Late Nite Oddity: “Sexy” is Subjective

Filed in National by on March 15, 2009

Sexy Girls Shooting GunsFor more amazing video clips, click here

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (55)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Just as the founding fathers intended.

    I did notice that it took a huge number of shots for them to actually hit anything.

  2. nemski says:

    So all girls who have an automatic rifle have big boobs? Learn something new every day.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    That doesn’t look like standard hunting gear.

  4. Weer'd Beard says:

    Would have been so much nicer if they had taught them proper form.

    Seeing rounds go over the backstop is NOT sexy.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    WB – I thought the same thing. Hope they aren’t near any populated areas.

  6. Weer'd Beard says:

    I doubt it. Many of the guns there were INVENTED after the ’86 ban, meaning the models are being supervised by either Police, Military, or Private security contractos (like Blackwater, or Three Canopies) I’m betting the latter, and likely it’s on one of the contractors massive ranges.

    It’s probably quite safe….but “probably” doesn’t cut it for me.

    Still the video DOES show why I’ve never been a fan of the full-auto personal infantry rifle. Waste of ammo, low accuracy due to difficulty to control. Under-powered cartridges, and more time spent changing magazines.

  7. Nomen Nescio says:

    i was alarmed at the lack of eye and ear protection, myself. well, some of them wore protective glasses in some of the shoots, but i saw nobody with earmuffs, and i rather doubt foam plugs are enough for many of those weapons.

  8. David says:

    The military uses the foam plugs.

  9. Nomen Nescio says:

    that’s… no comfort, oddly. i haven’t served in the U.S. military, but i was conscripted in another country’s army many years ago, and we were issued earmuffs. i would have been upset, i think, to be asked to make do with foam plugs. the AK-47’s got pretty damn noisy, and the artillery pieces far louder still.

  10. a. price says:

    Is there a for real discussion about this? this is an NRA chicken-choker video c’mon people

  11. Nomen Nescio says:

    how much more real would you like us to get?

    for that matter, how unreal do you think we are? i’m criticising potential permanent harm to the shooters, and Weerd’s criticising potential lethal injury to anyone who might be downrange, all due to incorrect form and insufficient precautions. what part of that is somehow not real to you?

  12. a. price says:

    hahah ok.

  13. a. price says:

    I think shooting guns on a closed range is some of the safer activities the shooters engage in. And i’m sure it was made to look a lot more willy nilly to make it hotter. i mean, if they were wearing flak jackets you wouldn’t see that killer milkshake

  14. Weer'd Beard says:

    Deep thoughts of the intellectual opposition.

    BTW I mostly use the baffled rubber plugs. They work REALLY well if you put them in correctly. Of course I have a really expensive pair of muffs that work amazingly, but most muffs interfear with a good cheek weld on the stock.

    Eye protection is a definite MUST, you knever know what’s going to fly your way, and you only have 2 eyes, and they supply 70% of what you grasp of the world around you.

  15. a. price says:

    oh my god… it isn’t a Right Wing Militia training video. it is and i’ll say this again
    a masturbatory aid for gun lovers. Port starts shooting off big loads. what a novel idea

  16. Nomen Nescio says:

    so, do you want us to get real or do you want us to engage in escapist wank fantasies? we’re not good enough at double-think to manage both at once.

  17. a. price says:

    i think there are more important things to be outraged at than porn stars with asault weapons

  18. Weer'd Beard says:

    Note how the lefties are the ones more interested in objectifying women.

    Very “Progressive”.

  19. a. price says:

    i believe in a woman’s right to choose to make money off of her perfect breasts and ass.

  20. Weer'd Beard says:

    And I see you enjoying the view for free, and not very concerned with the potential dangers they might be going through.

    VERY “Progressive”

  21. Von Cracker says:

    They do call it “the object of affection” for a reason, WB!

    Nice “some may say”, la-de-da comment though!

