Last Chance To Stop The Hate – Call Every Senator, Tell Them To Oppose SB 27

Filed in Delaware by on March 26, 2009

SB 27 made it through committee on a 3-2 vote, and there’s good news and bad news. Apparently they’ve amended the language of SB 27 so that it doesn’t apply to Civil Unions. The good news is that this proves that a bill legalizing Civil Unions could pass through even Venables’ own committe, as long as we put in enough calls of support. The bad news is that this will make SB 27 easier to pass, and Bunting voted for it in committee. But that doesn’t mean it WILL pass – we need just 8 Senators to vote against this bill, because a constitutional amendment needs a 2/3rds majority to pass. Senators Sorenson and Katz voted against the bill in committee, and we can definitely count on Peterson, Sokola, and Blevins. Get ready to work the phones – Wilmington Senators Margaret Rose Henry, Harris McDowell,  and Robert Marshall  should be top targets, plus two socially progressive Republicans endorsed by the Delaware Liberty Fund, Cloutier and Connor. I’d also go for McBride (who wants to change the whole constitutional amendment process), Bushweller (endorsed by the Delaware Liberty Fund), and Bethany Hall-Long (also endorsed by the Delaware Liberty Fund). Call Senators Bunting and Ennis and tell them you’re disappointed by their votes and would like them to reconsider. And if you have the time, thank Katz and Sorenson for their support, and leave encouraging messages for Peterson, Sokola, and Blevin – you can bet the bigots are spewing hate at them all day.

The Senate switchboard is (302) 744-4286 – start calling around 9:00 AM and ask them to transfer you to the Senator of your choice. Tell them the bill is an endorsement of some religions over others (like Unitarian Universalism). Tell them we can’t afford to lose prospective entrepeneurs to New Jersey and Maryland. Tell them that infidelity threatens marriages, not homosexuality. Ask them what would have happened if they had passed a constitutional amendment banning interracial marriage in 1950. Tell them gay marriage is already illegal in Delaware, and this constitutional amendment is an attack on the progressive views of future generations.

Who did you call? What did you say? This bill hits the Senate floor today – work those phones!

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About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (26)

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  1. MJ says:

    Sen. Henry was honored by Stonewall Democrats a few years ago for her support of the community, so it’s time to call her and remind her to do the right thing.

  2. jason330 says:

    I’m not sure Ennis is the right tree to bark up. It is Vaughn’s old district and most of the active Dems are the old school dixiecrats. Economic arguments don’t hold much sway.

    That is changing a bit, but the Vaughn machinery is still in place and this type of bullshit would rank right up with building more prisons on their list of legislative priorities.

  3. a. price says:

    TNJ reported on this today… quoting Homophobe and closet David Anderson lover Pastor Joe LaCates ” if you open Pandora’s box, you’ll never get the lid back on.”
    …..Pandora… care to explain? 😉

  4. jason330 says:

    Everything is a slippery slope for these guys. Hmmmm…. I wonder why?

    Also, why does everyhting inexorably lead to beastiality?

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Is Pandora out there causing trouble again?

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Ask the Senators why they’re grandstanding on an something that is already illegal in the state. Don’t they have more important things to do?

  7. a. price says:

    pandora’s box is a slippery slope?…. hey just what kind of site IS this anyway. I thought it was a family show i read my nephew DL posts every night!

  8. a. price says:

    Crude Humor aside, Harris is getting phone calls from almost my entire block

  9. pandora says:

    Edison Kitty reminded me that what was left in Pandora’s Box after it was opened was… hope.

    Now, get your minds out of the gutter. a. price, your block is calling Harris? I wonder if we’re neighbors.

  10. anon says:

    slippery, whippery, dippery, doo.

  11. Another Mike says:

    I called McDowell’s office yesterday and left a voice mail with Sean Finnigan. I will try again this morning when I get a chance. I hope to get Finnigan on the phone (never gotten Harris himself) to pin him down.

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh, I’ve made some phone calls…I am now getting the secretaries aren’t in until after 11am–we’d prefer you call back then….anyone else?
    Earlier I got thru to two offices.

  13. PI says:

    My senator was grateful for the call since so many of the callers are the hate spewing Christians. Ya gotta love those Christians!

  14. a. price says:

    HARRIS is actually one of my neighbors.. a couple blocks down

  15. pandora says:

    Ah… he’s a few blocks from me as well. Howdy neighbor!

  16. anon says:

    Ain’t the Internet great?

  17. M. McKain says:

    One of my coworkers called yesterday and I sent out a mass emailing today, before I knew the langauge had been changed. I know calling works better, but hard to do from school with a classroom full of students. Ended up doing a full page letter as I got my dander up. Happy to share if anyone wants to read it.

  18. pandora says:

    Post it here, M.

  19. NEWS ALERT!!! I just arrived at Leg Hall and there are groups of religous right asshole biggots demonstrating. Please, if you are in the area or even an hour away, show up!.. Show your support for CIVIL RIGHTS. We must defeat SB27 and and finally WIN VICTORY wil HB5. STOP the BIGGOTS! Delaware must finally do the right thing!!!!!!!!

  20. RSmitty says:

    Per Burris per Ginger Gibson’s twit (seriously, she put it on twitter…get your mind out of the gutter!!!), SB27 defeated…not even a simple majority!

  21. a. price says:

    so, its dead right?

  22. liberalgeek says:

    deader than a doornail. Who wants to marry David Anderson?

  23. a. anderson says:


  24. a. price says:

    so who voted for it? any soon to be defeated dems?

  25. MJ says:

    As we say in Hebrew – Baruch Hashem (Thank G-D)!

  26. a. price says:

    l’chiam MJ