Proof Elections Matter: Obama Dumps Bush LGBT Policy

Filed in National by on February 20, 2009

Under Dubya, the US proudly joined the Vatican, aka the Holy See (…No Evil from Holocaust Deniers & Pedophile Priests), and the Islamic world in opposing the universal decriminalization of homosexuality.

Cowards that they are, Bush’s henchpersons cited ‘technical issues’ in voting against a non-binding UN Resolution.

Thanks to Obama, that opposition is no longer operative.

In a perfect world, this would not even be an issue. In Bushworld and the Christian Brotherhood of the American Taliban, it was public policy.

Not any more.


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  1. pandora says:

    I love watching events like this happen. This vote sent the message that the new boss ain’t the same as the old boss!

  2. anon says:

    In Bushworld and the Christian Brotherhood of the American Taliban, it was public policy.

    Also in the actual Taliban.

  3. jason330 says:

    I crack up when I read concern trolling by people like Rick Jensen to the effect that Obama is in hot water with liberals.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Whilst we argue over the every minor detail of the stimulus, financial bailout, mortgage bailout, etc. the Obama administration will advance liberal causes, you needn’t worry. Just look at what has already been done by Salazar at Interior… the guy at Energy Dr. Chu… expect the same from him… HHS has stumbled out of the gate but they’ll get their act togther too… oh and non-believers are citizens… happy days.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think Obama is doing a good job so far. He’s had a lot of accomplishments in a month. There are a couple of things bothering me though, his continuance of Bush-era “state secrets” policies and his failure to lift the stem-cell ban. I’m hoping that both of these will be addressed soon.

  6. There have been many articles quoting Obama officials as saying that the lifting of the stem-cell ban is imminent.

    El Somnambulo guesses that the ‘state secrets’ issue is one without a ‘one size fits all’ solution, and that a considered reworking will also be forthcoming.

    ‘Bulo looks forward to the first batch o’ judges to come up for confirmation as well. Time to balance out the wingnuts.

    The Beast Who Slumbers intends to regularly provide (factual, FSP) Proof that Elections Matter in the future.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Retaining the state secrets posture of BushCo is definitely wrong.

    As I understand the stem cells thing is that Obama want to get real legislation clearing the way for stem cell research. That is harder to overturn in the future than an Executive Order (think of the now perpetual tug of war over the Mexico City rules). Real legislation definitely gives researchers alot more certainty about long term planning for research activity.