Al Gore Among the Wingnuts –Part 1

Filed in National by on April 25, 2009


Rep. Marsha Blackburn contributes to our understanding of the business of climate change by accusing known socialist — Al Gore — for investing in climate change industries rather than have the state take them over. Or maybe she thinks that the State should take over the means of the production of global warming. Whatever her issue is, you can see the usual politics of personal destruction on display here. The fact that the audience started laughing at her was a nice touch. Just hope they pointed, too.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. donviti says:

    love the attempt at Gotcha on this one. How do these people get elected man

  2. nemski says:

    From LeftWingCracker on Blackburn when she was running for Congress:

    . . . while Blackburn is a neocon’s neocon, and would believe that the moon is made of green cheese if Cheney told her so. Who knows, privately, he may have!

    So, on that basis, whom would I rather see in that seat? Well, since A) I believe Blackburn should have gone to jail for inciting the near-riots surrounding the income-tax vote in the State Senate, and B) she is a Bush-Cheney parrot, and C) she lives in that most right-wing county, Williamson, I would go for Leatherwood.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Do these idiots realize how dumb they sound or are they incapable of shame?

  4. Rebecca says:

    That faked ingeniousness, that the right-wingers have raised to an art form, purely makes me want to puke. “Oh I’m not accusing you of anything Mr. Gore, I’m just asking for clarification for my constituents.” What a crock, and I’m so glad Gore called her out on it. Whiney, ingnorant witch.

    Does everyone in Williamson County, TN walk around with a bag over their head?

  5. a. price says:

    he pwnd that bitch