  22. a. price says:

    hmm you’re right. guns ARE dangerous. you have shown me the light. i guess we should keep tighter controls over who gets em to make sure dangerous killing devices dont get into the wrong hands!

  23. Von Cracker says:

    Air quotes are funny

  24. Weer'd Beard says:

    You already gave up last night….are you looking for round 2?

    OK, give your argument. What changes to the system must be made, and can you show a rational argument on why those changes will work?

    You weren’t much of a challenge last night, I hope you can do better after a good night sleep.

  25. a. price says:

    so they SHOULD be allowed to have those guns? i really cant tell with you.

  26. a. price says:

    and i didnt “give up” i found a more interesting fight. dooosh

  27. Weer'd Beard says:

    Call it what you will. What you’re doing now is the same.

    I’m not really concerned about you, you have no interest in debate or new ideas (or even old ideas that in fact work). I’m doing it for the others reading.

    You’ll also notice how nobody else will chime in either.

    There’s a reason for that.

    So call it what you will.

  28. I’m not really concerned about you, you have no interest in debate or new ideas (or even old ideas that in fact work). I’m doing it for the others reading.

    pot meet kettle

  29. a. price says:

    i’m gonna call it “mamajama”

  30. Note how the lefties are the ones more interested in objectifying women.

    So this video was filmed by guys on the left?

  31. Weer'd Beard says:

    Case and Point. The question still stands, Guys.

    I’ll be here waiting….and you know where my blog is.

  32. I’ll be here waiting….and you know where my blog is.

    uh yes, we do and it can stay there with the other open minded people you foment with.

  33. miscreant says:

    Cool! a. price is here for his second ass handing.

  34. a. price says:

    i sure am!

  35. a. price says:

    just please be gentle, you made such good points last night i think it gave me gas

  36. a. price says:

    c’mon fellas my butt is rigid with anticipation. is this the surrounding Grand Wizard Glen was talking about?

  37. Weer'd Beard says:

    The question still stands. Obviously if you support further gun control you should be able to argue and support your point.

    Or is this simply a question of faith that I’m being rude in questioning.

  38. Weer'd Beard says:

    I rest my case, Again.

  39. a. price says:

    dude, i have other obligations than stroking your ego. jobs, classes, girlfriends…. (-s)
    im currently in a debate with someone who claims to be adolph hitler… that matters more to me than your opinion that we should have guns in vending machines or whatever you people think in W.V or whatever redneck state you must be from (yes that mid atlantic smug elitism is intentional)

  40. Weer'd Beard says:

    That right there is called a Straw-Man Argument with an ad hominem chaser.

    Also your memory didn’t do to well, as I told you I live outside of Boston in your last failed debate.

    That’s how you loose.

    If you want you can try again:
    Why do you support further gun control, and what data can you give to support your claims?

    Very ironic that you all seem to label me as “Closed minded”, and yet have no desire actually discussing your convictions.

  41. a. price says:

    *asks to anyone listening* do i need a bullet proof vest with this guy?

  42. Weer'd Beard says:

    I describe myself as non-violent but anti-pacifist.

    You don’t even pose a mental threat, I doubt you’d constitute as a minor physical threat to me. So nope.

    But it probably would make your argument better if I was some uber-aggressive snarling madman.

    Of course I’m not the one calling names, Am I?

    Also I notice how you’re not interested in supporting your convictions.

    It appears you have no support.

    That’s how you loose.

    Would you like to try again?

  43. a. price says:

    I see young amish children slaughtered, and school children gunned down. I see cops in my city shot (and guess what, they all have guns)
    My solution is tougher gun control. Enforce our existing laws, and MOST of all for people like you to shut up with your moronic claim that guns don’t kill people. they REALLY REALLY help

  44. Weer'd Beard says:

    Here’s what I see. Good people who are able to protect themselves simply because they had tools that allowed them to fight back successfully against a physically superior attacker.

    I see criminals committing crimes who are already violating dozens of laws.

