Schwartzkopf Firing Retribution by the ‘Delaware Way’ Folks

Filed in Delaware by on May 5, 2009

The news that Pete Schwartzkopf has been fired from his job as Head of Security at the Delaware State Fair is proof that the perpetrators of the Delaware Way are running scared. When you’re scared, you make mistakes. And this was a doozie.

The Beast Who Slumbers is not so sleep-deprived that he doesn’t know retaliation when he sees it. The Delaware State Fair (paging Uncle Thurm…) and Harrington Raceway basically figured they had Schwartzkopf by the (UI, is this term acceptable?) cojones, and, when Schwartzkopf exercised some independence, they had the cojones to fire him, although not the cojones to comment. For those who may be offended by his use of the term ‘cojones’, ‘bulo points out that his Jewish friends tell him that ‘cojones’ and ‘chutzpah’ are synonyms, and are both delicious when fried in ‘schmaltz’.

This case demonstrates the moral and ethical bankruptcy at the heart of the Delaware Way. Although he is nowhere near the worst offender in this regard (essentially a casual and seasonal job), Schwartzkopf did work for an employer who could exercise some degree of influence on him. To his credit, he ultimately did not allow them to force their interests on him. Rather, he chose to do what he considers best for the state. Such courage is rare and way too infrequent. No need to wonder if Tony DeLuca would’ve done the same if Tom Sharp called him into his office at the Department of Labor. For fear of tipping his hand on future articles, El Somnambulo will not bring out the entire grocery list just yet.

The (as the Rugrats would call them) poopetrators of the Delaware Way realize that ‘business as usual’ is under attack. The state simply cannot afford to turn a blind eye (even when the auditor does) when it comes to straightening out this fiscal mess. ‘Bulo believes  that this just may be the beginning of their last stand.

And firing the House Majority Leader from a casual and seasonal job does not mark an auspicious beginning.

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  1. Interesting. It’s non-Delaware way’s move now.

  2. jason330 says:

    “Security” clearly meant secure the racino monopoly.

    Why didn’t Pete get that?

  3. did someone say Jew?

    where’s liz allen?!

  4. cassandra_m says:

    These racinos are generous contributors to multiple campaigns and PACs around the state, I would guess. Schwartzkopf is likely then to be the currently visible bit of the workings of the Delaware Way.

  5. PI says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a heavily financed opponant for Pete in his next election.

  6. Not impossible, but ‘bulo doubts it. Schwartzkopf is in tune with the new Sussex Countians who comprise the majority of his district. People would see a challenge for what it is–sour grapes.

    In an ironic way, although ‘bulo is sorry to see Pete lose his job, it frees him up to be a more independent force for change in Delaware politics. He’s closely aligned with Markell, he is definitely smart and articulate enough to run statewide. Should he choose to do so, you will not find anyone more electable from Sussex County who holds progressive views. He is, in many ways, the exception who proves the rule about ex-state cops in the legislature.

    And now he can add ‘nobody owns him’ to his resume.

  7. kavips says:

    Pete could retaliate by changing the gambling bill so that the state would reap 85% of the additional revenue that would be generated,

    We could get that bill passed over Adams cold dead fingers… lol.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Kavips good idea lets work on it

  9. is this the same guy that was a war hero in Gulf War I?

  10. Maria Evans says:

    “nobody owns him”? He’s the self proclaimed waterboy for the Governor:

    “Part of my job is to carry the water for the governor and it’s just that simple.”

    You can’t be both the guy who “nobody owns” and the guy who carries the Governor’s water. It’s just that simple.

  11. Allow ‘bulo to rephrase, Maria. He’s not ‘bought and paid for’ like so many other members of the Delaware General Assembly of both parties. As House Majority Leader, a position that his caucus has entrusted to him, it’s his JOB to advance the Governor’s legislative agenda. Nothing self-proclaimed about it.

  12. Maria Evans says:

    Please…Nancy Pelosi doesn’t seem to think it’s her JOB to mindlessly advance the President’s agenda:,8599,1876912,00.html?xid=rss-politics

  13. Are you suggesting that Schwartzkopf ‘mindlessly’ does things, or is that just a convenient label mindlessly applied?

    Could it be that he ‘thoughtfully’ evaluated the candidates and determined that Markell’s ideas were in tune with his philosophy? And then took the politically-more risky path of backing Jack instead of the Good Ol’ Boys’ fave?

    Just asking. If you can, please elucidate us on Schwartzkopf’s ‘mindlessness’. It is not a word that readily comes to ‘bulo’s, um, mind when Schwartzkopf’s name is mentioned.

  14. Maria Evans says:

    Bulo stop focusing on my use of one word to deflect from the crux of the argument, it’s Pete’s JOB to represent his District first, I don’t recall Bob Gilligan talking about carrying Minner’s “water”…and if he did, people would have been outraged.

  15. anonone says:

    Old Zen Proverb:
    Before enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water.

    After enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water.

    Anything can be done mindfully, including
    chopping wood and carrying water.

  16. Maria Evans says:

    “This is a proposal of the President. Part of my job is to carry the water for President Bush and it’s just that simple.”

