‘Around the Horn’ Friday

Filed in National by on May 8, 2009

Busy week.

Kavips reviews the Kowalko-Liberal Geek Plan, the Delaware Libertarian Plan and his own Kavipsian Plan to balance the state budget.
Where we are with Wind.
Carper’s Own Words
Either Put Delaware in Park or Put a National Park in Delaware.
Fighting off the Biden Gaffe Merchants.
Reviewing SB 59, which will save Delaware homeowners a lot of money.
A Meeting on the Green.
Rick Bayard: Delaware’s Dumbest Lobbyist.
The Wall of Shame.
Finally, some wind news.

By the Numbers
Delaware School Board members work for free.

Delaware Libertarian
What if we ignored the law and ran a deficit? Wow. I thought Libertarians were all about the rule of law.

Down With Absolutes
Following the progress of HB 117the School Board Election Realignment Bill.
Liveblogging the Kowalko Budget Alternative.
Liveblogging the Sports Gambling debate.
Liveblogging the HB1 (Open Government) Senate hearing.
Crazy Cathcart.
At the 8% Pay Cut Protest.
Not writing psuedonymously may have cost Mike a job, and he is thinking of shutting down DWA because of it. My advice: you can’t close the barn door after the horses got out. And we would miss the liveblogs. But perhaps now Mike understands the use of pseudonyms. So start a new site with a psuedonym. And to really really really piss DV off, perhaps we can invite an 11th commenter over here. Hahahahaha, I know, I know. The Republican Party will become respectable and sane again before that happens.

Resolute Determination
C.L.D. Copeland opposes all increases in spending.
Paul Clark should get used to the scrutiny that comes with being a public official.
Steve Larrimore gets an advance copy of Coons’ July 2009 Budget transmittal letter.
And they want to raise the prevailing wage limits. Of course they do.
Praise for Governor Markell for making the hard decisions. See, Republicans can be honest.

Common Sense Political Thought
(Winner, Most Ironically Named Political Blog in Delaware, 2008)
Art remembers Ellen Sauerbrey’s two gubernatorial runs in Maryland fondly. Me, less so.

Delaware Politics
Burris has a message for Delaware Republicans.
Maria calls out the new spin from Governor Markell on the Gambling Bill defeat.

The Mourning Constitution
Brian Shields puts his time where his mouth is, and is elected the Libertarian Party Chairman for Sussex County.
Sales Tax v. Income Tax: A Libertarian View.
Brian worries about catching the Mike Matthews Syndrome. I hear it itches.

Redwaterlily’s Ramblings
The Return of Lily.
She offers her views on ready legislation, especially the bill to allow parents to buy into SCHIP if their income is 200% above poverty level.

Stakeholder Capitalism at Chrysler
It is time for us to dream really big.”
Stakeholder Capitalism and Shareholder Capitalism.
John Carney’s Firm interested in the Claymont Steel site for a wind farm?

Delaware Way
The Future of Newark’s Chrysler Plant
A comment rescue from the News Journal that actually makes sense.

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  1. Consistency — Down With Absolutes! | May 8, 2009
  1. nemski says:

    And you sir, I see, have the memory of a squirrel as well.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Is that good or bad?

  3. Thanks for linking to the Newark post, DD.
    here’s something from Naomi Klein via Rachel Maddow’s web site:

    Naomi’s lexicon:
    Political scientist Sam Gindin wrote recently that the labor movement can do more than protect the status quo. It can demand, for instance, that shuttered auto plants be converted into green-future factories, capable of producing mass-transit vehicles and technology for a renewable energy system. “Being realistic means taking hope out of speeches,” he wrote, “and putting it in the hands of workers.” Which brings me to the final entry in the lexicon. Hoperoots. Sample sentence: “It’s time to stop waiting for hope to be handed down, and start pushing it up, from the hoperoots.”

  4. nemski says:

    DD asked Is that good or bad?

    I don’t know, you tell me. 😉

  5. kavips says:

    Personally I can tell you that if one does have the mind of a squirrel, one spends a lot of time chasing nuts…

    Today, the Republcan party IS nuts, so if you spend a lot of effort analysing their insanity, then, the nomenclature offered by nemski, ….might fit…


  6. Joe R. says:

    “Wow. I thought Libertarians were all about the rule of law.”

    Wow. Then you don’t know much about libertarians. You do know we’re against the drug war, for example? And against eminent domain seizures? Both of those are “legal”. There’s a list a mile long, and “rule of law” has nothing to do with it.

    I think you’re confusing us with conservatives. Slightly understandable, given the number of conservatives that claim to be libertarian.