UPDATED: Carper Vote Watch

Filed in National by on February 6, 2009

UPDATE: Carper is a jerk. Shocking!

From Jen Hill, SEIU:

As of last night our Senator Carper has signed on to the Nelson
Collins amendment.

The amendment will reduce the overall spending and significantly
reduce public school spending, IDEA, head start and the state
stabilization fund. As you all know Delaware is in dire financial
straits and will be cutting thousands of jobs without the package –
education and state workers will be affected, but so will our kids.

The cuts total somewhere around $77.9 billion from the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Please call him and ask him to withdraw his support for the amendment.

Carper is a jerk. Shocking!

I wonder which way Mr. Dependable will swing?

This afternoon an amendment to H.R. 1 is being proposed in the Senate that will cut more than $32.8 billion from the proposed stimulus funding for education: $6.5 billion from IDEA, $6.5 billion from Title I, $4.8 billion from the state stabilization fund, $15 billion from incentive grants, and $5 million from the teacher quality partnership grants.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (27)

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  1. $6.5 billion from IDEA, $6.5 billion from Title I,

    Christ no…especially these two areas. No…no…

  2. Mike R. says:

    You would have to be crazy to vote against poor kids and Special Ed kids, but frankly it depends on exactly which parts they cut.

    Right now estimates have Delaware getting about $39m from the Title I money and $38m from the IDEA money. If these cuts get through, well get about half of that.

    My concern would be the $15b for Incentive Grants that’s in the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. Those are the most flexible of the resources in the package and the only ones that stand a chance of being used to help our education system get any better, the rest is just there to plug holes. Delaware is in a good place to attract some of the Incentive funds based on the qualifications laid out in the bill.

  3. jason330 says:

    That comment makes me think Carper might swing our way.

    Of course, with Carper you never know.

  4. anon says:

    Carper usually votes with the Dems on fiscal and tax stuff. It’s the corporate and foreign policy issues where he sides with the Lieberpubs.

  5. liz says:

    I just called the neo con’s washington office….they are not saying how he is going to vote….dont be too sure he will vote for it.

    Republicans are crazy and so are the neo con democrats who are in their hearts repukes. They don’t get it…its their voodoo supply side economics of the Reagun regime that started this slide into financial hell.

    Hannity going out of his mind today, as Debbie Stabenow is calling for the Fairness Doctrine….he is having his listeners overwhelm her DC office with phone calls! What a bunch of wackos.

  6. The question should be is money to these programs increasing in total dollars from the previous budget year?

    If the amount goes up by say $100 billion but the proposed amount was $120 billion that is not a cut of $20 billion it is an incrwase of $100 million.

    To clear this up, if you ask your boss for a 10% raise and he says I will give you 5% did he raise your salary by 5% or cut it by 5%?

  7. David says:

    They would not be cutting education spending. This is not part of the budget. This is extra money tossed in for no reason into what is suppose to be a stimulus bill. It needs to go. That is not the purpose of this bill.

    I am for full funding of special education, but this has no hearings to establish need. It is just a toss in. That is not the way to conduct policy.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    And you would be uninformed again, David — these items are in this bill to try to plug the hole that is being left for education spending as states cut back. And they are cutting back. This money is meant to try to preserve some of these programs NOW — not in several months well after the programs have been quite cut back or eliminated.

  9. Stimulus Bill Specs

    1. $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts

    2. $380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program

    3. $300 million for grants to combat violence against women

    4. $2 billion for federal child care block grants

    5. $6 billion for university building projects

    6. $15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships

    7. $4 billion for job-training programs, including $1.2 billion to provide “youth” summer jobs for people up to the age of 24

    8. $1 billion for community development block grants

    9. $4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities”

    10. $650 million for digital TV coupons, including $90 million to educate “vulnerable populations”

    11. $15 billion for business-loss carry-backs

    12. $145 billion for “Making Work Pay” tax credits

    13. $83 billion for the earned income credit

    14. $150 million for the Smithsonian

    15. $34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters

    16. $500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities

    17. $44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters

    18. $350 million for Agriculture Department computers

    19. $88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building next year

    20. $448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters

    21. $600 million to convert federal auto fleet to hybrids

    22. $450 million for National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    23. $600 million for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    24. $1 billion for the Census Bureau

    25. $89 billion for Medicaid

    26. $30 billion for COBRA insurance extension

    27. $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits

    28. $20 billion for food stamps

    29. $4.5 billion for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    30. $850 million for Amtrak

    31. $87 million for a polar icebreaking ship

    32. $1.7 billion for the National Park System

    33. $55 million for Historic Preservation Fund

    34. $7.6 billion for “rural community advancement programs”

    35. $150 million for agricultural commodity purchases

    36. $150 million for “producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish”

