Wingnut Dishonesty: Hube Provides a Case Study

Filed in National by on March 9, 2009

I’ll let this go, but I just have to point out how wingnut dishonesty works by linking to Hube once more.  Here is Hube’s original post: 


… all those anti-Iraq War protests back in the day? Remember how the Left was spouting how “dissent is the highest form of patriotism” and all that?

Well now, on the other hand, we see thisthisthisthis and thisAnd what’s the Left say about protests now?

They’re all “domestic terrorist wannabes.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

Well. You can make this stuff up, because Hube did make this stuff up.

Notice how he links to a bunch of “tea party” posts and then to my post about a deranged manic who wants to overthrow the government? Notice how he does not imply – but states outright that my post calls these tea party people “domestic terrorist wannabes” when I never mentioned the tea parties?

He does not switch gears or even pause mid-thought. His post is a flat out lie.
It is rank dishonesty. Not surprising, but there is it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. pandora says:

    So, by Hube’s standards, it would be okay to post the vile comments in moderation and link them to him?

  2. jason330 says:

    Yes. Except unlike Hube, we are bound by honor and integrity.

  3. Hube says:

    You link in your post to Burris’ post about states claiming 10th Amendment rights under ths Constitution. You liken these to “domestic terrorists.”

    And you say I’M engaging in “rank dishonesty?” That I “make stuff up?” The tea party protests are exactly akin to what the states in Burris’ post wish to do.

    Dude, do you even VAGUELY realize how freakin’ inane you are? It is YOU who does precisely what you accuse ME of doing!

    Don’t worry, though — maybe DelDem will get me rounded up ….

  4. jason330 says:


    Last night one of your compadres validated my take on the secessionist nature of the Burris post:

    “So dissent moron. Just stop talking about killing people and seceded from the Union.”

    No, I don’t think we’re going to stop.

    I think we’re going to get louder.

    Where liberals are taking this nation, we don’t want to go.

    So we want a divorce, and to make our own way.
    It will be better for all of us if we don’t have to live in the same house…because we are NOT all “Americans” anymore.

    You don’t have anything against divorce…. do you?

    That guy just happened to be a bit more candid than you and the rest of the morons your directed over here.

  5. anon says:

    These people would have to go cash their SSI checks to buy ammo for their overthrow of the government.

  6. jason330 says:

    The mewling victimology is sickening isn’t it? Even Mitt Romney got in to the act at CPAC.

    Mitt Romney also tapped into the idea that conservatives are being persecuted. He remarked, jokingly, that he was worried about being arrested for practicing capitalism. Obviously, this is rhetorical hyperbole designed to appeal to the fears and prejudices of the audience. However, it does send the message that capitalists are now victims of an administration that is out to get them. This, obviously enough, ignores the facts.While the economy has been wrecked by capitalists, they seem to be in little danger of being arrested-even those who had a direct hand in wrecking the economy. In fact, the government has been dumping billions into companies to help these capitalists. To express fear towards the government in this context is like being afraid of someone who is throwing you a lifeline as you are drowning.

  7. anon says:

    If you follow the “socialist-authoritarian” meme back to its sources I have no doubt you will find some Texas oil guys and all the old VRWC characters.

  8. Geezer says:

    Pardon me for trying to cast oil upon troubled waters, but when most people on teh internets respond to others with whom they disagree, they usually give a boiled-down — and therefore inaccurate — summation of the opponent’s argument. I do it too — did it just the other day when debating “anon” about TNJ. It escalates when the name-calling begins (and let’s be honest, most of us enjoy the name-calling when it’s creative).

    On the original topic, I find it disingenuous that the “tea party” set is worried about the expenditure of “their” tax money. Obama is spending WAY more than their tax money — not them individually, but all of us collectively.

    What most of these folks won’t acknowledge is that taxing and spending have been disengaged from each other since the first Bush budget. If deficit spending upsets them so much, why didn’t they do more to dissuade a president of their own party from doing it? Because they liked what he spent it on, of course.

    Shoe, meet other foot.

  9. anonone says:

    Not to mention the repubertarians screaming that Obama hasn’t kept his promises because, after 6 weeks, America has not:
    – Withdrawn from Iraq
    – Withdrawn from Afghanistan
    – Balanced the budget
    – Restored the Constitution to Libertarian interpretations
    – Predicted exactly the condition of the economy for the next 4 years
    – Given gays the right to marry
    – Restored all the banks to financial health

    He is, therefore, exactly like George W. Bush.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    Here’s my take on dissent:

    Dissent is patriotic. Everyone has the absolute right (and responsiblity) to protest, to put pressure on lawmakers, to petition, to influence voters, to vote and to even run for office. Especially on issues that one feels strongly about. We’re supposed to be a representative democracy, so we need to influence our representatives and if they don’t represent us well, vote them out of office.

    What should not be tolerated is calls for violence, that is unpatriotic. Influencing others to commit violence is also wrong and unpatriotic. I believe in free speech. I think people can say whatever racist, misogynist, homophobic thing comes to their mind but shouldn’t expect to be listened to or taken seriously. In internet forums, the speech is restricted in some ways by a moderator and each website will have its own policies.

    I think some rightwing forums are coming very close to the line in their calls for violence. I also think some rightwing talkers are very irresponsible calling liberalism a “mental disease” and baiting crowds with things like “palling around with terrorists.”

    As far as the “Tea Parties” and “Going Galt” I find them mostly silly and laughable. Of course, I think a lot of street protest is not really effective anymore (not like in the sixties). The conservatives who talk about not working or moving to other countries are just as silly as the liberals who talked of moving to Canada in the wake of Bush’s selection.

    This is my country too. No one is going to force me to leave. I want to change it for the better, and I want to work with people that also want similar changes. I know this is quite scary to the maintainers of the status quo, but events have shown us that we must change.