Daniello vs Some Union Guy

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009

I’m a labor guy, but what we don’t need is more union control of the Democratic party. (Especially union guys that support pro-labor Republicans)    Labor is an important Dem constituency, but it is not the only Dem constituency.    

Daniello is a mean, low down, bastard.   However,  his contempt for Republicans is boundless.  Plus being mean, low down, bastard is part of the Party Chair job description.  

Paul Baumbach disagrees.   His take on the Party Leadership race here:  http://paulprogressive.blogspot.com/

The convention, in which this will be decided, is Saturday in Dover.  Paul is a delegate from the 23rd RD west Newark district favoring the “I’m not John Daniello” guy.  


Bonus Questions:  Why did Markell sit this out?  Seems to me it would have been a chance to begin to assert his leadership over the party?  Did he sit this out?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Just supporting my girl « Down with Absolutes! | May 12, 2009
  1. liberalgeek says:

    We shall see. The other guy is Brian McGlinchy. McGlinchy seems to be somewhat compromised by his involvement with the Working Families Party. Under that operation, he ended up supporting a few pro-union Republicans. There will be a number of people who complain that he had to support those guys (like Bill Oberle) in his role in the union.

    The other thing is that apparently McGlinchy was very active in a number of races in 2008, providing manpower and money connections to several key people. He has a base of support, that’s for sure.

    I have been very anti-Daniello for a while now, but I’m not sure whether this would fit the bill as better than Daniello. Apparently, many delegates have been canvassed by both, although I am not one of them.

  2. PBaumbach says:

    McGlinchey claims that he never contributed a penny to a Republican candidate or knocked on a single door for one. Can anyone please share the fact on which they claim that he is a ‘union guy that supports pro-labor Republicans”

    People I respect share the view that Brian puts union ahead of Democratic party priorities. I’m asking for some evidence.

    You note that “being mean, low down, bastard is part of the Party Chair job description.” I think that I missed the part where Howard Dean was a mean, low down, bastard. I reject the contention that this is part of the party chair job description.

  3. jason330 says:

    You’d think that since I wrote this:

    (Especially union guys that support pro-labor Republicans)

    …I’d be able to back it up.

  4. McGlinchey is not somewhat compromised. He is TOTALLY compromised. He claims to be a passive figure who had to go along with labor’s wishes. But he actually helped create Delaware’s Working Families Party, was a conduit of cash and manpower both to the Working Families Party and, through the Working Families Party, provided endorsements and manpower to Republican candidates.

    McGlinchey carries at least three union checkbooks, one for the Laborers’ local, another for the Laborers’ regional in his capacity of Laborers Eastern Regional director of government affairs, and a third with the State AFL-CIO. All three groups ‘cut’ Democrats in favor of Spence, Oberle, and Lofink. And, if you look at the 2008 General Election results, you will see that all 3 Rethugs were on 2 different ballot lines: the Republicans and the Working Families Party lines.

    From the Delaware Working Families own financial report:

    09/12/2008 Laborers Political League of Delaware 650 Naamans Road, Claymont, DE 19703 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

    That right thar is a $20,000 contribution from McGlinchey’s Laborers directly to the Working Families Party. Nobody put a gun to his head. The WFP is and was a production largely put together by McGlinchey and several other union people expressly to cut Democrats.

    No matter how honestly he might seem to look someone in the eye, he is lying if he tries to downplay his part in this.

    And, no matter how one feels about Daniello, there is no way any good Democrat can vote for someone who started a third party in Delaware which endorsed Rethugs and was primarily designed as a party to thwart Democratic challenges in those districts.

    El Somnambulo flat out states that Brian McGlinchey is lying about his political doings. He dares McGlinchey to come here and prove otherwise.

  5. jason330 says:

    Doesn’t the fact that the WFP had such a horrible win/loss record also speak to his abilities?

  6. PBaumbach says:

    Can you shed light on the proportion of the spending by WFP that was done on behalf of labor-friendly D candidates versus labor-friendly R candidates? Brian claims that the AFL CIO in DE endorsed 59 Ds and 3 Rs. Do the dollars/financial reports tell a different story regarding their actions?
    If 59/62nds of that $20,000 went to Ds, then the outrage appears to me to be out of line. If half or more went to those 3 Rs, then I better understand the outrage.
    Further, did any of the 59 D candidates that he reports were endorsed by the AFL CIO as a slate of 62 candidates appear on the ballot as WFP candidates, or were the 3 Rs the only such ‘fusion candidates?’
    I hope that you appreciate my questions as raw interest, as a testament to the facts that you are able to share, not a challenge to their accuracy.
    I just want to accurately understand the full context.

