An Unstable Isotope PSA

Filed in National by on May 8, 2009

With apologies to Donviti…

I’m interrupting your normal blogging to bring you an important message:

The new Star Trek movie was Teh Awesome! You must go and see it! What are you waiting for?

Also, the guys who played Bones and Nero were hot!

You may now resume your normal blogging.

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (14)

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  1. Mark H says:

    The guy who played Bones was great in Lord of The Rings also

    I’m waiting for MONDAY afternoon as I hope there are less people there šŸ™‚

  2. It wasn’t full at the 2:10 showing I was at.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    You mean you skipped out of work to see a movie! Slacker or a serious Trekkie, you are Of course, I contemplated seeing it last night at midnight, but will see it tomorrow.

  4. My brother is in town, so I’m off of work. Of course, I’m taking unpaid voluntary time off today.

  5. karmicjay says:

    Glad you liked it UI and thank you for telling us about it. I liked what I saw from the trailer.
    Squishyviti.. wanna go see this one?

  6. killin me man….yes, but I don’t think it is in the cards this weekend. Too busy with it being Mother’s day and all šŸ™‚

  7. Mark H,

    speaking of Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson has a new movie coming out and it looks good!

  8. a. price says:

    G I Joe will be better.. ST was awesome ( i liked Wolverine better, but that is because of a childhood preference of Xmen over ST… but GI Joe…. oh man….*wets pants*

  9. kavips says:

    See the digital version first if you can. And the movie was awesome,

  10. jason330 says:

    By reading Hube, I know that the new Star Trek film captures the joy and hopefulness of the Obama years in the same way the last film captured the baleful suckassedness of the Bush years.

  11. I’d like to discuss Star Trek with the whole group once more people have seen it. I believe it represents some liberal ideology in places.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    So I think that UI is saying that we should have had a Drinking Liberally around this movie….

  13. Good idea, Cassandra. Folks, you have homework.

  14. Mark H says:

    “Iā€™d like to discuss Star Trek with the whole group once more people have seen it. I believe it represents some liberal ideology in places.”

    As I long-time trekkie I would agree. Just in the makeup up the cast. Let’s see
    1) A Drunk (Scotty)
    2) A Crank (Bones)
    3) A Gay guy (Sulu or at least the actor who first portrayed him George Takei)
    4) A Russian (and remember this was written in the 70’s when Russia was the Big Bad)
    5) Someone entirely different (Spock)
    6) An African American female
    7) And whatever we want to call Kirk šŸ™‚

    Pretty diverse cast I would think