Thursday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on April 9, 2009

As I get ready to visit an old rat whose fondness of children is too Jacksonesque for my taste and his friend, a mumbling duck who is a bit too comfortable with his sexuality, I present to you Thursday’s Open Thread.

In case you didn’t stop by Delaware Liberal yesterday, you missed us taking down the National Organization for Marriage a notch or two, some talk about the harrasment of women on the streets of Wilmington, a discussion of Gov. Markell’s education budget, and some enjoyment over the Palin-Johnston feud.

You might have missed in Wednesday’s Open Thread where Unstable Isotope pointed us to a rather humorous story about how ACORN is going to tea bag the tea baggers and some talk about the Phillies and pirates — the Somali kind.

Some other talking points for today could be:

Feel free to step right into the fray. I promise, we’ll be gentle.

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About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. pandora says:

    And then there’s Texas Rep. Betty Brown who thinks Asian Americans should change their names to make voting easier.

  2. nemski says:

    Maybe Texans should stop talking stupidly so we could understand them better.

  3. anon says:

    I heard that Mike Protack was bitch slapped by Al Mascitti this morning. Today is a good day.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    I heard that bitch-slapping and it was a thing to behold. Al just seemed to not be interested in hearing the usual litany of disinformation and let loose.

    Al was really good on the fundamental problem of today’s conservatives too — in that they have lots of principles, but nothing to truly govern from. Which I thought made them sound something like one of the many Third Parties.

  5. JimD says:

    The problem modern conservatives face is that most people are beginning to see their cries over spending as the cynical political ploys they are. Ask any conservative what they’d like to cut out of a budget and it’ll consist entirely of things that go to minorities and poor people, people who vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers. But they’ll never cut funding for farmers or rich folks.

    The best example of this is the Defense budget. Secretary Gates (someone who has served under two Republican Presidents) went through the Defense budget and cut out unnecessary spending, all the while still spending more on defense than was spent last year. However, conservatives still bashed the budget as making America less safe.

    This should be their new slogan: “Conservatism: Willing to make the hard decision to defund things we don’t like anyway”

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    Agree Jim, but I also think one of the problems conservatives have is they can no longer disguise their programs in happy talk.

    Is there a link to the Protack smackdown? I can’t tell you how much nicer it is around here without Protack spam everywhere.

    I’m as confused as anyone else as to why there is so little outrage about the war profiteers.

    I got an email from Credo that the “Bracket of Evil” champion is Karl Rove. I’m not surprised, although my personal vote is for Dick Cheney.