Facts Are Alien to Teabaggers.

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009

What exactly were they protesting yesterday? High Taxes?

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  1. jason330 says:

    I love this guy.

    If this teabag party was a science fiction movie – all the teabaggers would have had the classic “DOES NOT COMPUTE…DOES NOT COMPUTE” feedback loop breakdown.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    That was great. For a moment, I considered shouting out a question to Rick Jensen, asking why he hated America. Then I realized that I would have to make my way to the door through a hundred frenzied gun nuts to get out of the room.

  3. Perry says:

    They themselves don’t really know what they want!

    One thing for sure, they are the No, No, No folks.

    And there is no accountability for what they have already done the past eight years.

    T.E.A. = Taxed Enough Already. Where does that come from? Anyone having any knowledge whatsoever knows that there has not been a tax increase since 1993, and that Obama is giving a tax break to most American workers, the “largest tax cut in history”.

    The facts don’t matter, which is why the protests were pitiful, even laughable, if it were not for the right wing extremists out there with their threats. To that serious attention has to be given. I for one believe them, as the radical right has actualized their threats in the past.

    And Gov Perry has threatened to secede. These people call themselves patriots?

    The GOP continues to sink, themselves!

  4. pandora says:

    Bi-partisan, eh?

  5. Bob says:

    The protest are not about high taxes. The protests are about the outrageous spending and intrusion of the federal government in our lives and business. It really is that simple. Our government told one of our car companies you are to be taken over by Fiat (there must be a pun in there somewhere) or shut down. Make this kind of car or go out of business. This is but one example of the out of control federal government and if you cannot see that by yourselves, there are those that can and are willing to stand up for your benefit.

  6. pandora says:

    Bob, could you get together with your fellow protesters, work out exactly what you’re against, and then get back to us? Thanks!

  7. Bob says:

    Have I been unclear ? Why do I need to agree completely with everyone from any side. I simply state my pov. If you care to argue those points, I am more than happy to oblige.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Well to start with, this:

    Our government told one of our car companies you are to be taken over by Fiat (there must be a pun in there somewhere) or shut down. Make this kind of car or go out of business.

    isn’t true. Chrysler is looking for substantial continued bailout funds, and apparently their private equity owners will not be sinking any more money into them. Chrysler is not strong enough to continue on its own. So it gets a partner OR it goes to Bankruptcy. Chrysler does have choices here. And none of these companies has to produce more energy efficient — and more competitive — cars. The can’t just continue on their past trajectory of failure on the taxpayer dime.

  9. Bob says:

    It is not the governments business to tell a company it must go into bankruptcy. Period. And yes this government made that statement. It never should have put money in. It certainly has no business in business. And yes, the reason they chose Fiat is the goverment is requiring that Fiat transfer small car building technology to Chrysler as a part of the deal.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    If that business is asking for taxpayer funds to survive, you better believe that the government gets to put some conditions on those funds.

    And the government didn’t choose Fiat. Fiat and Chrysler were already looking at a deal. Chrysler does not have to do this merger,you know. They still have the opportunity of bankruptcy.

  11. Bob says:

    As I said the government should never have put money in. It is not the governments business to have invested, but it worked in their favor. They are thinking green. Go broke or go environmental. Here’s 6 billion if you turn your dealerships over to nice new eurocars.

  12. Geezer says:

    Yeah, we get it, Bob. Your conservative principles are more important than saving the economy or a million manufacturing jobs.

    We’ll get back to you if anything opens up.

  13. Bob says:

    You are not saving the jobs, not by a long shot and not in the long term. So yes, let em go broke. If we have too many people making cars they will have to do something else. Same for whatever. Companies which have mismanaged themselves into ruin should be allowed to fail and be replace by productive capable companies, if they provide a necessary service, otherwise no loss.

  14. Bob says:

    In order to be competetive we need to be able to accomplish things other countries cannot, we need to be more productive. Honestly we need more high tech workers, we need more from our population than filling the lug nut machine for a car line. If we had that people could afford the damn houses they bought.

  15. Bob says:

    You do not advance without leaving something behind.

  16. R Smitty says:

    but when they come for unemployment or food stamps or both, let them pound sand!!! Grrrr!

  17. Bob says:

    Where does that come from ? Uninsurance is paid for and due when qualified for. Same for other assistance, The 140 Billion they gave AIG would go a long way for the unemployed.