Delaware Liberal

Mike Castle is Losing His Base

The DelawareforObama list is not a bunch of liberal bomb throwers. For the most part they are Democratic ticket splitters who really liked Obama’s calls to rise above partisanship for the sake of the country.

Many of them are shaken to see Mike Castle pick the stale factionalism offered by the GOP over the opportunity to turn the page and get past the strident partisan bickering of the past 8 years.

This email from someone on the list is telling:

Ok, I may get bashed for this and I so apologize if any of her staff or friends or big supporters are on this list, but I am guilty of voting for Mike, partially because he has supported progressive causes near and dear to me, Arts support, Gun Control, Arts, Stem Cell, education, Arts, and even Choice. And I voted partially because I know someone on his staff who is a very decent human being, but also in part because we haven’t put up anyone really good. Probably because the party doesn’t want to sacrifice talent in a race against a relatively popular incumbent.

But this year, I really wanted to vote for someone else, but the week before the election after trying to reconcile myself to a candidate with so little experience, I got a mailer from the Dem candidate’s team filled with typos….a mailer for a US Congress seat…filled with grammatical and spelling errors?!?! Given his relatively moderate stance on some issues of importance to me, I just couldn’t vote for her based on what I saw in that mailer and the website. I almost never vote Rep, but I just felt I didn’t have a choice.

If Castle doesn’t run again, which is likely, fine, but if he does, his lockstep support of this gang of terrorists and objectionists will mean it’s finally time for us to risk some real party talent in that race….Carney anyone?

And again, so sorry if I offended any of her supporters…I’m sure she is lovely person, but I just didn’t see anything in her communications or public info. that inspired me. And yes, despite that, I am regretting my choice this week.

I hope Castle likes the radical winguts that he has allied himself with because as far as “moderate” Democrats are concerned – Castle is done.

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