GOP Hates Earmarks?

Filed in National by on February 26, 2009

Except the ones they add, of course.

Surprised? McClatchy reports that the GOP members of Congress are responsible for about 40% of the earmarks on the omnibus spending bill making its way through Congress. This is the one Mike Pence called for spending freezes on. John Ensign is on record in this article endorsing spending freezes. But John Ensign is all about his earmarks:

“The reason I’ve been opposed” to earmarks in the past “is that it’s often a way of buying votes, and it often makes the spending packages too big,” he said. “They’re just not going to buy my vote with anything.”

Read the whole thing. It is just crazy. They are supposed to be credible managers of money, how — exactly?


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. anon says:

    If the excuse for earmarks is they are supposed to buy votes, and Republicans are voting 100% against Obama’s bills… tell me, why is there a single Republican earmark in any bill before this Congress?

  2. Arthur Downs says:

    We would do well to dump all of the porksters regardless of party.

    Regrettably, politics is the art of the possible and the choices are not that great.

    The only answer is more activism.

  3. X Stryker says:

    Anon, 20 Republicans voted for that bill in the house, including our own Mister Fancycoins himself, Mike Castle.

    Remember, Mike Castle’s only fiscally responsible when John Boehner threatens him.