Mike Castle Needs His Ass Kissed

Filed in Delaware by on April 23, 2009

I knew this would not stick…


Posted: Aug. 1, 2008

Delaware Grapevine is shutting down.

It has lasted six years, as long as it can under precarious financial circumstances.

Thanks to everyone who said in that singsong way, ” I loooove the Grapevine.” Thanks to everyone who groused, “Can’t you write more?” The meaning was really the same.

In the words of Andre Agassi, the great tennis player: “To do something you love is a luxury of life. And to do something you love and have it appreciated is overwhelming.”

Rumor has it that Celia will be back inaction very soon. Which makes perfect sense.

It is a cheap, off the books, campaign expense for Castle and since Wrong Williams just transcribes Cohen, it is like a “two for one” deal.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Belinsky says:

    Jason has problems conceiving of a local political blog that checks spelling, that doesn’t cream of walking nekkid through Smyrna, that digs a bit for facts …

  2. jason330 says:

    that digs a bit for facts …

    I know you are not talking about Cohen here. Buzzbait maybe?

  3. anon says:

    digs a bit for facts …

    “Digging” means answering the Princess phone on the nightstand..

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    She’s back in action. She was at the NCCo Democratic party convention last night. I don’t know why – it was pretty boring.

  5. Belinsky says:

    As UI points out, being a real reporter means spending lots of time in patient, unglamorous source-building. Anon reaches for obligatory gender-specific imagery.

    As many of us recall, John Atkins lost his job thanks to Delaware Grapevine.

  6. nemski says:

    Confused Hungarian says, “What?!”

  7. ‘Bulo has secured an advance copy of her first story:

    “DuPont to wear Gold-Leaf Diapers at Nursing Home”

  8. anonone says:

    She’s getting ready for Castle’s Senate campaign.

  9. jason330 says:

    As many of us recall, John Atkins lost his job thanks to Delaware Grapevine.

    Granted. She called the Milton police.

    …but Jesus H. Christ! Don’t ya think she could have had maybe…I don’t know….two… decent stories for blog’s 6 year run?

    One fucking decent investigative story in 6 years. Meanwhile she wrote counter-factual after counter-factual BLOG POST about Mike Castle being a “moderate.” I mean really. Excuse me for not genuflecting.

    I look forward to the next crackerjack investigative report from Celia in 2014. I can hardly wait!

  10. jason330 says:


    Clearly. Castle knows that with Celia, he gets what he pays for.

  11. anonone says:

    Well, you know, it is people like Celia who put the ticks in politics.

  12. R Smitty says:

    Actually, this thing about Celia, has been floating around for a few weeks. Dual PT gigs is what I hear. One statewide, the other, part of the state.

  13. X Stryker says:

    Remember when Celia was sure Copeland was gonna beat Denn? Comedy gold.

  14. nooneimportant says:

    Oh it’s true. There is an ad in this month’s DE Today promoting it. While looking through DT I happened upon it, and it looks like they’ll be hosting the “blog” too.