    I share your view that ‘fusion candidates’ in DE are rarely good for the system.

  7. It is impossible from the finance reports of the Working Families Party to determine how much, if anything, went to particular politicians. One would have to look at the individual candidates’ reports, which ‘bulo will eventually do.

    Except for one. Dennis E. Williams, who received $3000 directly from them, according to the 2008 Campaign Finance Report. And that’s another fascinating story for another day.

    Suffice it to say that Laborers’ Union people were doing virtually all the phoning and canvassing for that campaign as Dennis E. Williams was merely the empty vessel for Bill McGlinchey (Brian’s brother) to exact his revenge on Bob Valihura, who had edged him in two elections. ‘Bulo actually wonders whether what the WFP did in that election was legal. They were paying the phoners and canvassers, and there were a lot of them, so El Somnambulo is not sure whether $3K could have possibly covered those expenses.

    Also, ‘bulo does not think, but is not sure, that any D’s were on both lines. And Brian is being disingenuous when he talks about AFL-CIO endorsements. The REAL issue is the Working Families Party endorsements. THAT’S where the $20 K contribution went. The WFP is his baby, and that should disqualify him for any consideration to be Democratic Party chair.

    Bottom line: McGlinchey wants to be a ‘player’ in the worst way. And that’s what he is. A ‘player’ in the worst way.

  8. Update: El Somnambulo went through the 2008 results. A total of 6 candidates had the WFP line. 3 D’s, 3 R’s. The D’s: Karen Weldin Stewart, Dennis E. Williams, and Jerry Semper, who ran against Dan Short in a Sussex County Rep. District. What’s interesting about the Semper race is that Richard Korn, who is a McGlinchey and Weldin Stewart crony, wangled himself into a paid consultant’s role in that race.

    The 3 R’s, of course, were Oberle, Spence and Lofink.

  9. Al Mascitti says:

    McGlinchey is the union jerk who has tried to smear me as a racist because I think he’s a union jerk who’s using the laborers for his political ends — which included siding with Buccini-Pollin in the eminent domain controversy.

  10. Al wrote about ‘using the laborers for his political ends’. It doesn’t get any clearer than using them to exact political retribution on the guy who beat his brother.

    Which means that McGlinchey exploited the rank-and-file by spending a nice chunk of union dues to enable him to exact revenge for his brother. Is anyone watching the store at the Laborers’ Union besides McGlinchey? They might want to pull a Michael Steele on him by taking away his keys to the checkbook. Al might enjoy having someone on from the National…

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Looking at the expenditures of DWFP it looks like their big expenditures were for printing services. Unless we know what the printing said, we don’t know who benefited.

  12. anonone says:

    KHN’s campaign finance report showed $78,590.53 in expenditures with not a single one in excess of $100.

    Any connection there?

  13. Wrong wacko Karen. The WFP backed KWS. It’s easy to confuse them.

  14. PI says:

    Paul, you say above: ‘If 59/62nds of that $20,000 went to Ds……’ and I say that it doesn’t matter how many or how few R’s benefit from even one plug nickle of the monies generated by McGlinchey. It’s still a plug nickle and it’s still a republican. A leader of the Delaware Democratic party has to be 100% democrat. I don’t want a party leader who has exhibited a sense of loyalty to the opposing party because he/she favors labor. Whether I like Daniello or not, there’s one thing I do know about him. He is a Democrat to the bone. Hell, if that man were ever in an accident, he’d probably even bleed blue.

    Brian’s good at what he does. He raises money for candidates who ‘treat labor right’. I want a party chair who is less beholding to any single special interest. How could we be confident that Brian (as state chair) would not overlook a democratic candidate because one of his labor supporting republican friends was the opponant?

    I know people were pissed by the Carney/Markell debacle. I was one of them. But that’s over and, quite frankly, Daniello only did what was permitted by the party rules which were approved by the party members. I’m guessing not everyone understood what they were consenting to when they accepted those rules at the previous convention. But, I’d bet when it’s time to vote for the next rule changes, people will be a bit more astute.

    McGlinchey sent out a letter via email stating his platform. It’s a nice letter but everything he wants to achieve is ALREADY being done. I strongly feel that electing McGlinchey will set the party back at least 8 years if not more. Candidates will not be considered by virtue of capability to serve but by how they vote at this convention. The mere fact that KWS and KHN are on McGlinchey’s list of supporters is enough of a deterrent for me.

