Delaware Liberal

Wingnut Dishonesty: Hube Provides a Case Study

I’ll let this go, but I just have to point out how wingnut dishonesty works by linking to Hube once more.  Here is Hube’s original post: 


… all those anti-Iraq War protests back in the day? Remember how the Left was spouting how “dissent is the highest form of patriotism” and all that?

Well now, on the other hand, we see thisthisthisthis and thisAnd what’s the Left say about protests now?

They’re all “domestic terrorist wannabes.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

Well. You can make this stuff up, because Hube did make this stuff up.

Notice how he links to a bunch of “tea party” posts and then to my post about a deranged manic who wants to overthrow the government? Notice how he does not imply – but states outright that my post calls these tea party people “domestic terrorist wannabes” when I never mentioned the tea parties?

He does not switch gears or even pause mid-thought. His post is a flat out lie.
It is rank dishonesty. Not surprising, but there is it.

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