Day 7: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 4, 2009

Separated at birth:

Voting against the jobless, the underemployed, those who fear for their jobs, and struggling small businesses? Ehhhhxcellent!


About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I got into a bit of a scuffle w/ someone on kos who said that Castle was “popular” and used election results to prove his point.

    I countered with the fact that the Dems have kept serious contenders away from Castel for whatever reason and that Spivack would have done better if he was not in a bruising 4 way race in which all three of the other’s running (stupidly) focused their fire on him.

    Still, it raises the point – outside of the blogs is Castle “popular?”

    We know he is popular with Tom Carper, but on a retail politics level is Castle someone that voters think of as a good guy? Or is he just good enough given the past choices?

    He is smart enough to be seen giving out big checks at vol fire companies in the run up to any election, but does that mean he is untouchable?

    I have to think that he is good on paper but would be in trouble against any legit Dem with money and party backing.

  2. “Voting against the jobless, the underemployed, those who fear for their jobs, and struggling small businesses? Ehhhhxcellent!”

    Mr Castle is against none of those things, however he does want to prevent spending on new grass for the national mall, bike paths and other pork.

    Unnecessary spending which will not help the economy increases the debt, sets us up for higher taxes and in a few years higher interest rates/inflation is not in the best interest of any0ne especially those you deem so needy.

  3. jason330 says:

    …bike paths and other pork.


    This man wants to be the Governor of Delaware.

  4. anon says:

    Castle would wilt in a debate with a smart opponent questioning his votes from a populist angle.

  5. meatball says:

    The grass on the mall, what little there is, looks like crap.

  6. Pragmatist says:

    The grass on the Mall does look like crap. But, maybe now we have a real president it will have a chance to grow back, instead of being trampled by demonstrators all the time.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    Perhaps they could put brick or something on the Mall. It does look like crap.

    I don’t see any evidence that Castle is popular outside of Delaware.

  8. arthur says:

    I cuaght a new Good Eats last night with Alton Brown and long hair. I swear, he and Castle look like twins.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Ugh, I like Good Eats…don’t ruin it for me.

    “Bike Paths and other Pork”

    This is just reactionary tripe from retarded folk who have nothing else to say….sort of like the time Capitan Stupid (Palin) made fun of Fruit Fly research, calling it ‘pork’. Of course Teh Stoopid had no clue that the true purpose of Gov’t money allocated to such research was TO FIND A CURE FOR AUTISM….the same thing she called herself a “Champion” for the cause!

    Do your self a favor Harry Reams, STFU about shit you know absolutely nothing about! Though really, what’s the point? You have already hit rock-bottom on the credibility scale!

    BTW – Separated at birth? I don’t think so. Everyone knows Monty Burns is part of the Class of ’21, while our friend, Mr. C is Class of ’12!

    C is for cock or chicken or Castle….take your pick! 😉

  10. cassandra m says:

    he does want to prevent spending on new grass for the national mall,

    Then Castle, much like his champion here, is truly an idiot.

    Fixing the Mall is about catching up with 10 years or more of deferred maintenance throughout the Mall. The seawall surrounding the Jefferson Memorial is sinking and deteriorating fast. As a result, twice a day the plaza area approaching the Memorial floods. People get around that flooding by tramping through the cherry trees. That tramping is killing them. There are WWI and various minor monuments at the Mall that are in serious disrepair. The Reflecting Pool is in horrific shape. Other minor pools are also in bad operating condition. And that is just a small part of taking care of what exists. If you’ve been the the Mall any time recently, you also know that bathroom facilities are in short supply and traffic flow can be improved. Sod and a new irrigation system is the least of the problems here.

    Just fixing the seawall at the Jefferson Memorial may cost $200M. But the money that was planned for the Recovery package also came with a big string — $100M would be available immediately and the other $100M had to be matched by private donations before it could be spent.

    So let’s leave the wingnut framing where it belongs — on the radio. This was never about just planting grass.

  11. Suzanne says:

    “…new grass for the national mall, bike paths and other pork…”

    I am sure those republican executives that own the companies performing that work don’t mind being recipients of the money (nor do the republican politicians that are in bed with those executives).

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    I thought Republicans were obsessed with “shovel ready” projects. Isn’t putting new grass on the national Mall shovel ready?

    I think it goes to show that one person’s pork is another’s essential project.

  13. anonone says:

    Mike Protack is a shovel-ready project all by himself.

  14. nannyfat says:

    One problem in Delaware is that the pols and their handlers and party hacks want no challengers and fiercely defend their turf.
    Another is that when you have a benevolent Governor move on to Congress, that ‘good guy’ is for ever a person whose image was set in stone as someone able to solve so many head aches for the citizenry, bureaucracy and business community.
    Castle and Carper’s switcharoo do-si-do was pure doo doo but it worked to ensure them careers on the public dime.
    I will never forget Carper’s crowing in 2006 that he is so glad that his chief of staff was leaving for a lobbying position on K Street because it is the DEMs turn to rope in the dough.

  15. goatnurse says:

    Where do you mindless imps think the money come from!?

  16. anon2700 says:

    Still, it raises the point – outside of the blogs is Castle “popular?” We know he is popular with Tom Carper, but on a retail politics level is Castle someone that voters think of as a good guy? Or is he just good enough given the past choices?

    Yes, yes and please get your head out of your butt.

    Castle is a very personable, funny, outgoing guy. Compared to Carper on the stump or the campaign trail, he’s much more approachable. Carper’s a great campaigner, he never stops, but he can get that kind of semi-psycho policy-wonk look in his eyes and go pretty quickly from a simple question into the inside-baseball stuff. He has some sincerity issues as well. Castle is very down-to-earth by comparison, and connects with people well on a 1-on-1 basis.

    To answer your last question… The former governor is ALWAYS going to be better than the “past choices” when those choices are unknowns (Spivack) or incompetents (KHN). A Carney, a Kowalko, a Brady – any serious candidate could take him on and give him a real challenge, like Carper did to Roth.

  17. xstryker says:

    Idiots like Goatnurse always complain when money is spent on Americans but you never hear from them when the money is spent on Iraqis.

  18. delacrat says:

    Castle is a millionaire several times over.

    Why would he vote for “the jobless, the underemployed, those who fear for their jobs, and struggling small businesses?

  19. xstryker says:

    Mike Castle knows hard-working Americans like dogs, which is the idea behind his new “RELEASE THE HOUNDS!” Act.