    I’m glad I have a vote on Saturday and it will be cast for Daniello.

  15. Which means that McGlinchey exploited the rank-and-file by spending a nice chunk of union dues to enable him to exact revenge for his brother.

    Can you expound? What’s the story with the brother?

    ACORN is the organization that brought the Working Family Party to Delaware and helped develop the platform for the past election. I was talking to ACORN leadership in 2005 about bringing this to Delaware – back when the fusion candidates were utilizing the Independent Party of Delaware and Daniello went into conniptions about fusion.

    I think the DEM tent can cover cross-party candidacies and I know that minority and labor’s interests thinkso too.

  16. anonymous says:

    KHN’s campaign finance report shows she raised about $27,000 and most over $100. What are you talking about?

  17. PBaumbach says:

    PI–you raise a good question, about whether 100% support of exclusively those with a D after their name is the proper litmus test for state party chair.

    I know that we have Democratic legislators in Dover who vote against equal rights for all, who vote against FOIA oversight of their actions, who bring in fossil fuel industry lobbyists to grill PSC staffers on the bluewater wind proposal, … Under Daniello’s leadership, what Carper, Adams, and DeLuca say goes.

    Is bleeding blue really the best test? I would prefer a bit of discernment. I am not suggesting that Brian is a superior choice. I am saying that bleeding the Delaware Way color of blue isn’t necessarily something to celebrate.

  18. Nancy: Here is what was posted above:

    “It is impossible from the finance reports of the Working Families Party to determine how much, if anything, went to particular politicians. One would have to look at the individual candidates’ reports, which ‘bulo will eventually do.

    Except for one. Dennis E. Williams, who received $3000 directly from them, according to the 2008 Campaign Finance Report. And that’s another fascinating story for another day.

    Suffice it to say that Laborers’ Union people were doing virtually all the phoning and canvassing for that campaign as Dennis E. Williams was merely the empty vessel for Bill McGlinchey (Brian’s brother) to exact his revenge on Bob Valihura, who had edged him in two elections. ‘Bulo actually wonders whether what the WFP did in that election was legal. They were paying the phoners and canvassers, and there were a lot of them, so El Somnambulo is not sure whether $3K could have possibly covered those expenses.”

    ‘Bulo will add that, not only was $20K contributed directly from the Laborers to the WFP, but if you go to Dennis E. Williams campaign finance reports, you will see an additional several thousand dollars from various laborers’ PACs where McGlinchey controls the checkbooks. He was using union dues to exact retribution, pure and simple. Unless, of course, you believe that laborers from the national on down had Bob Valihura as the #1 target anywhere in 2008.

    The Beast Who Slumbers had planned to write an article on this, but this thread sorta hastened it, which is why it’s so piecemeal. He keeps running back to the finance reports to track down more stuff.

  19. anonone says:

    My mistake. I meant KWS campaign finance report showed $78,590.53 in expenditures with not a single one in excess of $100.

    My apologies to KHN. I regret the error.

  20. Now I have to go figure out which Dennis Williams is E. and which is P.

  21. RC says:

    Wow-I’ve read this blog for a while and always liked the politics-until now. What the hell is this allegiance to the D’s-you gotta be kidding me! Most of the issues you collectively laud on your blog go nowhere in the current two party duopoly, certainly not within the platform of the DE D party and its chairman. The WFP has pulled D’s, and yes, some R’s, to the left, mostly around, you guessed it, working family issues. I can’t believe the same bloggers writing on real economic reform, trashing so called D’s like Tom Carper, would insist on toeing the D party line, or at least not see the value of challenging the D’s from the left. Fusion voting is a unique tool we have in DE, one of the few states that allows it. We need to take advantage of it if we really care about the issues you blog on daily!

  22. E is Brandywine Hundred. P is City of Wilmington.

  23. Fine, RC. Just don’t elect as Democratic Party chair someone who is loyal to the WFP. He can be chair of THAT party if he needs a party to chair. In case you missed it, this thread is about the contest for Democratic Party chair.

  24. June says:

    Is Brian McGlinchey with the Union that worked to reelect Republican Cathy Cloutier over Democrat Pat Morrison for State Senate?

  25. jason330 says:

    That’s a great question June. If he did work for Cloutier in that race, it would be the end of it for me.