    I see cops killed by people who under no reasonable circumstance should be out on the streets…but somehow after countless violent convictions are granted a parole.

    I see crime as a whole…not just “gun crimes” and I see bodies who are found stabbed in the gutter, and women who feel the knife against their throat as the rapist penetrates them.

    And worst of all I see people like you, who don’t care what I see, or what the facts are. You simply want to discredit me, and make me go away, because you disagree with me, but you know I’m right.

    So no, I won’t shut up, because not only do I respect the 2nd Amendment, but I respect the rest of the bill of rights. Which parts of that document do you choose to respect?

  45. a. price says:

    you are now screaming into the void

  46. a. price says:

    i said a few times you can keep your guns. i want to make them harder to get. its too easy… just look at that video. hot as it was, no one in that video should be able to have gotten those guns….. btw those are what i consider assault weapons and they shouldn’t exist off of a military base. we ban drugs, and they only hurt the user.

  47. Weer'd Beard says:

    Ummm, none of those women got those guns. And the video was likely shot on the para-military base of a private security contractor.

    We ban drugs, and yet the gang members down the street you talk about also have drugs on them as well as guns.

    Of course if those gang members decide what’s yours is theirs, or want some non-concentual company of a female, you’ll be suprised at how little the gun hurts the user.

    But I’ve already supported that claim.

    Isn’t it odd that neither you, nor all your liberal compatriots can’t supply one bit of support for such laws, while I’ve refuted everything you’ve said with logical and supported statements of fact with near-zero effort expended.

    It’s called being wrong, and that’s a very strong statement.

  48. a. price says:

    i don’t have any compatriots. im the only one still talking to you… that could says something bad about ME. you claim to be in BOSTON! why are you even online today, shouldn’t you be enjoying st patrick’s day?
    and it isn’t a strong statement. you like your gun, you feel safe when you have it. guns don’t make me feel safe based on the crime rate where i live.
    i refuse to carry a gun because i don’t live in a third world country, im smart enough to avoid bad areas at night, and i know how to defend myself in other ways.. that includes disarming an armed attacker. if i get robbed and shot, at least i died living the way i choose to live.

    drink up man its a celebration day!

  49. Weer'd Beard says:

    Sorry, work in the private sector, need to be in the lab today.

    Neat how you say: “i refuse to carry a gun because i don’t live in a third world country” and yet most 3rd world countries deny access to private citizens to personal arms. Hmmm

    ” im smart enough to avoid bad areas at night, and i know how to defend myself in other ways.”

    So people who are victims of violent attack, murder, and rape are “Stupid” by your accusation?

    Also have you noticed that martial arts competitions have both size, and sex catagories?

    You won’t see a women’s middleweight kickboxer be matched with a Men’s heavyweight fighter. Why is that? Is it a sexist system, or is it simply an unfair fight due to raw physics.

    Oddly enugh in conventional self-defense guns, women often outshoot men of the same skill level. I know my wife groups way better with a S&W J-Frame than I do, and I don’t even consider her at my skill level.

    “f i get robbed and shot, at least i died living the way i choose to live.” I respect that, tho it does seem to be a sad waste of life, even for somebody who has proven to be as rude as you.

    And no drinking for me today, I’m carrying a gun, and that would not only be a crime, but irresponcible.

    BTW was that emotional and speculative rant (not to mention unsupported by facts) your support for your anti-gun views?

    It’s one thing to have an opinion based on igorance, it’s another to be proud of it!

