Breaking: Obama to Name Republican Guv as Ambassador to China

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009

If you’re seeking to do away with your potential political rivals, you could do worse than sending them on a long sojourn to China.

CNN is reporting that:

 President Obama has selected Republican Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. to be his ambassador to China, sources tell CNN.

Huntsman, who speaks Mandarin Chinese and has adopted a daughter from China, had been touted as a potential rival to Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

Huntsman, 49, is a former deputy U.S. trade representative and ambassador to Singapore. A Mormon, he did missionary work in Taiwan, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.

David Plouffe, Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, described Huntsman as “the one person in that (Republican) party who might be a potential presidential candidate,” U.S. News and World Report reported earlier in May.

Huntsman seems well-suited to the post, and he’s probably developed strong diplomatic skills governing as a moderate in redder-than-red Utah.

IESHO, a stroke of genius on Obama’s part.


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  1. Hmmm…I think someone reported that this morning.

  2. That ‘someone’ would be UI. These clever headlines that bury the story sometimes confuse this old codger.

    The real story, then, is that El Somnambulo has ‘confirmed’ UI’s story using the magic of the internets.

    Now, get back to liveblogging!

  3. jason330 says:

    This is the graceful exit for Castle. I predict Italy.

  4. Interesting, you highlighted almost the same things I did. You know what they say – great minds think alike (and fools seldom differ).