  26. June: ‘Bulo doesn’t think that the McGlincheys backed Cloutier there. But the AFL-CIO as a whole did. There was some kind of deal cut.

  27. PI says:

    Paul, Thurman Adams and that group of legislators were in place long before Daniello came along and you have to know that their getting re-elected all the time has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that he (and Nancy Cook and Bob Venables) are actually a reflection of the voting constituency. Doesn’t matter how they’re registered. They’re farmers voting for their farmer. TA is actually a good example of the kind of leadership BMcG would bring…single special interest mentality with the difference being the single special interest (labor). My question to you would be: do you want to see a return to regressive, single interest leadership in all levels of government? ‘Cuz that’s what you’ll be getting with BM.

  28. Wow, a virtual rainbow of opinions on the guy.

    I say: keep your mind open, delegates, and your ears open too on Saturday!

  29. Daniello supported Castle.

  30. Rebecca says:

    Nancy, that is just pure horse hockey.

  31. Alberta says:

    I wish there was a third choice!

  32. RC says:

    “And, no matter how one feels about Daniello, there is no way any good Democrat can vote for someone who started a third party in Delaware which endorsed Rethugs and was primarily designed as a party to thwart Democratic challenges in those districts.”

    El S-you really have been sleeping at the switch based on your statement above! The DE WFP is made up of community and labor organizations that’s moving a working families agenda-good jobs, fair pay, quality affordable health care. The 20K of Laborers money you mention, with McGlinchey at the helm, helped Democrat Dennis Williams unseat Robert Valihura in the 10th-please, get your facts straight and read up on the WFP-its the driving force in building a D majority in NY state, and more importantly for progressive politics in general.

  33. ‘Bulo knows precisely what the WFP is in Delaware. And you seem to have missed his point, which may have been too subtle. So let him Unsubtle It for you. McGlinchey was a primary architect of starting a third party in Delaware, i. e. one that is not the Democratic Party of Delaware, you know, the one he wants to chair. He shouldn’t chair a party to which he has demonstrated he is not fully committed. Is that clear enough for you?

    And, you can talk all you want about NYS or anywhere else. But, in Delaware, this party was primarily tasked with protecting Lofink, Spence and Oberle which, BTW, could well have kept the House in Rethuglican hands since it was impossible to know the results in advance. Presumably b/c the Rethugs are so concerned about ‘moving a working families agenda’ in Dover.

    And ‘bulo DID do his homework, first going to the Delaware site and then to the national site. What struck the Beast Who Slumbers is that, while one can go on the New York site and see the names of the chairs and organizations in each county, there is not a single name mentioned on the Delaware site. Here’s the site, prove ‘bulo wrong:

    This is a grassroots movement, yet not even one member, not even someone to call or e-mail, is listed on the Delaware site? You call that 388 number and get a phone that just keeps ringing. Doesn’t a political party have to have officers? So, absent proof, your assertion that the Working Families Party in Delaware is indeed an organization at all, as opposed to a funding conduit, remains merely an assertion.

  34. aykm says:

    “Daniello supported Castle.”

    Nancy, once again you’ve proven that you know nothing. Where did you come up with this little gem?

  35. aykm wrote:

    ““Daniello supported Castle.”

    Nancy, once again you’ve proven that you know nothing. Where did you come up with this little gem?”

    Only her proctologist knows for sure.

  36. Geezer says:

    Anyone who ties together “labor” and “progressive” is not talking about Delaware. Anyone who thinks that fostering more construction jobs is progressive — and that is, after all, the be-all, end-all of labor in Delaware — is not talking about the best interests of Delaware.

  37. Heh,
    El ‘Bo,
    if you don’t think that Castle was protected by the ‘Delaware Way’ then you ain’t the playah you say you is. You IS a bastaad with some Kind of sick sense of humor though. What’s with the procto joke…ewww?

    uhmmm, outside of private (off the record)confirmations of his support of Castle, Daniello, in my opinion, is under Carper’s snatch and Carper and Castle are, you know, “MODERATES”.
    The mod DE duo.

    In other words: support of the status quo is what you’ll get with Daniello.

    With McGlinchey you’ll get a broader brush, some new blood, new faces in the game, IMO, of course.

    Geezer, unions represent bureaucrats and teachers as well as plumbers and electricians, the last time I checked…

  38. Actually, it is too bad that politics are so vituperative and a lot of quality leadership gets out-gunned by blowhards.