    37. $2 billion for renewable energy research

    38. $2 billion for a “clean-coal” power plant in Illinois

    39. $6.2 billion shall be for the Weatherization Assistance Program

    40. $3.5 billion shall be for energy efficiency and conservation block grants

    41. $3.4 billion shall be for the State Energy Program

    42. $200 million shall be for state and local electric-transport projects

    43. $300 million shall be for energy-efficient appliance rebate programs

    44. $400 million for hybrid cars for state and local governments

    45. $1 billion for the manufacturing of advanced batteries

    46. $1.5 billion for green technology loan guarantees

    47. $8 billion for innovative technology loan guarantee program

    48. $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects

    49. $4.5 billion for electricity grid

    50. $79 billion for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund

  10. anon says:

    That list is WAY better than your 50 points for Delaware.

  11. John Manifold says:

    Tom Carper has been excellent on this legislation, as one would expect from a former governor impatient after waiting 26 years for this kind of federal action:


  12. delacrat says:

    Rebuild the GOP is evidently against everything that’s necessary and good.

  13. MJ says:

    delacrat – Pornstache is just upset that they’re not building another bridge to nowhere.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    If you are interested in the contents of the recovery package, what you should do is go look at the bills themselves. Seriously — you already know that the GOPers are never going to give you data that is reliable and who knows what you’ll get from the media. For instance — all of the items covered by this bill actually have limitations and restrictions on how they are used. All of them. And I’d bet you never heard of any of those limitations.

    House Bill as passed.

  15. liz says:

    Why put all that money into Cobra….why not put that money into medicaid…and save billions. Cobra is supporting for profit insurance companies and Cobra is extremely high. That makes no sense.

  16. liz says:

    #10 is totally stupid.

  17. liberalgeek says:

    What I love is that Protack (AKA rebuild the Delaware GOP) sees that list as cash being burned. It is certainly to create jobs, build infrastructure, and spur development of technology. But of course, it starts with the NEA, because that is the wing-nut whipping boy.

  18. jason330 says:

    I don’t know how many more times I can have Tom Carper spit in my face.

    I think I am getting to my limit.

  19. June says:

    MSNBC reports that: ” it is reported that Ted Kennedy is on his way to DC to vote for the bill.”

    God bless him!

  20. liz says:

    For those that don’t know, they are cutting special ed….to the bone. They are refusing to permit severely disabled ready to exit education from going to adult programs. All that money over all those years to teach a child how to live in this world, and then jerk all the supports out from under them is insanity plus. A family who kept their child at home all these years now have an adult with special needs, it means that one parent is going to have to quit a job to care for their loved one. More financial stress on already stressed out families. We have young people over 21 who are disabled but have managed to keep their job….until now. Their job coach will not be funded, their transportation to and from the job….not funded. What are these people thinking? Who gives a damn about those with special needs. Disabled don’t have a lobbyist with a fat cigar rolling around legislative hall speaking on their behalf.

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    I read that the so-called moderates cut the bill to $780M, 42% tax cuts and 58% spending. It sounds like it’s been Republican shit-ified. I hope they can get something better when the House and Senate bill is reconciled.

  22. liz says:

    Tax cuts for the wealthiest, like they havent been stealing from us for 8 years? The democrats should stop with is bipartisan crap. The whole amount should have been put into jobs, and safety net stuff. I wouldnt call this a win for the democrats….only a half win.

    Get rid of the tax cuts. If no one is paying taxes how does the government run anything. The rich have already avoided paying taxes with their offshore, and swiss bank accounts to hide their assets.

  23. stoolpidgeon says:

    The claim is that the tax cuts are targeted for the middle class. Haven’t gone in and read the bill yet.

  24. David says:

    No one has read it. It hasn’t been written yet. The bill sounds strangely like President Obama’s early proposal before Pelosi and Obey hijacked it. I guess this blog is to the left of President Obama.

  25. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yes, David, I’m definitely to the left of Obama. I can’t speak for everyone else.

  26. Andy says:

    Liz Said:
    A family who kept their child at home all these years now have an adult with special needs, it means that one parent is going to have to quit a job to care for their loved one. More financial stress on already stressed out families. We have young people over 21 who are disabled but have managed to keep their job….until now. Their job coach will not be funded, their transportation to and from the job….not funded

    Wow and we have some in state government that still think that Dart Para transit is a Taxi service for little old Ladies
    How do you think the above get to work, school and everywhere else. and most of them downstate live outside the ADA boundries

  27. Val Kill says:

    Carper helps rope in wavering Republicans, locks up super-majority for stimulus bill, makes McCain and McConnell look like McFilthy and McNasty, gives Obama big first win, and most importantly, frees 3/4 of a trillion dollars for progressive ends.

    Feels good.