Jacket-less Bush

Filed in National by on February 6, 2009

First a lesson in Irony, and now a lesson in Hyprocrisy.

Andrew Card, you can stick your condescension and your smug racist advice for Obama where the sun don’t shine. You too Mike Protack.


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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    A Bushie caught lying again. Boy, am I shocked (not).

  2. Thanks, as long as you post senseless and ill advised information it is appropriate to respond.

    Also, as the Obama Presidency starts to unravel with ineffective legislation, tax cheats in the administration and a propensity to whine about so many things you need to get the update- Bush is no longer President.

    Hope and change were great campaign slogans but fall short of real and tested leadership.

    Obama’s numbers will be below 50% by June.

  3. jason330 says:

    Also, Harriet Miers looks smoking hot in that picture. I’ll bet anyhting Bush and her got it on 10 minutes after that photo was snapped.

    She looks like a panther ready to pounce.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Shorter Mike Protack:

    It’s mean to point out when Republicans lie. Also, I hope Obama fails. Tax cuts!

  5. liberalgeek says:

    (in Yoda voice) Hmmm. The snark is strong in that one.

  6. Geezer says:

    The broader point to this is that it exposes the worldview of authority-worshipping Republicans so neatly (no pun intended). Great respect for appearances and traditions while doing whatever the F they want. You don’t seem to understand — hypocrisy is built into their code of behavior. I have actually have conservatives explain to me that saying one thing and doing another is BETTER than telling the truth, if that truth would reflect badly on authority. Seriously, their world view and ours are irreconcilable.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    You are right on Geezer. During the run up to the Iraq war, I once told a wingnut that we (the public) didn’t have enough information on the whole thing. He told me that he thought we had too much information.

    It’s like putting your fingers in your ears and saying nanananana!

  8. Tom S. says:

    Dude, its over. Its been over for a while. Barry is having a rough week pushing that stimulus package and our state needs to cut 20% of its services. Stop fantasizing about the days when you could blame everything on Bush.

  9. nemski says:

    Tom, his name is President Obama.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Uh, Dude, I wasn’t blaming Bush in this post. This was a rebuttal to Andrew Card and the right wing freaks who believe it is a constitutional requirement to wear a full three piece suit at all times in the White House.

  11. anon says:

    Barry is having a rough week…

    Some people prefer to use a diminutive when referring to black men. Old habits never die, they just resurface in new forms.

  12. nemski says:

    Some people prefer to use a diminutive when referring to black men. Old habits never die, they just resurface in new forms.

    LOL. Tom can also call him Obama, Sir, or Best.President.Ever. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. Miscreant says:

    “Stop fantasizing about the days when you could blame everything on Bush.”

    Until President Barack Hussein Obama actually produces some substantive *change*, it would appear that’s all they have.

  14. anon says:

    Mis – this is like the Allies rolling into Berlin. It takes a while for the flowers to start blooming and the BMWs to start rolling off the lines.

  15. Bush set the bar to be able to blame him for everything for at least the first year in office

  16. anon says:

    Until President Barack Hussein Obama actually produces some substantive *change*

    So was the 2001-2002 recession on Bush, or did he inherit it from Clinton?

  17. Miscreant says:

    Flowers and Beemers? Right now I’d settle for some weed and a VW bug.

  18. jason330 says:

    Bush set the bar to be able to blame him for everything for at least the first year in office

    I say the next 15 years. Min.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Stop fantasizing about the days when you could blame everything on Bush.

    And this from somebody who spent the last 8 years excusing every damn thing BushCo did by either 1) blaming Clinton or 2) claiming Clinton did it first.

  20. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good one Cassandra!

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think people should get blamed for their actions.

    Bush gets blame for the weak (actually no) recovery from the 2001 recession because of his tax cut policy. Also to blame – Alan Greenspan and Congress. Bush also gets a lot of blame for 9/11 because he ignored the warnings of officials and completely cut the counterterrorism budget (but Ashcroft did by curtains to hide naked statues). Clinton can get some blame for the 2001 recession for re-appointing Alan Greenspan and for signing bad bills from people like Phil Gramm.

    So far, Obama can get blame for incomplete vetting of some of his cabinet candidates and for thinking that Republicans are serious about governing.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    So did you get that? Protack has pontificated!!! Given his track record…I wish I could place a bet somewhere on this!

    Open mouth = Fool.

  23. miscreant says:

    “So far, Obama can get blame for incomplete vetting of some of his cabinet candidates and for thinking that Republicans are serious about governing.”

    Hey, That’s President Obama! And don’t forget about that *not going to hire any Washington insiders* thing.

  24. Tom S. says:

    “LOL. Tom can also call him Obama, Sir, or Best.President.Ever. ;-)”

    Yeah, it is kinda hard not to respect him when he is doing so well with the economy and our troops are out of Iraq…..

  25. Von Cracker says:

    Shorter Tom:

    “Here’s the cash and plans to build me a rocket” Three minutes later: “Where’s my fuckin rocket?!?”


  26. Unstable Isotope says:

    That’s right VC. It took 8 yrs for Bush to mess up everything this bad, hopefully it will be a shorter fix.

  27. Von Cracker says:

    guess you can’t fix stooopid. ๐Ÿ˜€

  28. Progressive Mom says:

    “Yeah, it is kinda hard not to respect him when he is doing so well with the economy and our troops are out of Iraqโ€ฆ..”

    Yeah, after all he’s had 17 days, calculating from 12 n00n today, eastern standard time….what the freak has he been doing??? Reading My Pet Goat and clearing brush??? After all, George Bush Jr. was able to , uh, um, ah, find the west wing in his first 17 days…..

    Can’t we just keep blaming the current wars and poor economy on Bill Clinton? That’s what neocons were doing until 12 noon on 1/20/09.

  29. liz says:

    Protack: lets have everyone in the White House, Congress and Senate in federal, state, and local government post their taxes on line….a little transparency. Will bet the majority of both parties, havent paid up. Politicans like to put taxes on all of us, but they dont pay em.