Tea Parties Could Backfire On Republicans

Filed in National by on April 13, 2009

Well, they wanted our attention, and now they’ve got it.  All eyes, cameras and microphones will be on Wednesday’s Tea Parties, and if I were a Republican I’d be very nervous.  For the last few weeks we’ve seen snippets of what’s to come – and it ain’t pretty.  Although I will give conservatives credit.  They’ve united their base under the most disjointed, jumbled set of talking points ever un-assembled.  The You Tube clips will be priceless.

But here’s the Republican dilemma.  Can they withstand another failed PR stunt?  More importantly, can they withstand any sort of aggressiveness or violent rhetoric by the tea baggers – especially given the over the top statements put forth by conservative media types and Republican members of Congress?  These dots will easily connect in a very bad way.  What have they gotten themselves into?  These tea baggers are really angry, and most of them don’t know why.  And that’s the problem.  The machine behind these tea parties was more interested in creating a pretend grassroots movement than in organizing a cohesive, easily understood message.  Now, that message – and I still have no idea what that is – has been left in the hands of a ragtag team of protesters who will cry socialism, but never consider giving up their Medicare card.

Republicans have promised a show.  Everyone has purchased a ticket.  And given the way this thing has heated up, the best the Republicans can hope for is… rain.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    They’ve united their base under the most disjointed, jumbled set of talking points ever un-assembled.

    They want their country back. Or they want their country music back…Or something.

    Also…Taxes are too high! Porkulus! Paris Hilton needs 100% of her inheritance!

  2. pandora says:

    Add in socialism/communism/fascism (take your pick), FEMA camps, Obama will take your guns and your children. Quite a big tent.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t really see how they can win from them. Perhaps if they have a huge turnout of peaceful, sane protesters. I think they have a big problem because nobody really understands what these tea parties are protesting. They’ll get a whole range of people with different agendas, never a good thing for great publicity.

  4. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Supposedly there is strength in numbers:

    let’s count theirs 🙂

  5. Truth Teller says:

    Taxes haven’t been raised in this country on the Federal level since 1993 that’s 16 years ago where have these tea baggers been

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Depending upon how complicit the so-called liberal media is in reporting their narrative, I suspect that this whole thing is going to look a lot like Terri Schiavo mess — where Rs basically looked undone and unhinged. And there is little messaging to be had when you are basically just appalling people.

  7. pandora says:

    This entire stunt is a recipe for disaster. Even if it goes as planned WTF is the point?

  8. Will the MSM shy away from showing the extreme elements in full loonerific flower, or will they cover it like the protesters at the G-8 economic summit, making them look like dangerous rabble?

    Other than the usual suspects (the blogs and MSNBC), ‘bulo suspects the usual double standard will apply. In the interest of ‘fairness’, the unhinged will be consigned to footnote status. The Beast Who Slumbers expects CNN especially to come up small, except for Jack Cafferty.

    Prove him wrong.

  9. a. price says:

    but which one are they? are they a loony bunch of twits who will run around getting laughed at by everyone who has ever tea-bagged a bunk mate at summer camp while another friend took a picture than sent the whole thing to his girlfriend back home? or, given the Right Wing Supremacist penchant for fertilizer bombs, guns, and cross burnings, are they actually dangerous……