It is worse than you think…

Filed in National by on February 6, 2009

The unemployment numbers. Look at where the jobs are being cut.


Construction and Manufacturing in the top 4 industries affected, with rates in the double digits. Indeed, the 18% for construction is approaching Great Depression levels.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Delaware’s unemployement figures are go9ing to be staggering next month, per Tommywonk:

    Based on what I have learned about the methodology used to calculate unemployment, I expect that the rate will climb significantly in the next several months.
    Anyone who drew even one paycheck would not show up in the unemployment report for the month. Even severance pay counts, since workers don’t qualify for unemployment insurance until their severance checks run out.
    Invista, Chrysler and Circuit City have announced layoffs that did not take effect in December. It could take months for all of their workers to qualify for unemployment benefits. The growing lines of workers applying for benefits will inexorably drive the unemployment number higher.

  2. liz says:

    Sorry to bust this sad bubble…not included in these numbers are all those unemployed workers from months ago, whose unemployment already ran out…if you factor all those numbers in, some polls say we are already nearing 22%…..the great depression numbers were around 26%.

    Where are the voices of the Unions? Why are union leaders not mobilizing and organizing their members? Why are we doing nothing about these numbers. France, Germany, Italy, Greece, England and other countries workers are IN THE STREETS everyday. Guess the dimwitted citizens of this country are a) still in denial, 2) think the guvmint bailout is coming soon, 3) are brain dead.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    And as if this isn’t bad enough. The Repuk’s in the house and senate are now against having Obama cap the pay of those who receive our tax Money. Do you think these Assholes will ever learn

  4. I call bullshit. They obviously aren’t counting all the construction going on in Irag and Afghanistan

  5. Dana says:

    I hope that no one here is naïve enough to think that passing this bill in February is going to start infrastructure construction projects in March — unless you are thinking about March of 2010.

  6. jason330 says:

    Please note: Dana has now resorted to arguing that the economic recovery projects will not begin fast enough.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Most of these building projects in the infrastructure categories can be started in the spring. That would be “shovel ready”.

    There are others (like the FutureGen boondoggle) that will take a number of years to get off the ground. That, however, is counted in the Energy category and not bound by “shovel ready”.

  8. I don’t see any reduction in Government jobs. Delaware has over 47,000 workers in state and local government.

  9. Truth Teller says:

    Mike P why are you complaining about Government jobs in Delaware. If I remember corredtly you have attempted to get one of those.

  10. liz says:

    Geek the only people working in Iraq and Afganistan are grave diggers and opium farmers! Still wonderin how that opium gets out of Afganistan to markets round the world….coming to a street near you.