Only in Delaware: Guess Who’s Handling the Gambling Bill Signing Logistics?

Filed in National by on May 13, 2009

Gov. Markell will sign the Sports Gambling bill into law at Delaware Park (?!) tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. The person handling the logistics from Delaware Park’s side is…Jennifer Oberle, daughter of Rep. Bill Oberle. She is the Director of Advertising and Public Relations at the Park.

Jennifer Oberle is an accomplished professional. She may well have gotten her job without the family connections, although she got it long after the relationship between the Park and the Oberles had already been established.

However, the connections between Delaware Park, Bill Oberle and Sally Oberle’s Blue Hen Promotions  are, to put it mildly, ethically questionable.

Fortunately, Cris Barrish and Merritt Wallick wrote one of the best investigative stories on a legislator that El Somnambulo has ever read. It is all about those connections and was published on September 17, 2007. ‘Bulo just reread it, and it grows even more powerful as time goes by.

UI, this is a must cut-and-paste for you. And, anyone who is skeptical that the Delaware Way is ‘all that’, read this article. It just might change your perspective.


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  1. Thank you ‘Bulo!

  2. RSmitty says:

    When I heard about this staged signing again on the radio this morning, it got me thinking about this post some more. If Oberle’s hand in the surrounding parts make your skin crawl (it’s easy to fill in the blanks and come to that conclusion), why no indignation for Markell for complacency to that issue or simply for placating the situation? He could have easily picked DDowns, Harrington, or his ceremonial office in Leg Hall.

    My thought simply is, if this really makes you pinch your nose, why no slapping of Markell’s hand for being a part of it, even if only ceremonial?