John Carney for Congress

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009

John Carney is running for Congress. Yes, you heard it hear first. Whoops, I forgot the BREAKINGS NEWS!!!! and the flashing sirens, but yes, John Carney is running for Congress. It does not matter if Castle runs for reelection or not.

However, Tom Carper still has some sway over Mr. Carney, for some unknown reason. It is like Carper has pictures of Carney and Dave Burris in bed together or something (ugh the horror!). He could convince Carney to defer.

But why? Well to protect his beloved, his prescious, his Michael N. Castle.

It occurs to me how ironic this is. In 2008, Don Tomasino did nothing but bemoan the existence of a primary between Carney and Markell. Indeed, he called for a meeting of the five families, and ordered that it would be Carney running for Governor, Markell for Lt. Governor, Denn for reelection as Insurance Commissioner, and Ted Blunt would continue running the City Council or retire. Mr. Blunt refused the Don. He demanded to run for Lt. Governor (even though his fundraising was horrible, which eventually led to his exit from the race in the spring). Once Blunt refused, the whole lot of them refused the Don’s plan. And we then had to suffer through six months of hearing about how horrible primaries are.

Well now, going into 2010, Carper has his wish. He should be happy. Beau Biden is running for the Senate and Carney is running for the House. He has successfully avoided a primary among the heavy hitters that cycle.

Yet I guarantee you, he is not, because his precious, Michael N. Castle, is left out in the cold. According to the Delaware Way, Castle should be movin on up, but he won’t. Tom Carper being such an adherent to the Delaware Way is another irony. Yes, he and Castle formed their loving bond in 1992 when they switched jobs. But in 2000, Carper defied the Gods and challenged Roth. He went against the Delaware Way! GASP. ::someone faints::

So if Carper keeps his mouth shut, Carney is running for Congress. And our daily series of Mike Castle betraying Delaware posts will come to an end. But if Carper interferes, Carney may defer, and Castle may get a free ride to a reelection he does not deserve, and that is when we begin our new series on Tom Carper betraying Delaware.

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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. - Delaware's Center Right Voice | February 17, 2009
  2. Morning Line - February 18, 2009 : Delmarva Dealings | February 18, 2009
  1. David says:

    Carney v. O’Donnell should be a good race. What if Tom Carper retiresto spend more time with his family and let’s Castle take his place?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahahaha. Good for us, you mean.

  3. jason330 says:

    Carper defied the Gods and challenged Roth. He went against the Delaware Way! GASP.

    I’v heard that Carper justifies his lapse by saying that it was really Roth who broke the code by not stepping down.

    Maybe, maybe not. One this is sure though. Carper has a killer instinct. Like Biden, they now when to push and how hard to push. Carney doesn’t seem to have that (or has not learned it.)

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    At this point, why would Carney listen to Carper at all? I would like to see Carney show a bit of a backbone and stay in the race even if Castle decides to make a run for it.

    BTW, do we need another C name from Delaware? We have Carper, Castle and Carney as well as Kaufman. Can’t the rest of the alphabet get in on the act?

  5. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t know, UI — I’ve heard from a few places that Chris Coons may want to run for the House next. No idea if that is true, or even how possible it is — but it seems to be jelling as a bit of CW.

  6. Link? Where was this posted? Who told you? This is exciting, but I’m just looking for some attribution here.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    There is no link, there is no attribution. This is just me reading the tea leaves and announcing what they say. So you can say “Delaware Liberal says John Carney is running for Congress,” but that is it.

  8. Tom S. says:

    Beau v. Castle? I’m no Castle fan but I would have to put my money on Castle winning that one.

  9. a. price says:

    why do only 6 people seem viable candidates for anything in this state. cant we get a wild card? Im sure all the afore mentioned guys would make fine whatever they are told to run for. But seriously people, lets change things up a bit

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Hey Feroce, what attribution to do you have that Castle is running for reelection? Or for the Senate?


  11. Mrs XStryker says:

    Hahaha, I saw Mr. Carney this morning and actually handed him links for Del Lib and the Draft Carney vid that XStryker did! I can just imagine him coming to the site now and wondering “Where did they get that idea?!”


  12. John Feroce says:

    “Hey Feroce, what attribution to do you have that Castle is running for reelection? Or for the Senate?”

    I don’t have any, but I didn’t come out with “Breaking News” Brother. I’m responding to your wishful thinking.

    You’re right though, maybe it helps to clarify that if Castle ran then…

  13. Dorian Gray says:

    Wasn’t he the one who posted that hoax picture from the TX bookstore? Maybe he should chill his jets today.

  14. Feroce makes a good point. It’s hardly breaking news if it’s merely conjecture from the author. I mean, it may not even be true, right?!?!? Right?!?!

  15. By the way, I’m just busting your balls…

  16. Delaware Dem says:

    Dorian Gray makes a good point.

    As for the breaking news reference in the first paragraph, I thought the sarcastic reference to the Drudge sirens were enough to tip someone off to the sarcasm, but I see the Paduwon leaners Feroce and Matthews need to refine their sarcastic skills. Indeed, if you read the entire piece, of course you realize it is all my opinion.

    So I apologize for getting your panties in a knot.

  17. Delaware Dem says:

    So am I, Matthews. 😉

  18. xstryker says:

    Eventually, one gets used to the fact that we engage in satire now and then.

  19. Mrs XStryker says:

    Padawan. P-A-D-A-W-A-N.

  20. pandora says:

    So if we go by these rules then Republicans are going to call out Cantor?

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. Mrs. X is more a geek than I am. Hehehe.

  22. Mrs XStryker says:

    Well, at least a bigger Ewan McGregor fan/spelling stickler at any rate.

  23. AnonSeventeen says:

    Yeah… this was “breaking” about two months ago. Lame