Deep Thought of the Night.

Filed in National by on April 28, 2009

With all the talk of the Democrats getting 60 votes tonight, the traditional media seems to forget that Arlen Specter is not automatically now a liberal, and that Franken has still not been seated, and …

Getting all 60 Democrats to vote together will be like herding rabid guinea pigs in a thunderstorm.

Yes, Gail Collins is right. Republicans are the ones that generally fall in line and do whatever their leaders tell them, with the Stimulus Bill being only the latest example. We Democrats disagree with each other even when we agree with other.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Not only are you wrong, but you are f*cking wrong!


    I was chatting with a friend this evening and I asked if he remembered when Specter was in line to take over the Judiciary committee and the GOP gave him bloody hell. It should have been automatic — he was senior — but the wingnuts didn’t think he was pure enough. So we had the long and painful view of Specter contorting this way and that to meet their litmus tests. It was among the most humiliating things I’ve ever seen done to another person. Specter is probably thinking about that tonite as he is downing his martinis — pwned!

  2. jason330 says:

    To paraphrase the great Samuel Beckett (born April 13, 1906 BTW), the media are a bunch of bloody ignorant apes.

    Yes they will run around with the stupid “filibuster proof majority” story line. Yes the morons on the news will knit their brows and say “Obama has a free hand now to do what he wants.”

    Yes they will be wrong, but guess what? To your average news consumer it is going to sound like this: “The popular guy who we elected gets to do the stuff we elected him for.”

    Pwnd media bitches. Suck it Fox news.

  3. Art Downs says:

    Specter is a careerist hack. The same is true of Castle, Obama, and Biden.

    These latter-day aristocrats start climbing the greasy pole of politics very early in life and they know little else.

    They represent a perversion of the ideal of the Citizen-Legislator who had a real job in the real world.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    If Arlen doesn’t toe the line primary him and get a real Dem in there.

    Remember this guy put Thomas on the supreme court and besides that he’s a Hawk

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Specter has done a lot of stupid things to please the RW base. I listened to clips of his presser last night. He really had harsh words for Republicans. He’d almost seem principled if he didn’t wait until after his polling numbers came out to jump ship.

    I definitely think Republicans are way more authoritarian. I think that’s one of the biggest things that turns me off about them. They have a rigid ideology and slight deviations are treated as sinful and horrible. IMO, human nature just doesn’t fit in their world view.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, I have no sympathy for Arlen now. He waited too long. He should have left the party long ago, but when it would have been inconvenient, like in 2000, or 1996.