President’s Day Redux

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009

Best & Worst Presidents of the last 50 Years

Let’s just look at our “lifetime” and leave the discussion of weather Lincoln would have been disgusted by George Bush aside. (PS. Lincoln would have been disgusted by Bush, Nixon and Reagan.)

Here is the definitive “Best to Worst” list of Presidents over the last 50 years.

1) Kennedy – D
2) Clinton -D
3) Eisenhower – R
4) Carter – D
5) Johnson – D
6) Ford – R
7) Bush I – R
8.) Reagan – R
9) Nixon – R
10) Bush II – R

Note: Reagan/Nixon are a tossup for second worst. Eisenhower was the best Republican by far, but not as good as Clinton.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    So the starting point would be 1959.

    1. Kennedy
    2. Clinton
    3. Eisenhower
    4. Johnson
    5. Reagan
    6. Ford
    7. Bush I
    8. Carter
    9. Nixon
    10. Bush II

    I am not a Carter Presidency fan. And I give more props to Reagan than you.

  2. xstryker says:

    That matches my eulogy of Ford: “The least awful Republican president since Eisenhower.”

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I wonder about Johnson’s ranking. He had the poverty programs and voting rights in his favor, but a big strike against him for Vietnam.

    Kennedy was really not president long enough to make a good judgment, IMO. I think he could have been great, but wasn’t there long enough to show us.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Yeah, J, I don’t know how you remember Carter as a President, but I agree with DD’s positioning of him more than you. Even your own party couldn’t stand the presence of him by the mid-terms in ’78. History kind of cleaned him up a little bit, but he was somewhat of an arrogant jagazz in the real-time era and was a cause of many impasses between the executive and legislative levels.

  5. Miscreant says:


  6. RSmitty says:

    Mis – I do think J was a little close to Valero yesterday and inhaled more of that escaped Nitrogen Oxide over the other chemicals. I will give him the benefit and claim that was a chemical-induced positioning on his part.

    In my view, the best thing Carter gave us was an impression by Dan Aykroyd on SNL when “Carter” (Aykroyd) talked a caller down from a hallucinegenic (sp?) overdose.

  7. RSmitty says:

    (EDIT: I just reposted this comment without my DP URL and it worked, so I have to wonder if that is a filter now???)

    Mis – I do think J was a little close to Valero yesterday and inhaled more of that escaped Nitrogen Oxide over the other chemicals. I will give him the benefit and claim that was a chemical-induced positioning on his part.

    In my view, the best thing Carter gave us was an impression by Dan Aykroyd on SNL when “Carter” (Aykroyd) talked a caller down from a hallucinegenic (sp?) overdose.

  8. Art Downs says:

    These ratings (by ‘historians’) carry about as much weight as an evaluation of the morals of student nurses by Richard Speck.

    We are looking at a lot of ideological inbreeding among history profs. How many bow down to the unrepentent Stalinist Howard Zinn?

  9. Steve Newton says:

    Rsmitty–No, my favorite SNL Carter was when he and Amy told everybody to burn half of their money.

    Ratings games like this generally tell you more about the rater than the ratee….

  10. Dana says:

    Best to worst:

    1 – Ronald Reagan
    2- George H W Bush
    3- George W Bush
    4- John F Kennedy
    5- Dwight D Eisenhower
    6- William J Clinton
    7- Gerald R Ford
    8 – Lyndon B Johnson
    9- Richard M Nixon
    10- James E Carter

  11. jason330 says:

    Yeah…okay then….(backing up slowly)

  12. Unstable Isotope says:


    Jason, it just proves something you wrote before. There are two Americas – the real America and the alternate reality America that Republicans live in.

  13. pandora says:

    Oh, Dana… Oh my…