    I’ve barely met Brian McGlinchey, beyond a nod in a hallway but I truly know a spectrum of people who speak well of him.
    Those already-in-office as well as Democratic candidates, ACORN staffers and ASFME volunteers,etc.; the people with points of view I share from worker’s rights to environmental rights were those McGlinchey was standing with. Can’t say that about Daniello.

  39. Mizz Nancy, you came on here and said, and ‘bulo quotes: “Daniello supported Castle.”

    The readers now know your source: “…outside of private (off the record)confirmations of his support of Castle.”

    Somebody alert the Pulitzer Prize committee.

  40. Elbow, you remain anonymous but DEMAND others out themselves? It isn’t my choice that people go off the record now is it.

    Would you like me to find out who you should call to contact WFP? A call to Darlene Battle of ACORN will do it.

    sheesh, I feel like I am talking to a bunch of Republicans around here.

  41. liberalgeek says:

    sheesh, I feel like I am talking to a bunch of Republicans around here.

    Perhaps. I wonder if someone that ran off to support Ross Perot and his then-new party was welcomed back with open arms by the Republicans after ’92 (or ’96).

    Personally, I’m not happy with either choice.

  42. Nancy wrote:

    “sheesh, I feel like I am talking to a bunch of Republicans around here.”

    Like Spence, Oberle & Lofink?

    The WFP presumably is a political party. They placed candidates on the ballot under the WFP banner. Yet, neither through the online reports at the Elections Office nor on the WFP website is there a single name that tells anyone who leads them and who their officers are.

    Brian McGlinchey hides behind this cloak of plausible deniability in trying to distance himself from involvement with the WFP, despite giving them $20K in union dollars. That would be fine if he weren’t seeking the chairmanship of the State Democratic Party. ‘Bulo wouldn’t even have bothered to write this were that the case.

    But he told people who, in good faith, believed him, that his first and only loyalty is to the Democratic Party. That is untrue, and ‘bulo believes he has provided from the public record more than enough information to demonstrate that.

    The Beast Who Slumbers in no way defends the Carper/Castle relationship, and has written extensively about the corrupting and corrosive effect that has on Delaware politics.

    The Beast Who Slumbers is not in any way endorsing John Daniello, a point which may have gotten lost in all of this.

    In many ways, he agrees with Alberta, who wrote that she yearned for a third choice. He is disappointed that Jack Markell did not move to put his own stamp on the Party.

    But Brian McGlinchey is out-and-out lying about his political loyalties. ‘Bulo dared him to come on this forum and tell everyone his side of the story. He has not yet chosen to do so.

    Finally, Nancy, you wrote, “It isn’t my choice that people go off the record now is it.”

    Well, that could be Karen Harpy-Nagle, Michael Dore, or some other of Karen’s Mindless Minions. Absent any proof save a comment from a disgruntled volunteer or candidate, Journalism 101 would prevent one from writing as fact, as you did, “Daniello supported Castle.”

    If there are any real facts to support your claim, please come forward with them. DL would provide a link to your site surrounded by blinking neon lights if you actually had real evidence of something like this. And ‘bulo would pay the electric bill.

  43. liberalgeek says:

    For the record, I don’t know how to do the neon lights. I can make it blink, though. 🙂

  44. Geezer says:

    “Geezer, unions represent bureaucrats and teachers as well as plumbers and electricians, the last time I checked…”

    Yes, and to the same deleterious effect in the political process — government workers are trying to raise everyone’s taxes so none of them lose jobs OR pay, teachers are trying to quash charter schools because those teachers don’t pay union dues, and so forth.

    Yet — and as someone so opposed to runaway development, I’m surprised you don’t understand this — neither of those unions wield the power that building-trades unions do in the counties’ politics. You weren’t yet attending, I don’t think, back when the unions used to deliver busloads of members to county council meetings in an attempt to intimidate members into voting for big, unpopular building projects. The link is quite strong, so any “environmental” advocacy coming from the trade unions is window dressing at best, and pure bullshit at worst.

    To say a guy is better than Daniello is the faintest possible praise. To find someone worse, Danny Rappa would have to be exhumed.

  45. “sheesh, I feel like I am talking to a bunch of Republicans around here.”

    Like Spence, Oberle & Lofink?

    No, like the brown-skinned haters who attack ACORN…and alternative voices knocking at the door of power…

    For a progressive blog to knock ACORN and WFP for wanting a seat at the table is a stretch…

  46. Geezer, you and Geek say the choice is no choice at all. Fair enough. But there are two candidates and a choice must be made.

