Wonder What Mike Castle Thinks About This?

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009

John Cornyn is very nervous about any ability for Repubs to stop the Senate from getting to 60 or more in 2010:

“Everybody who runs could be the potential tipping point to get Democrats to 60. We’ve not only got to play defense; we’ve got to claw our way back in 2010. It’ll be a huge challenge.”

So far this cycle, Republicans have been faced with retirements in four swing states, emerging primaries against at least three of their members and a map that, after two cycles of big GOP losses, continues to favor Democrats.

For Cornyn, the man tasked with avoiding sinking below 41 seats, it’s become a very tough job. And it’s clear he’s nervous.

Aside from all the developments so far, the one race Cornyn brought up unprompted in a lengthy interview with The Hill was Texas, where Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) is aiming for the governor’s mansion and could vacate her seat at any time, paving the way for an open, no-primary free-for-all in the Lone Star State.

Indications lately have been that she will remain in her seat, which isn’t up until 2012. But her Texas colleague made it clear Monday that he’s not counting his blessings just yet.

“What I am concerned about is that it will be a special election that will be held perhaps as early as May 2010,” Cornyn said. “I don’t want this to turn into a situation where we elect a Democrat in Texas and further erode our possibilities.”

I am ceding the commentary on this to Ta-Nehesi Coates:

I don’t think Cornyn should worry so much. The way forward is clear: Talk more about tea parties and torture. Have thrice-married, known adulterers, offer more sanctimonious lectures to Americans on “traditional marriage.” Then have thrice-married, cross-dressing Manhattanites make the case against gay marriage. Make Sarah Palin the face of your party. Keep Dick Cheney talking. And when all else fails, just ask yourself this question, “What would Rush do?” Follow these steps, and I promise, you will give new meaning to the term “minority party.” You have the power.

Indeed they do. But this article does note that Castle getting into the Senate race here in Delaware makes this race very competitive for them, although Cornyn does not have a commitment yet. Cornyn makes a few references to how hard their recruiting has been — the out of power party is not just very unpopular (which is tough to see via the media), but I’d expect that they are having a tough time getting people ready to run the purity gauntlet. The paragraph I posted from Coates’ place summarizes pretty well what any candidate needs to embrace. The question is who can hang all of this stuff around Castle’s neck (if he runs) and win?

About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (18)

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  1. jason330 says:

    For the billionth time. Castle is not running for the Senate.

    Stamp it, book it, and roll it on a ding dong.

  2. jason330 says:

    BTW – Since Castle is 100% NOT running, he needs to step up and tell everyone so that the Republicans can organize a counter to Wingnutress O’Donnell.

    Every minute that he stays mum he is driving his you-know-what a little more deeply into the DE GOP’s you-know-where.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Would O’Donnell drop out, even if Castle was running? I wonder what a primary between those two would look like?

    I imagine recruiting is not only difficult because they have to pass the Limbaugh test but also because a new Senator probably isn’t eager to start in a do-nothing minority.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    …and would anyone really jump in at the end of the line in The Bataan Death March?

  5. Castle can’t run for the senate, it will be an embarrassingly disgraceful way to end his political career, and he wouldn’t want to do it unless he decided to fall on the sword for the party. Even then it would be a Bill Lee-type campaign where he when through the motions, knowing he would lose.

    He either retires or pushes through for another election in the only seat he can possibly win.

  6. anonone says:

    Castle is getting pressure to run for Senate? Whoda thunk?

    If Castle runs, he wins.

    Wrap that in your ding-dong.

  7. jason330 says:

    Poor chap.

    “IF” monkeys flew out of my ass I could join a circus.

  8. Don’t google that. You’ll find it.

  9. anonone says:

    For the billionth and one time, you don’t know that.

    Wipe that on your Tasty Cake.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    I’m with A1. Castle wants to run, he wins. I just don’t know if he wants to run.

    Unless… Matt Denn decides that he wants the seat.

  11. a. price says:

    *mike castle mike protack gay love comment”*
    ram THAT in your honey bun

  12. RSmitty says:

    Wrap it up in your ding-dong? Shouldn’t it be wrapped up in your ho-ho?

    All these years and I just realized:
    Ding-Dongs and Ho-Hos from the same company. WTF were they thinking?! 😈

  13. jason330 says:

    I can’t believe the magical powers that otherwise sane commenters attribute to Mike Castle.

    Nobody can back up their outlandish claims that Castle could win with anything other than more admissions that they have taken a leap of faith in Castle’s fairy dust.

    It is sad really. I pity you douche nozzles.

    As for me, my position is backed up by facts an figures.

    1) Castle is 199 years old.

    2) Castle has not run a real race since prohibition.

    3) Delaware is 89% Dem.

    4) Castle has raised $70 k.

    5) Liberalgeek is a douchnozzle.

    6) Castle has never faced the wrath of CARPER!!!

  14. anonone says:

    Ha ha

  15. a. price says:

    but for some reason he keeps winning. *in a booming english accent* “Perhaps it is WWEEEE who are the douche nozzels!!!”

  16. cassandra_m says:

    1. Depending upon who runs against him, Castle may not have to run much for a Senate seat, either.

    2. Delaware’s 89% Dems have been voting for Castle since the Jurassic age. (See item 1)

    3. Not much money in the bank for Castle means he hasn’t been asking for it. If he does, that number will change and change quickly.

    4. The thing you need to bolster your argument is a Dem candidate for Biden’s seat. Until then you aren’t too far from sacrificing chickens to your orishas here.

    5. (Edit) Never underestimate the power of a politician’s ego. Being a part of a concerted effort to bring the GOP back (depending upon who they get to put on the field) can be a compelling reason to armor up one more time.

  17. jason330 says:

    I’m going to ask me number one deep cover mole in Castle’s office – then you’ll all be sorry you doubted me.

  18. anonone says:

    I won’t be sorry about anything until Castle says something himself. Your “number one deep cover mole in Castle’s office” just may be a double agent giving you the “old double crossky.”

    Melt that on your cheesesteak.