Archive for March, 2009

Deep Budget Thought

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 3 Comments

Someday in the future, when the last Delaware smoker buys the last pack of cigarettes, it will cost him $90.00. $89.00 of which will be taxes.

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Why I Hate The Media Part: CXVIIDCM

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 4 Comments
Why I Hate The Media Part: CXVIIDCM

Devil’s Tower point’s to the right-wing meme going around about FDR and the great depression  – but the larger issue is that conservatives have learned how to manipulate the media. Conservatives  know that the media will accept anything… ANYTHING… that right wingers say as factual, provided they say it repeatedly. Even the esteemed Allan Loudell […]

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Happy Anniversary, John Atkins

Filed in Delaware by on March 27, 2009 21 Comments

It was on this day, 2 years ago that John Atkins tearfully resigned on the floor of the State House of Representatives. That was a great day.  Too bad we’ve had a string of bad days with him since.

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Operation Chaos

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 11 Comments

Remember Rush Limbaugh and his Operation Chaos, where he wanted his mindless followers to change their party registration from Republican to Democratic so that they could vote for Hillary Clinton in the Pennsylvania primary and in other states so as to prolong the divisive Democratic primary? Well, Delaware is two steps away from making it […]

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GOP Reaches Back.

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 10 Comments

Steve Forbes? Is that the guy with those strange buggy eyes that thought being related to a rich family meant that he could be President? The magazine publisher and one-time presidential candidate will make a visit to some familiar territory when he comes to Wilmington’s Hotel du Pont on April 7 to accept the fourth […]

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Ask Dr. Liberal

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 11 Comments

A reader writes in: Dear Dr. Liberal. I gave my boss, who I like and respect, an expensive little lacquer box that I got on vacation. She said she loved it and made a big fuss when I gave it to here, but when I was back in her office later that day, my jaw […]

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UPDATED: Delaware to Be Eliminated Under GOP Budget Plan

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009 12 Comments
UPDATED: Delaware to Be Eliminated Under GOP Budget Plan

This post was even funnier once I saw the actual GOP plan: From the indescribable Nate Silver:

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The Wall of Hate

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009 69 Comments

John C. Atkins Brad Bennett Donald Blakey Greg Lavelle Joseph Booth Biff Lee Daniel Short George Carey Pam Thornburg Bill Carson Robert Walls Gerald Hocker David Wilson Bobby Outten Those above hate their fellow man, not for anything a person has done, but because of who a person is. In my perfect world, these people […]

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A Great Day for Equality in Delaware

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009 11 Comments

Fresh from the news that the Marriage Discrimination Bill went down to defeat in the Senate, we now learn that the House has passed HB5, the anti-discrimination bill sponsored by House Majority Leader Peter Schwartzkopf (D-Rehoboth) that would finally prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. The vote was 26-14. According to the House Press Release, […]

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Breaking:’Sanctity of Marriage’ Bill Defeated

Filed in Delaware by on March 26, 2009 21 Comments

Sen. Robert Venables’ attempt to permanently outlaw same-sex marriage was defeated in the State Senate today. The roll call for SS1 for SB 27 was 9 in favor, 11 opposed, and one not voting. Because this was the first leg of a constitutional amendment, 14 affirmative votes were needed for passage. Instead, the vote failed […]

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Michelle Bachmann is Stupid or Evil, or Both.

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009 9 Comments

The Fire Breathing Traitorous McCarthyite Representative Michelle Bachmann has engaged in yet another fire breathing display of drama. But this time, it seems she does not understand what she is so angry about, or she does understand, and is just trying to gin up a false controversy, since, as we all know, the Republicans stand […]

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Really NCAA..? (w/ apologies to Seth Meyers)

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009 7 Comments

You are really going to punish Delaware because we have sports betting? Really? You have playoff games in Las Vegas Nevada, but you are really going to punish Delaware? Really? Delaware sports betting is going to harm the purity of sport…really? When you run Division 1 football and basketball like feeder programs for the NFL […]

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Republicans Unveil Their Budget Plan… Or Not

Filed in National by on March 26, 2009 8 Comments

Tax cuts for the rich?  Check. What?  Were you expecting more?  Apparently so were reporters… “Two nights ago, the president said, ‘We haven’t seen a budget yet out of Republicans.’ Well, it’s just not true, because here it is, Mr. President,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), waving a blue document in the air. […]

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