Archive for March, 2009

Can the FDIC survive the Obama/Geithner Plan?

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 7 Comments

I’m no financial genius like Tim Geithner, but it seems to me that the current Obama/Geithner plan puts the FDIC under a hell of a lot of stress. And if people think that their CD’s and meager savings are not safe in Wilmington Trust and other “healthy” banks – then we are talking full blown, […]

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Wanna Get Depressed?

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 47 Comments

Read the last 15 or so posts at Eschaton about the Obama administration’s new plan to throw ever more money in the money furnace. They are short. Krugman: This plan will produce big gains for banks that didn’t actually need any help; it will, however, do little to reassure the public about banks that are […]

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BSG Goes to the UN

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 2 Comments

I’ve never seen the new show, but I know people really love it.  Edward James Olmos makes an appearance at the UN deconstructing the social construction of the idea of race: [youtube][/youtube]

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‘Bulo’s Music for the Masses

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 2 Comments

The Beast Who Slumbers likes this weekend trend of sharing favorite music and other cultural touchstones with the blognoscenti. It enables ‘bulo and others to take time to savor life’s pleasures and perhaps consign the political slings and barbs to the corner of the e-closet.  Today, El Somnambulo offers up a couple of his current […]

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Around the Horn Friday, er ah, Saturday…er ah..

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 7 Comments

You will all have to forgive me, but I am on a mini vacation to Las Vegas right now, so Around the Horn Friday will be delayed until Monday.

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Funny haha

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 4 Comments


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Visit The DelawareLiberal Booth at the Great Green Expo

Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 11 Comments

I’ll be manning the booth* today at the Great Green Expo from about 11:00. *In the interest of sustainability, does not have a “booth” per se. In the same way that this broadsheet is not printed on paper, our booth occupies a mental space rather than a physical space.  Anyway, say hello if you […]

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Filed in National by on March 21, 2009 9 Comments

Which one the bigger fairy tale? The Easter Bunny, Jesus, “The Traditional Marriage”, Lawmakers care about you

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Late Night Oddity: Koyaanisqatsi

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 10 Comments

This is the complete theatrical release of Koyaanisqatsi (1982), music by Phillip Glass. Update:

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FYI:Gmail users

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 2 Comments

If you have Gmail, now you can find out which mailing list is selling your address to spammers! h/t suburbanguerrilla

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Pretty much..

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 2 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] h/t

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Quote of the Day

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 4 Comments

Paul Krugman writes: Life is easy if you’re a conservative. Even if conservatives fail completely while in power, they can turn around and say, “See — that proves our point. Government doesn’t work!”

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Bracket of Evil

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 10 Comments
Bracket of Evil

More March Madness from CREDO: “Use the bracket below to vote for the most malevolent forces in American politics – we’ll let you know when the results are in for each round so that you can see your evil favorites all the way through to the championship. Just click on the people/corporations you want to […]

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