Updated: Castle Under Siege: Radio Ads Are Here

Filed in Delaware by on February 12, 2009

AFSCME and Americans United for Change are going to run running radio ads telling Mike Castle he’s got a “second chance” to do the right thing and support President Obama’s economic stimulus package when the compromise plan comes up for a vote.

Check out the script:

Radio Script (60 Sec)
“Second Chance”
Haven’t you ever wished you had a second chance to do the right thing? Well this week, Congressman/woman [Full Name]______________ has a second chance to get it right when it comes to our economic crisis.
The first time around, Congressman/woman ___________ voted against President Obama’s jobs plan. But every day since 20,000 Americans have lost their jobs.
If you ask me that’s plenty of reason for Congressman/woman ______ to change his/her mind when the plan comes back to the House for a final vote.
And most people agree. In a recent gallup poll – 80 percent of Americans said it is important to pass a plan like President Obama’s – a plan to save or create nearly 4 million jobs. Groups from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to organized labor are supporting the Obama jobs plan.
Call Congressman(woman) _______, at ————-tell him/her we can’t let partisan wrangling stand in the way of creating the jobs we desperately need.
Tell ____________ to vote yes on the Obama plan.
Paid for by AFSCME and Americans United for Change.

The ad will be is running against 17 House Republicans, 3 Senate Republicans, and one House Democrat (Blue Dog Jim Cooper of Tennessee). Included on the list is Rep. Jim Gerlach, who’s just over the PA border from us, as well as Rep. Charlie Dent from Allentown, PA and Rep. Todd Platts from York, PA. Another interesting target is House Minority Whip Eric Canton of Virginia.

But more to the point – an ad targeting Mike Castle! Huzzah! Now, which of the following two events is more likely:

  1. Mike “Jellospine” Castle immediately announces support for the compromise package – before a single ad hits the airwaves.
  2. Tom Carper muscles his way in and no ads ever end up being run against Castle.

UPDATE: Jason says the ads are already running on WDEL, and the wingnuts are flipping out.

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About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (8)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thay have already aired on WDEL but I haven’t heard them.

    I heard Al talking about them. It seems they are making wingnuts crazy. Crazier I mean.

  2. I am glad AFSCME is speaking out to voice their opinion but in the end the ads will have no effect at all.

    Opinion polls do correctly point out a stimulus and jobs bill has wide support but a huge spending bill does not.

    Mr Castle would do well to ignore the groundless rants.

  3. xstryker says:

    Opinion polls show that Americans want what is in the bill, but if you talk about it using different language, you can produce widely different results!

    Thanks for letting us know what’s on Luntz’s mind, Mike.

  4. Meanwhile here is a real issue.

    Lithuania’s defense minister said she will be seeking security assurances from the United States against Russia while in Washington on Feb. 12. The statement comes a day after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton linked the issue of European ballistic missile defense (BMD) to U.S. negotiations with Iran, throwing out a strong clue about Washington’s thinking in dealing with Russia and Iran simultaneously. Worries over an apparent U.S. shift with regard to BMD, meanwhile, have sent the Baltic states and Central Europeans into a frenzy.

    Did Obama lie to the Europeans who loved him?

  5. cassandra m says:

    The ads sound like this one — only with Mike Castle’s name.

  6. xstryker says:

    So, Protack, you admit it. The missile shield has nothing to do with Iran, and was always about provoking Russia.

    Also, equating the Baltic states with all of Europe is hilarious. That’s like equating Turkey with all of the Middle East.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    How do you tell when wingnuts flip out?