Castle Sees Writing On The Wall

Filed in Delaware by on April 29, 2009

One of the Washington Post articles on Obama’s 100 days focuses on Delaware Congressman Mike Castle and his friend, Republican Michigan Congressman Fred Upton and their vote against Obama’s budget in January.

The money shot isn’t until the last two paragraphs when Castle is quoted as saying:

I’m not giving the Republicans a lot of credit for being particularly bipartisan over the years, either.

Sometimes it’s a lot easier to call Nancy Pelosi and Senator Reid and say, ‘Let’s get this done,’ and not worry about scurrying up Republicans. I would imagine the vote on the stimulus didn’t help, because they worked that and they didn’t get anything, so why bother?

With John Carney‘s recent declaration that he is running for Castle’s seat, Operation Restore Moderate Label is on and it is up to liberals like us to remind fellow Delawareans constantly that Castle’s voting record does not represent Delaware, but only the RNC.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (11)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, Michael. Why bother? You can’t be trusted to be there when it counts.

  2. anonone says:

    Is Castle voting with his conscience?

    If you knew you were going to retire, would you vote with your conscience or vote following the party line?

    If you knew you were going to run for the Senate and you were going to need party dollars, would you vote with your conscience or vote following the party line?

  3. David says:

    Mike does vote his conscience. I just happen to believe that he is one of those guys who decides where that is on every vote so you never quite know where he will come down.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’ve been wondering about Castle today. Is Castle pure enough for the Litmus Test party? Would he be able to survive a primary challenger in a Republican primary?

  5. nemski says:

    UI asks a good question. If a true conservative picked by the RNC ran against Castle would the Radical Right minions of Delaware vote him down?

    My guess is no . . . like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Castle is their only hope.

  6. David says:

    It would be close (53 to 55% look at the fact that his disapproval rating comes more from Republican rank and file than Democrats), but I think that Mike Castle votes enough with the party that the majority would rather see him retire with the gold ring of Senator. He is a good man and we do need him. He can win the senate seat and Christine can win the house seat. It would be a unity ticket of my dreams.

  7. Talk about being toast.

    Sen Dodd has collected $1 million last quarter for fundraising and guess what only $4,ooo came from Connecticut residents.

    He is toast.

  8. nemski says:

    Wowsa, DR’s comment has nothing to do with the post. In some circles that would be called spam.

  9. anonone says:

    Christine can win the house seat.

    Yes, she certainly can!

    Like she says, “God, Country, With a Vision!”

    Be sure to send her a BIG $$ contribution and get out to campaign for her.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    Nemski, I agree that the DE GOP is probably a little more practical-minded than the national GOP. They know their bench is shallow and Castle’s the only one on it.

  11. jason330 says:

    Is it me, or does that Castle not make sense?

    It is like he is sorta trying to make a point, but not really. It is either brilliantly obtuse or just out of it.