Delaware Liberal

Day 21: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

El Somnambulo is proud to present 1,577,219,319 reasons why Mike Castle has betrayed the public trust and has dishonored both his office and himself.

In his Rosemary Woods-like contortions to explain away his vote against President Obama’s economic stimulus package, Castle somehow never got around to explaining how Delaware and its citizens would benefit from the package.

Today’s News-Journal provides a detailed breakdown of how the $1.577 billion dollars that Delaware is projected to receive will likely be utilized.

In his desire to remain out of the casita del perro of John Boehner and Eric Cantor, Mike Castle voted to deny Delaware:
$46 million for clean energy programs
$179 million for infrastructure improvements
$106 million for education
$213 million to rescue workers hit by the economy
$420 million to save public services and to close Delaware’s budget shortfall
$612 million in tax cuts.

El Somnambulo highly recommends that you go to p. A2 of today’s News-Journal to see even more specific breakdowns. Anyone with a conscience will be enraged at Castle’s dismissal of the desperate needs of the people he is pledged to serve. Does anybody really believe that, were he still Governor, Castle would send this money back to Washington?

By placing mindless party discipline (maybe he just likes getting disciplined…) ahead of solving the dire economic emergency that he and his party created, Castle has forfeited any rightful claim to continue in public service. If he had any remaining pride, he would resign.

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