Easter Bunny. (Please a bunny in a vest in bow tie who gives out jelly beans…C’mon)
Jesus (not the actual man named Jesus who was killed by romans- the magical walking on water one)
Lawmakers Who care (If they are not named Matt Denn or Jack Markell or Barack Obama I’ll give you this one.)
The Traditional Marriage. (I’ve seen a great many successful traditional marriages. Just as I’ve seen a great many successful non-traditional marriages.)
This is where the French are more civilized that us.
Whenever a powerful, influential French guy dies, his mistress shows up at the funeral. I think you need a pretty highly evolved culture for that kind of thing.
Hey I’m a big fan of Jesus – just not the Jesus your typical christian believes in, Jesus showed his distaste for traditional marriage at the wedding feast of Cana – he really did not want to change the water into wine for the major domo – he really argued with his mother about doing it – but like most of us he finally gave in to his mother and did it, just to get her off his back. Traditional marriage is a fairy tale, there is no such thing.
In terms of numbers of believers, the Jesus fairy tale.
Hands down.
Ranked biggest to smallest.
Easter Bunny. (Please a bunny in a vest in bow tie who gives out jelly beans…C’mon)
Jesus (not the actual man named Jesus who was killed by romans- the magical walking on water one)
Lawmakers Who care (If they are not named Matt Denn or Jack Markell or Barack Obama I’ll give you this one.)
The Traditional Marriage. (I’ve seen a great many successful traditional marriages. Just as I’ve seen a great many successful non-traditional marriages.)
a bunny in a vest in bow tie who gives out jelly beans
I’ve seen him.
Yeah, I have seen a huge walking bunny in a vest every year at the mall.
I have seen a whole lot of pictures of Jesus.
I have seen lawmaker who pretend to care.
What do you consider “traditional marriage?” A man with his wives and concubines? That is pretty rare.
“A man with his wives and concubines”
Now that’s a tradition I’m OK with 🙂
This is where the French are more civilized that us.
Whenever a powerful, influential French guy dies, his mistress shows up at the funeral. I think you need a pretty highly evolved culture for that kind of thing.
My ex-wives would show up to party at my funeral 🙂
Who wants to eat candied versions of bunny poop?
Politicians beat out the Traditional Marriage BS line, because one caused the other as an example of itself.
Hey I’m a big fan of Jesus – just not the Jesus your typical christian believes in, Jesus showed his distaste for traditional marriage at the wedding feast of Cana – he really did not want to change the water into wine for the major domo – he really argued with his mother about doing it – but like most of us he finally gave in to his mother and did it, just to get her off his back. Traditional marriage is a fairy tale, there is no such thing.