Archive for April, 2009

FOX’s Shep Smith Talks Torture

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 13 Comments

I won’t ruin the surprise.  Just watch the video. (NSFW)  Bet that little warning caught your attention! Here’s a longer version of the video.  Shep’s days at FOX may be numbered.  Listen to the examples he cites in reference to cherrry picking information.  Color me impressed.

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Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 9 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] Underestimate this woman at your peril. And relating this back to my earlier post — she breaks this tired wedge issue completely down and leaves Pence looking like a fool for even trying.

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Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 9 Comments

Today, Politico wrote a long article detailing how President Obama (and even to some extent the Dem-controlled Congress) has been able to pretty much ignore the usual effort by the GOP to make everything a Dem says or does into the betrayal of the century. In fact, it seems from here that although the usual […]

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Breaking: FDA to Permit ‘Morning-After’ Pill for 17 Year-olds

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 8 Comments

The FDA today said that it will not appeal a judge’s order to permit 17-year-olds to get the ‘morning-after’ pill. From the Associated Press story: WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration says it will allow 17-year-olds to get the ‘morning-after’ birth control pill without a doctor’s prescription. The FDA said Wednesday it will […]

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Point & Laugh for 4/22

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 23 Comments

Hube is pissed that people remember how much George Bush sucked. Note to Hube: If that is going to piss you off bro, be prepared to be pissed off for a loooooooooooooooong time.

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Wonder What Mike Castle Thinks About This?

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 18 Comments

John Cornyn is very nervous about any ability for Repubs to stop the Senate from getting to 60 or more in 2010: “Everybody who runs could be the potential tipping point to get Democrats to 60. We’ve not only got to play defense; we’ve got to claw our way back in 2010. It’ll be a […]

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McClatchy Papers: Bush Pushed Torture to Find Iraq-Al Qaida Link

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 13 Comments

A link which, of course, never existed.  In other words, Bush/Cheney et al were so intent on getting evidence to justify their misbegotten war in Iraq that they approved torture in order to find it: WASHINGTON — The Bush administration applied relentless pressure on interrogators to use harsh methods on detainees in part to find […]

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Gay Thought of the Day

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 16 Comments

Studies show that angry male homophobes probably have deeply hidden homosexual urges. So next time you get in a argument with a Radical Right man who is hung up on “the gays”, have pity on the poor soul as he probably hasn’t really accepted his true sexuality.

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Green Is The New Black

Filed in Delaware by on April 22, 2009 4 Comments
Green Is The New Black

Happy Earth Day! Some links for today: Delaware State Parks celebrate Earth Day EPA – Pick 5 US gov Earth Day site The Nature Conservancy John Carney for Congress wishes all a Happy Earth Day, via Twitter. Earth Day via The White House.

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Get Those Black Helicopters Ready, Boys

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 13 Comments

The Ohio Militia is calling for a “Million Man Militia March” on DC for July 4. Here’s their video: [youtube][/youtube] So I wonder why an organizer of this thing needs to mask his voice? This, I think, is a ripe candidate for reality TV. Watching these guys try to get a permit to carry firearms […]

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Commenter QOD

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 21 Comments

Unstable Isotope: What event(s) formed your political views?

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Breaking News: Freddie Mac CFO commits Suicide

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 8 Comments

WASHINGTON — David Kellermann, the acting chief financial officer of mortgage giant Freddie Mac, was found dead at his home Wednesday morning in what police said was an apparent suicide. Mary Ann Jennings, director of public information for the Fairfax County, Va., Police Department, said Kellermann was found dead in his Reston, Va., home. The […]

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El Somnambulo’s Top 10 Republican Targets for 2010-#4

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 29 Comments

State Auditor-Tom Wagner No, no, defeating Alleged State Auditor Tom Wagner does not require a  ‘suspendering of disbelief’.  All that’s needed in these fiscally-troubled times is a credible candidate dedicated to restoring this office’s purported mission of weeding out waste, fraud and abuse. By doing nothing, Tom Wagner has done great harm to the State. […]

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