Worth a thousand words

Filed in National by on February 20, 2009

hat tip Nancy

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X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (9)

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  1. The Street has no confidence in Obama-none.

    On Nov. 4, after Barack Obama clinched the White House, the market closed at 9,625.28.

    In mid-morning trading today, the day President Obama signs his massive Generational Theft Act into law and a day before he unveils a massive new mortgage entitlement, the Dow dropped to to 7,606.53.

  2. jason330 says:

    You are a real patriot Mike.

    Does anybody (besides Protack) think that we should trust “the street” after what the Wall Street crooks have done to this country?

    I don’t.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    Well said jason poor Mike P no wounder he always got his ass kicked by a downstate chicken farmer.

  4. liz says:

    Who are the real terrorists? The Federal Reserve, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund….the international bankster/gangsters who robbed the country blind under the idiot son. Now Protack wants to blame Obama for the recession that begin in 2007?

    Here is my solution to all those opposed to the stimulus plan. Anyone who loses their home, and wants to refinance, or loses their job and wants unemployment, who is flat broke and must apply for food stamps. They must show their voter registration card to these agencies…if the person applying is a republican…sorry, we cannot help you. You are against, your leadership voted against it…so you my friend should pick yourself up by your bootstraps and fend for yourself. Sorry we cannot serve you.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Wait… I thought that the war got us out of the depression and that the New Deal didn’t have anything to do with it?!? Has everything I’ve been told by Republicans wrong?

  6. nemski says:

    LG, I’m sure the graph is upside down. No worries, the Republicans are right.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Oh good. I was concerned that flawed economic policies had been in control of the country for the last 8 years… I feel better now, Nemski. Thanks.

  8. a. price says:

    well the Obama Recession is of course the fault of San Fran Nancy and and the White house. I really hope Rebuild becomes the new face of the GOP .. and Sarah Palin and Bobby “no more money for those greedy people left homeless and jobless by my party’s failed response to a disaster” Jindall (what a bunch of dicks)

  9. Percent of what? the graph doesn’t explain.

    Nevermind, Read the article and it explained.

    (The Y-Axis is GDP expressed as a percentage increase over the lowest GDP in 1933. Note that in 1929, the GDP is nearly 40% ABOVE the 1933 low, and this was surpassed in 1936)