  50. a. price says:

    first of all victims of attack aren’t stupid, sometimes better judgement could have been used, other times wrong place wrong time. I can, for example decide not to go walking around kensington (its in philly) late at night with a wad of hundreds hanging out of my pants. that will improve my chances of survival.
    I have given statistics about gun accidents, other industrialized nations with tougher gun laws, our high rate of kids shooting each other
    (third world countries don’t count because they do not have a functioning government, look at reality) You refute them as liberally slanted so there is no point in trying with you. You are firm in your view. Good for you. my goal is not to change your mind. Your only real argument however is “YOU ARE STUPID AND UNEDUCATED!” I know my experience I know where I live.
    The city of philadelphia would benefit from an overall gun ban IN THE CIT.Y would people still carry guns? yes! would cops have the authority to confiscate them on sight without worrying about NRA bullshit? YES! if it saves the life of one innocent person was is worth it? YES YES YES. im done with this discussion. if you keep harassing me, i’ll have no choice but to shoot….. my mouth off and argue points that have nothing to do with the topic. try me. im gearing up to defend that cups are better than bottles im EFFING serious about that too…… effing cups

  51. Weer'd Beard says:

    “I have given statistics about gun accidents, other industrialized nations with tougher gun laws, our high rate of kids shooting each other”

    No, you didn’t, but I do remember asking for citation. I think you know that there are several industrialized nations that need to be omitted before you get to the US, and those nations all have more strict gun control laws (many total bans).

    You have demonstrated your stupidity, and ignorance by your falce statements, and illogical arugments.

    “would cops have the authority to confiscate them on sight without worrying about NRA bullshit? YES!”

    I don’t normally agree with Jonah Goldberg’s statment that Liberals are facists, but you desire to allow police to violate both the 2nd and 4th Amendment (I also suspect you aren’t a fan of the 1st when it’s somebody saying somthing you don’t agree with), you are making Mr. Goldberg’s case very well. maybe you should rethink that.

    Oh and the Citys of Washington DC, and Chicago have all-out bans on guns. Their murder rates as still high.

    I’m pointing out that what you proclaim are not only violations of human rights, but also don’t actually work.

    I know you’ll ignore all of the above points made, but as I’ve said before, my goal is not to get you to concede the point to me, for I know you won’t.

    My goal is to make you look like a fool to all who are reading for NOT conceding the point, and to show the validity of my claims.

    I feel very confident in my job done, with much thanks to you.

  52. a. price says:

    the supreme court recently found the gun bans unconstitutional.. basically carrying a gun is an individual right rather than the right to have a militia.. a decision i disagree with.
    guns dont belong in crowded area….. wait…

    Cups are so much better than bottles. research has shown that in the case of plastic bottles, reusing them can be hazardous as bacteria can get in the thread of the cap and cause illness. many glass bottles aren’t re-sealable. the alternative is to not reuse them. Plastic bottles are terrible for the environment, they don’t biodegrade and just take up space. glass bottles can break and become dangerous. Recycling is the best option, but it isn’t totally efficient.
    The answer is cups! they can be cleaned and reused. you can put a lid on them for travel, and some have Batman on them. how can it get any better CUPS CUPS CUPS!


  53. Weer'd Beard says:

    My point is well proven. Thank you.

    Also BTW, I’m smart enugh to know that posting “Facts” on gun safety published by the NRA would be a strong conflict of scientific objectivity.

    Meanwhile you post from an anti-gun political lobby. (and their arguments aren’t that convincing anyway)

  54. Nomen Nescio says:

    The city of philadelphia would benefit from an overall gun ban IN THE CIT.Y would people still carry guns? yes! would cops have the authority to confiscate them on sight without worrying about NRA bullshit? YES!

    are you trying to tell me that, as things are today, i could walk down the streets of Philly with a visible gun and the cops could not take that gun away from me?

    this would surprise me very greatly indeed. i would suspect the Philadelphia P.D. could, at very minimum, ask me to produce a concealed carry permit valid in the state of Pennsylvania on pain of arrest if i don’t. after all, that’s how it seems to work most everywhere else in the nation — that’s what carry permits are supposed to be FOR, in fact.

    if it saves the life of one innocent person was is worth it? YES YES YES.

    y’know what else would save one innocent life in Philly? fill in the swimming pools. you with me on that one…?

  55. Weer'd Beard says:

    He already gave up, Nomen. No need to kick a dead horse, no matter how ignorant it may be…