    No one is side-stepping the fact that the unions hold sway over issues that typically serve their purpose more than mine as a DEM. But the reality is that DEM contenders must accumulate money from unions in order to compete with Republican largess.

    Daniello and Paoli were TOTAL union stooges – especially in county races. Hopefully Brian has shown he’s ready to open the tent in some non-traditional ways.

    Just like people are saying ‘Stupid’ to Wall Street who wants to maintain a status quo that will kill the economy dead if they are given half a chance. So go the unions under the old guard.

    Daniello is old guard. Put up an alternative candidate, DEMs, but don’t fool yourselves into imagining that you are not voting with the status quo of DEM party shenannigans if you vote with Daniello.

    DEMs are typically not very well organized. We rely too much on union organization. But there you have it.

  47. The first person who started talking about McGlinchey to me is a standing politician who has nothing to do with any election I was working on last year.

    I have no doubt that if there weren’t such inane retributions carried out within our party, these many individuals woud go on record.

    I suggest you go and read Mike Matthews for something substantive as far as another opinion of what happened with Daniello and DEM money.

    There isn’t much money in DEM coffers in the first place, El bow… you know…the Daniello-Paoli team had to go begging to Markell once he won the primary and they’d gone broke fighting his candidacy.

    This person is someone who closely watches the Pam Scott-Paul Clarky’s of the party and is a fair broker. This trust in McGlinchey comes with a lot of gravitas.

    Nothing to do with your meager imaginings ANONY ELBOW.

  48. Andy says:

    This is funny the man gets hammered because an organization he has ties to supported Republicans that voted and acted more like democrats than the people in charge of the party (Daniello Supporting Carper and Castle and Thurman etc)

  49. jason330 says:

    Good point.

  50. liberalgeek says:

    For a progressive blog to knock ACORN and WFP for wanting a seat at the table is a stretch…

    Hmmm. I never heard anyone knock ACORN. In fact, WFP isn’t bad, per se. But… Isn’t there a price to be paid IF McGlinchy was key in forming it here in Delaware? As an interested political observer, I welcome third parties. As a Democrat with a vote this Saturday, I’m not sure I want a guy that may have started one leading mine.

    Put me down as undecided.

  51. Nancy has yet to bring a single fact to this thread, including the name of anyone involved with the Working Families Party, which really shouldn’t be that tough to provide. This is what she has brought recently:

    “No, like the brown-skinned haters who attack ACORN…and alternative voices knocking at the door of power…

    For a progressive blog to knock ACORN and WFP for wanting a seat at the table is a stretch…”.

    Did anyone here do that? All ‘bulo said was that a founder of the Working Families Party should not chair the Democratic Party. Seems pretty simple to him.

    “The first person who started talking about McGlinchey to me is a standing politician who has nothing to do with any election I was working on last year…This person is someone who closely watches the Pam Scott-Paul Clarky’s of the party and is a fair broker. This trust in McGlinchey comes with a lot of gravitas.”

    Setting aside the fact that what Nancy wrote is unintelligible gibberish, that statement is entirely devoid of factual information. This one person that Nancy talks to is so full of gravitas that we should all trust this alleged standing unnamed politician (current officeholder?) implicitly. Well, that convinces ‘bulo. Not.

    In fact, if Brian McGlinchey’s agenda is indeed the same as the Construction Trades’ agenda, which would make sense since he carries three checkbooks for them, then he should LOVE what Paul Clark and Pam Scott seek to do to NCC…pave over the rest of it.

  52. jason330 says:

    There is a large “strange bedfellows” thing going on here.

    As El Somnambulo points out, Nancy has never been to keen on Construction Trade’s influence within the party – and as Andy points out, I’m not so keen on Daniello’s modus operandi.

  53. Which is why ‘bulo longs for the ‘Third Way’.

    Last-minute candidacies have happened before and have occasionally succeeded.

  54. anon says:

    Did someone delete Nancy’s last post? Why?

  55. jason330 says:

    This comment:

    You know damn well that I can’t divulge who I spoke to about DEM party support when those are the people who need that support to win elections.

    You are single-mindedly dissing the guy on some fantasy that Big Bad Brian = WFP. That is a crock of shit. You hatin’ on unions for a reason?

    Darlene Battle of ACORN would be glad to speak with you about the WFP here in Delaware. I didn’t think that you were so slow, dude. The number is immediately available upon a GOOGLE: Darlene Battle: deacorn@acorn.org: 302-656-3699.

    ..contained material that was not suitable for the blog.