Mr. “I’m no Republican” Libertarian

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009

Fake libertarians crack me up.

BTW – “Steve Newton’s Blog is the second most popular political blog in Delaware” Who knew?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I love the picture on the right…

    Caption: Real libertarians believe in protecting the homeland first and foremost.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    There’s nothing more creapy than the usage of the word “Homeland”….

    What’s next, cries of “nicht schießen”?

  3. Von Cracker says:

    An aside:
    Is there anything in this modern world more utopist than Libertarianism?

  4. anonone says:

    I think that Steve has discovered that he can increase comments on his blog by disagreeing with Delaware Liberal and/or certain posts or posters (not that he is insincere or that this is bad).

    Personally, I enjoy his posts even when I disagree with him, and he is a thoughtful blogger.

    Tyler has taken the opposite tact by reducing his commenters by one by banning me.

    I do think that Delaware Libertarian is a close runner-up for the ugliest looking blog in Delaware.

  5. Arthur Downs says:

    What is a ‘libertarian’?

    Capitalize it and it is someone who takes Ayn Rand as a source of Holy Writ, sees a return to the gold standard as an economic panacea, and believes in isolationism. They may have some good ideas.

    There are also some asymptotic libertarians who see the point of view as a guidepost rather than the ultimate goal. This may be analogous to the magnetic poles of the earth. They make compasses work but are lousy living sites.

    Some immature types equate libertarianism with anarchy and would love to do all of their own things without restraint.

    The political spectrum is not definable in simplistic, linear terms and is multi-dimensional.

    Who is truly pure ideologically? There are needs for ‘safety nets’ but we must take care to avoid letting them turn into hammocks. Some self-styled ‘progressives’ can really love Big Brother (especially when BB is in drag as Big Nanny.

    One can believe in the invisible hand but Adam Smith never met a loan shark (or credit card issuer).

  6. I think that Steve has discovered that he can increase comments on his blog by disagreeing with Delaware Liberal and/or certain posts or posters

    totally agreeeeeeee

  7. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I’m w/you VC it is very creepy….those forked tongued, double talking wingnuts replaced ‘home front’ with ‘home land’.

    Before they did that the only ‘home land'(s) I had ever heard of were in S. Africa, prior to Mandela’s presidency.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Used by Afrikaners?

    If so, it fits the profile….

  9. The term “Homeland Security” really creeps me out too.

  10. I tend to believe that the core libertarian principles are a guide to making proper political decisions that protect people’s rights.

    I do not think in the utopian point of view that a perfect Libertarian society will cure all of society’s ills.

    I do think, though, that a third perspective added to the discussion will change politics for the better, instead of polarizing the conversation, triangulating it and coming closer to a truer compromise of ideas that will make this country better off in the long run.

  11. Eric Dondero says:

    As a 25-year veteran activist with the Libertarian Party, who got his start in the Delaware LP in the early 1980s, I can honestly say, Steve Newton is definitely from the leftside of the libertarian spectrum. A “Right” libertarian or a “libertarian Republican,” he is not.

    Steve is great on domestic issues. A solid libertarian, on cutting government and opposing Nanny-state legislation pushed by Democrats.

    But on foreign policy, his views come directly from DailyKos, Soros and He blames Bush for everything, doesn’t see Islamo-Fascism as inherently evil, and is generally in favor of downsizing the Military.

    Nice guy that Steve Newton. But please don’t confuse him with us Right Libertarians/Barry Goldwaterites.

    Eric Dondero, Publisher
    Libertarian Republican

    (Delaware resident from 1970 – 81, graduate NHS)

  12. RSmitty says:

    Huh. Who knew? The Libertarians have an ideological divide, too.

    Eric, please tell me you don’t consider the glad-handing and pandering Bob Barr to be a Libertarian, either. If you ask me, he’s at the top of the list of the party dividers.

    (Delaware Resident: forever – since 1969 – and graduate MPHS – yeah, sorry, I am a snarky sonofabitch and I couldn’t resist doing this)

  13. Von Cracker says:

    “But on foreign policy, his views come directly from DailyKos, Soros and He blames Bush for everything, doesn’t see Islamo-Fascism as inherently evil, and is generally in favor of downsizing the Military.”

    Is that supposed to be some sort of slam or a rote response? Because it sounds like a cut&paste job. And you forgot to mention ACORN too…for shame!

    But on the good side I guess Eric recognizes Christian-Fascism is inherently evil as well….

  14. anonone says:

    Anybody who use the term “Islamo-Fascism” doesn’t have a clue about either Islam or fascism.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    LOL…so agreed, A1.