Monday’s Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009

Some things to discuss might be the anniversaries of Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City bombing and Columbine. Or you can talk about the problems in tracking food scares in the United States (NYT),  the Summit of the Americas (Miami Herald) or that Senator-elect Al Franken has started picking a staff for DC (Minneapolis Star-Tribune). Hey, even post you own links.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. I was on my ship the day of the OKC bombing. We all just stood in front of the television in front of the galley and waited to see if they caught the arab guy that did this.

    We went on alert I think that day too or more specific the Defcon went 1 level higher.

  2. nemski says:

    Yeah, I remember the Oklahoma City bombing. The people I worked with were convinced it was A-rabs as well. Turns out it was just some Radical Right white guys with gun fetishes.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Conservatives go nuts over a handshake between Obama and Chavez. Obama laughs them off.

    Conservatives also think of a new insult for Obama – “economic fascism.”

    I don’t know why people should take conservatives seriously anymore. They are just silly now.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Turns out it was just some Radical Right white guys with gun fetishes.

    Hmm…yeah, but McVeigh also had a major hangover from Desert Storm and was pissed as hell at the US (I believe blaming the Desert Storm-admin of GHWB, as well as the handling of the Waco compound on Reno), utilizing the shitty-justification term of “collateral damage” to explain why he had no reservations for his actions. I honestly don’t think Republican or Democratic meant a rat’s ass to McVeigh. In his view, he was administering retribution against the US on behalf of the world. A retribution against two administrations from different sides of the aisle.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    McVeigh did register as Republican, but later self-identified as a Libertarian. The Libertarians have disavowed him, however.

    He was also a member of the NRA.

  6. nemski says:

    A little touch there RSmitty . . . . I said Radical Right . . . not Republican.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I was in St. Louis on the day of the OKC bombings and I had the same reaction that I would have a few years later on Sept. 11th. A desire to hop in the car and drive there to help out in any way possible.

    The wife talked me out of it both times, and I likely would have been more of a hindrance than a help.

  8. RSmitty says:

    Just giving perspective, that’s all. Now go get me my Corona, beeeyatch!

    OK, seriously, I recognize that many of the compound-crazies are right-wing radicals, but I am talking off-the-scale radicals. If lethal violence is their way of gaining their type of government, then they aren’t part of our political system, period. Complacency to their beliefs is acceptance. To be careful, I mean apathy. If there is engagement and something to bring to the table and work with, that’s not complacency. To go “la-la-la” and pretend nothing is amiss, that’s complacency.

  9. RSmitty says:

    Oh, the Corona demand was to LG.

    Nemski – I know. I just don’t want to forget what these domestic terrorists, like McVeigh, were spouting off, allowing them to justify themselves. I am a huge believer in not forgetting history. While what he did is 100% unforgivable and vile, we also can’t forget that the US has NOT (edited in – I forgot that key word) been the best global neighbor, despite what many of the ignorant spout off.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    It also looks like Murphy may actually win over Tedisco in NY-20, according to Nate.

    So I’m thinking that this means that Tedisco will follow through with his Party’s new-found embrace of lawsuits.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Meagan McCain says that Karl Rove following her in Twitter is creepy.

    I can believe that.

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    It is kind of creepy when some people follow you. After I made a remark about Jackie Chan on Twitter (about his Chinese people need to be controlled remark) I got an email that Jackie Chan is now following me on Twitter. So, I think Twitter can be both fun and creepy. I’m not sure I like it as much as Facebook or other social media.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Speaking of litigious Republicans, Coleman filed his appeal to the MN Supreme Court today. Senator Franken by Memorial Day?

  14. OKC Bombings: I was in high school, copycat bombthreats got me out of classes four times in one week. The first one they allowed kids to go home for “emotional distress.”

    Columbine: I just got to Dover AFB from tech school training, and didn’t know the difference between Rt 10, Rt 13, and Rt 113. I was so overwhelmed being in a new place with new experiences, that I was pretty much numb. Maybe a “Damn, that sucks, where is the flightline?”