Fact: Mike Castle 100% Pro-Choice

Filed in National by on March 10, 2009

I kidded Castle yesterday about his lust for killing snowflake babies – so this is goes inthe “credit where credit is due” file.

According to NARAL Mike Castle’s voting record is 100% “pro-choice” so he is not really just after unborn zygotes, but all unborn Americans are on his shit list.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. delacrat says:

    So you think that makes him a moderate ?

  2. anon says:

    Well, considering all of Castle’s “moderate” legislation just got implemented by Obama with a stroke of the pen – no.

  3. jason330 says:

    Hell no. He is a Republican loyalists who just happens to hate unborn Americans with a white hot passion.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    I must say I was proud when I saw the pool photo in NYT of Obama signing the Exec Order. Castle was standing next to Speaker Pelosi… how about that.

    That’s him next to Feinstein, yes? Twisting his ugly mug to see Obama at the desk…


  5. anon says:

    Actually with 73% in favor of embryonic stem cell research, that makes Castle and Obama both centrists (at least on that issue).

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Good for him. If only he were anti-Depression and pro-job growth as well.

  7. anon says:

    It is funny how the pro-lifers seem to have discovered the “forgiveness” parts of the Bible when it comes to Castle.

  8. David says:

    What Pro-lifers are over joyed with Congressman Castle? Can you name a few?

    That is why his disapproval rating in the GOP is about as high as that among Democrats.

    You had better check your polls again. When ever government funding of embryonic stem cells has been voted upon, it has been closely fought. Rasmussen shows only a 53% support for it. If people understood it, it would be lower.

    Many people don’t understand that it is ineffective and that it takes money away from successful adult stem cell and cord blood research. The science has left it in the dust, but the pro-abortion politicians want to devalue the preborn at any cost.

    It is dispicable.

  9. pandora says:

    David, it is obvious you are not a scientist. For that matter, neither am I, but my brother is a immuno geneticist and he disagrees with your entire premise concerning embryonic vs adult stem cells. He wants research on both.

    You really don’t know what you’re talking about. Please leave science to the scientists.

  10. David says:

    Wrong, this is an issue for all people. I can point you to scientists who hold my point of view. The fact is that these are not issues for scientists. These are issues for all of us. It is our money, our culture, and our future.

    I understand science relatively well. I don’t need to get my opinion spoon fed me by someone else. Look at the facts. Embryonic stem cells don’t work in humans. The scientists who said adult stem cells were unlikely to are proven incorrect. It is were much of the advance in the stem cell field has occured. Other positive results are seen in cells from the placenta.

    Read the research for yourself. You may get a different perspective. Why kill people when you have better ways?

    It is possible for embryonic stem cells to give advances, but at a much greater time frame and greater costs than the alternatives which are working now. Diverting those resources will cost lives for what? Allowing Obama and Castle to act like they are our saviours.

  11. pandora says:

    Embryonic stem cells don’t work in humans.

    Yeah, there’s science for ya.

  12. David says:

    Not one cure. They are not ready for prime time. There are 9 approved cures and 60 or so pending ones with alternative stem cells. That is why the snake oil salesmen who can no longer con private investors talk about the hope of cures.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Ignore David, he doesn’t know what he is talking about.

    Educate yourself
    Stem Cell Basics from the National Academy of Science

    And for the wingnuts who profess confusion about the politiciation of science, here’s the comprehensive report from the Union of Concerned Scientists.

  14. Geezer says:

    “the pro-abortion politicians want to devalue the preborn at any cost.”

    Yes, this is something I hear about all the time at our Devalue The Preborn Club meetings.

    Funny how you assholes are so full of feeling for something that is incapable of feeling, yet so callous about things like “collateral damage” to actual, fully formed humans who are fully capable of feeling pain.

    Stop trying to impose your religious views about zygotes on the rest of us. Liberals don’t try to argue that our tax dollars shouldn’t go to your pet defense industry.

  15. LaNuit says:

    How many children does Mike Castle have?



    Because he hates babies.

    paid for by moveon.org

  16. Tom S. says:

    duuuuuhh mike is pro-abortion – this is why if the Dems ran someone who was even moderately pro-life (John Carney comes to mind) you could undercut most of the hard-core Catholic and Evangelical votes in the state. Add that to the Democratic base and you have a win.

    I have never, and probably never will vote for Mike Castle. Unfortunately most of the people your side puts up are even worse so I usually end up going 3rd party.