total waste of money for the DCCC to come in here and back an newbie, unknown. And before somebody says that Hartley-Nagle has name-recognition, let me point out that she has never held office and you don’t start out as U.S. Congresswoman — that seat is for the people who have labored long and hard in the political arena.

    If John Carney decides to run you will see DCCC money in Delaware. Otherwise meh!

  15. jason330 says:

    it would be a total waste of money for the DCCC to come in here and back an newbie, unknown.

    We get it.

    But wouldn’t the DCCC and “Act Blue” getting on this race early help a non-newbie make the call? This is a check and egg argument.

  16. anon says:

    A name-brand Dem candidate + DCCC money is a sure thing against Castle.

    A name-brand Dem candidate minus DCCC money is a close race against Castle.

    A no-name Dem candidate without money is KHN.

  17. jason330 says:

    Since it would not cost the DCCC anyhting to include Castle on that list – his omission makes no sense absent some string pulling on Tom Carper’s part.

    Carney was a fool to ever trust Tom Carper. That much is clear.

    I hope he grows up and comes to realize that Carper does nto have his bets interests at heart.

  18. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think a newbie can win a race, but they would have to be really, really good. Perhaps someone who has made a name in another profession?

  19. a. price says:

    Grass roots movements have proven effective. Markell… that other guy.. the black dude from…. the mid-west I think? Anyway. If we can mobilize in 2010 like we did in 2008… you get the idea

  20. cassandra m says:

    You can’t really tell from that list of ad targets whether or not there are viable candidates ready to come up behind those who voted NO. The point (it looks to me) is to highlight the consequences of this vote among their constituencies — thinking that the economic pain is not just everywhere, but front and center in people’s minds.

    These are radio ads they are doing, so they really ought to do some ads here — at least to help whatever the current candidate pool is to think that they could get some help.

  21. Belinsky says:

    ” … it would not cost the DCCC anyhting to include Castle on that list …”

    Actually, the list means a commitment of $$. Otherwise, the list means nothing and future lists would have no use whatsoever. Van Hollen, like Rahm before him, doesn’t make empty threats

  22. anony says:

    a.price Markell wasn’t a grassroots movement.

  23. xstryker says:

    Actually, the list means a commitment of $$. Otherwise, the list means nothing and future lists would have no use whatsoever. Van Hollen, like Rahm before him, doesn’t make empty threats

    Apparently they have so much money to burn they can go after Jim Sensenbrenner in absense of any serious candidates (ever). I would take Carney vs. Castle over even an open seat in Sensenbrenner’s district.