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Filed in National by on May 7, 2009

Governor Markell: Delaware State Government Will Open Checkbook to Public

DOVER – Following through on his promise to make Delaware state government more transparent, Gov. Jack Markell announced today that Delawareans will soon be able to go online to see how their tax dollars are spent.

“During these historically challenging financial times, it is critical Delawareans are confident their state tax dollars are being spent as effectively and efficiently as possible,” Markell said.

The online checkbook will be the product of work done by the Office of Management and Budget, the Department of Technology and Information, the Department of Finance and the Government Information Center. These agencies are working together to build the necessary technological capacity to support the project. The work will be completed in time for the online checkbook to open by July 30.

The public will be able to view information on expenditures made by state agencies and school districts. The database will also be searchable by vendor and will be updated quarterly.

“We will make the tough decisions needed to get our budget balanced and get our fiscal house in order,” Markell said. “Transparency is an important component of that, and with initiative, residents will have access to how and with whom the state does business.”

Emphasis added.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Providing this kind of information makes serious investigative reporting possible, especially as it applies to links between state government and the well-connected. ‘Bulo will begin compiling his list of expenditures and vendors he wants to track. He advises everyone else to do the same.

    He wonders how far back this information will go. He hopes it’s not just from now moving forward b/c there is a lot of serious information to be gleaned from going back to prior fiscal years.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    links between state government and the well-connected

    This seems to be the greatest benefit of making these expenditures available for view. I don’t think much money gets saved, unless you can match up RFPs and contracts with those expenditures to look at the whole procurement picture.

  3. *rubbing hands with an evil grin*

  4. Kilroy says:

    Now what will I have to bitch about 🙂 I got it , disambiguation 🙂

    Thanks Jason for getting the new out! I am in shock!