Delaware Liberal

Republicans Have Bigger Problems Than Lowering Pelosi’s Poll Numbers

They have Rush’s poll numbers.

According to the Democratic polling firm, voters view the conservative talk show host “negatively by a two-to-one ratio (53 to 26 percent), with nearly half the country, 45 percent, viewing him very, very negatively. Among independents, the ratio rises to three-to-one.”

45% view him very, very negatively.  I’m shocked, I tell you.  Shocked! But not everyone sees Rush as a problem…

In short, Limbaugh is toxic for the GOP brand. But the findings only get worse from there. “By a nearly two-to-one ratio (57 to 32 percent) a majority of voters — and independents — say Limbaugh does not “share their values,” but Republicans are in a different world where, by two-to-one, they believe he shares them.”

Could the reason most people consider Rush Limbaugh the leader of the Republican Party be the fact that he is?

* 49 percent of respondents said Limbaugh has too much influence over Republican ideas and direction.
* 15 percent said he has too little influence.
* 62 percent of voters said the GOP was embracing the “same old ideas and leaders it has relied on for the past 20 years” rather than seeking out new leaders and fresh ideas.

I have no idea how Republicans put this genie back in the bottle, but they better do something since they are the only losers in this fight.

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