24 Percent

Filed in National by on April 24, 2009

A recent Pew Research Center poll shows that America, in general, is very happy with President Obama. Turns out that the Republican Party with their sore loser cries, tea bags and faux indignation could only muster a  top off at 24% unfavorable rating toward America’s president. Compare this to  the Worst.President.Ever had a 35% unfavorable rating well into his first year when he was busy clearing bush from his Texas ranch and denying that we were in a recession.

But let’s not dwell on the half-glass empty scenario. President Obama has a 73% favorable rating and a job approval rating for the first 100 days at 63%. The Worst.President.Ever was at 61% and 56% respectively. Suck on that Limbaugh.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Turns out that the Republican Party with their sore loser cries, tea bags and faux indignation only top off at 24% unfavorable rating toward America’s president.

    I am confused by this sentence. Do you mean to say that the Republican Party only has a 24% unfavorable rating, or that only 24% of Republicans have an unfavorable rating towards Obama, or that Obama has a 24% unfavorable rating?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I was confused as well, DD. I think it means that Obama has a 24% favorable rating with Republicans, if I had to guess.

  3. nemski says:

    Why don’t you click on the link?

  4. nemski says:

    Turns out that the Republican Party with their sore loser cries, tea bags and faux indignation could only muster a 24% unfavorable rating toward America’s president.

  5. The ratings will not hold.

    Guaranteed by summer he will be below 50%.

    Why? Iran, Pakistan, General Motors, 10% unemployment, trillion dollar budget shortfalls, increased taxes and the inability to blame someone else.

    The man is an abject failure overwhelmed by the job and completely misunderstands the gravity of being President.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    You’ve already done this once, Mr. Shallow Bench. You predicted dismal approval ratings by spring a few months ago.

    Just because you are bleeding resentment doesn’t mean that everyone else will. But it does mean that since you’ve proven over and over again that you’ve no idea how to manage data there is no reason whatsoever to pay attention to your predictions.

  7. nemski says:

    Protack’s only hope is failure.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    Mr. Shallow Bench has only a few tricks, his most used one is predicting Obama’s failure. I wish he go back to trolling some other blog.