Holder Chooses Experience Over Politics

Filed in National by on April 9, 2009

The new Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, is beginning to keep his word by making appointments based on experience rather than political litmus tests, say did you graduate from Regents University.

Said one prosecutor:

The attorney general is really making sure that people understand there’s a new sheriff in town, and prosecutors are going to have to abide by the rules just like everybody else. It’s no secret there have been major problems with the integrity of the Department of Justice over the past eight years, from Washington all the way down to assistant U.S. attorneys. That’s why [Holder] has to take such a public stance on this.

Competence over ideology. Apparently elections do matter.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    The problem I see: the Regents University graduates now have experience. If he’s rewarding competence, that’s a different story. Really, I don’t care about the political ideology of the justice department officials as long as they do their job in a non-partisan manner. They should prosecute corruption wherever it’s found and be committed to truth and justice.