Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo Seeks Help from Internet Sophisticates

The Beast who Slumbers has been cruising  surfing the nets for some time now. He likes to think that he is able to learn new things. He has long since figured out what ROTFLMAO and YMMV mean. He has even coined one himself, ‘IESHO’, meaning ‘in El Somnambulo’s Humble Opinion’. He has learned all sorts of cool shortcut abbreviations like b/c. He has even learned advanced techniques like ‘cut-and-paste’ and recently added ’embedding’ to his substantial arsenal.

However, two new phrases, acronyms, or whatever have insidiously wended their ways onto this and other blogs, and, absent proof, ‘bulo suspects they are being used to make fun of him.

So, El Somnmabulo beseeches thee, what do the following mean?:

“pwns” and


And, just to put his mind at ease, please tell him that the phrase ‘bulo brings teh stupid’ is not meant as an insult.

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