    What if a republican opened their mouth and said that about Bush?

    My guess is that most of you would have puked.

  17. anonone says:

    and if he did, people would have been outraged

    Apparently some people like you are outraged.

    Still others, maybe the majority who voted for both Markell and Schwartzkopf, are not.

  18. anonone says:

    What if a republican opened their mouth and said that about Bush?

    You’re kidding, right? They didn’t have to say it, they just did it.

    By the way, I appreciate the small “r” republican from you.

  19. Well, it is now clear what outrages you. The term ‘carrying water’. That is, presumably if it’s for the Governor of the State of Delaware as opposed to…the Delaware State Fair. The bankers. The insurance companies. Delmarva. Comcast. Verizon. DuPont. The credit card industry. The hospital industry. The nursing home industry. The unions. The developers. The racinos. The Delaware Way Degenerates for whom the Delaware General Assembly has been carrying water for decades now.

    Where has Senora Maria’s outrage been when members of the state legislature have carried THEIR water?

    But when a House Majority Leader, whose job responsibilities include managing the legislative agenda, has the unmitigated gall to try to enact an essential, but not always popular, agenda, he somehow is suspect.

    If Senora Maria’s hyperventilating is correct, then no doubt Pete Schwartzkopf is a political goner. That’s what elections are all about.

    But ‘bulo suspects that people understand that at least some elected officials are capable of doing more than one thing at a time–in this case, taking care of the district’s needs while doing what he believes is right for the state.

  20. Maria Evans says:

    I remember after the 2004 election the majority had voted for Bush and the GOP picked up seats and had the majority in both houses.

    I’m sure anon would have jumped to the defense of the majority in 2004 if a GOPer made that “carry the water” comment.

    But I still wouldn’t have defended a comment like that.

  21. Maria Evans says:

    “Where has Senora Maria’s outrage been when members of the state legislature have carried THEIR water?”

    You obviously haven’t been reading my posts over the last several years. In fact, you’re comment is so wrong it’s offensive.

  22. Here’s what’s offensive. Your feigned outrage over the use of the term ‘water carrier’. That’s all you can bring to the table?

    If you want to be outraged over the misuse of language, how about something like, oh, “We do not torture”? Or advocacy of secession or violence in the name of protecting the imagined threatened rights of a group of lunatics.

    You know, something that means something. Not just twisted words designed to make someone look bad. Three words: You. Got. Nothing.

  23. Maria Evans says:

    The “Delaware Way” which you pontificate about, is perfectly illustrated by the politician who thinks his responsibilities lie with other politicians and not his constituents.

    The Beast Who Slumbers should open his eyes now and then.

  24. For those of you with brains, ‘bulo apologizes for explaining the obvious.

    Schwartzkopf’s ‘constituents’ voted for Jack Markell, 7895-6159, over Bill Lee in the 14th RD.

    Senora would create a false choice between ‘other politicians’ (Markell) and his constituents, who VOTED for Markell.

    Working on behalf of the Governor and working on behalf of one’s constituents are clearly not mutually exclusive.

    Finally, every time he opens his eyes, ‘bulo reads Senora Maria’s stuff, which belongs on a ‘beginner’s board’ somewhere. Which makes him want to go back to sleep. Like, right now.

  25. Maria Evans says:

    My point stands despite all of your infantile attempts at insulting me, Bulo.

    It is in no way Schwartzkopf’s “job” to “carry the water” for the Governor.

  26. annone says:

    So even when Schwartzkopf takes on the Racinos in the state, and loses a job, Evans still has an issue with him? It sounds like bitter times with Evans and the (almost extint) GOP. Bye Bye.Let’s see if we can come up with a way to try and discredit Pete for doing the right thing? The guy stood his ground with the very same racinos you hate so much. Did he do it for his constituents, for the state, for the governor? How about all three! It’s the perfect example of why no one respects republicans anymore (or really even want to lsiten to their hyteria or twisted logic). They’ve lost their minds. We need more people like Pete, willing to take on special interests in this state. Whether they’re on the team with the governor or not makes no difference. Bottom line: he did the right thing. Case closed

  27. Perry says:

    Case closed indeed!

    Maria, you have yet to present a credible debate point except to continue to repeat your original quotation of Pete.

    Moreover, you have not yet acknowledged, in spite of my repeated point over on Delawarepolitics, that Pete said “Part of my job….” Part, Maria, part!

    I just don’t understand your criticism of a Dem leader working to put in place the legislative agenda of a Dem Governor. In my view, yours is a non-criticism, rather a statement of the House Majority Leader’s job description.

    And you know very well, Pete has ALWAYS represented his district! That’s Pete!!!

  28. Maria Evans says:

    anon-when did Schwartzkopf “take on the racinos”? Was it when he was proposing legislation for 3 new casinos and 10 sports betting venues for Delaware or when he was pulling the legislation for those 3 new casinos and 10 sports betting venues for Delaware off of the table?

    And Perry, my Schwartzkopf quote on DelawarePolitics is in its virgin, untouched form.

  29. anonone says:

    virgin, untouched form

    I love it when you talk like that.