The Society We’ve Chosen

Filed in National by on April 4, 2009

The Binghamton Massacre

by Steven D
Sat Apr 4th, 2009 at 01:38:32 PM EST

It doesn’t matter to me why a “crazed” or “evil” (take your pick) individual walked into an immigration services center in Binghamton, New York and shot and killed 14 peopleseemingly at random. Just like it doesn’t matter to me why the kids at Columbine wanted to kill their whole school, or the Virginia Tech shooter wanted to to shoot as many of his fellow students and faculty members as he could before dying, or why the man in Alabama who killed 11 people thought it was a good idea to go on a revenge rampage. Or why anyone decides to take a gun and shoot a spouse, girlfriend or themselves. Discerning the motivations or reasons why people kill each other with firearms is, in the end, a fruitless endeavor. For this is the society we’ve chosen.

We’ve chosen to live in a society where firearms, both the legal and illegal varieties, are ubiquitous. We’ve chosen to allow a single issue special interest group to promote laws(and heavily fund the campaigns of politicians who support their agenda) that make it easier than ever for anyone to buy, carry and use firearms of all kinds, from small caliber concealable pistols to large caliber machine guns.

Read the whole thing.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. Weer'd Beard says:

    “We’ve chosen to allow a single issue special interest group to promote laws(and heavily fund the campaigns of politicians who support their agenda) that make it easier than ever for anyone to buy, carry and use firearms of all kinds, from small caliber concealable pistols to large caliber machine guns.”

    Nice Strawman, but the NRA hasn’t taken any stance on the NFA, so either your research is flawed, your terms or bad, or you’re attempting a strawman argument.

    I’m not sure if one could call the NRA a “Single Issue interest group”, as the American gun culture has many facets, from hunting, conservation and outdoors activates, to target shooting, to personal defense, the NRA covers them all….but of course all their activities cover firearms related issues….but then again the AARP won’t admit anybody under age 55…

    Of course this sick bastard in Binghamton was in direct violation of multiple firearms and criminal laws, which the NRA supports.

    Better luck next time.

  2. jason330 says:

    You are having a bad day.

  3. Weer'd Beard says:

    Yeah, had better days. Young Friend’s Funeral, Missed it because my Truck’s clutch failed. Repair is gonna cost some coin.

    Thanks for your condolences, Jason.

  4. John Tobin says:

    I am kind of thinking it might not be so bad to have some understanding of why people commit violent acts. Maybe it might help some other violent acts from being committed in the future.

    Even if you take guns out of the equation, figuring out ways to avoid violence will be necessary. John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer did plenty of killing without needing guns. Before there were guns in Europe I think quite a few Vikings pillaged the coastline.

    It’s not inconsistent to want to limit access to guns and to want to have research done to understand criminal behavior . My vote is more knowledge is better.

  5. Tom S. says:

    Seriously dawg, ask yourself why all of this has been going down in the last 15 years when Americans had easier access to firearms before and potentially more destructive arms and ammunition were available.

    Its the people, not the guns.