‘Bulo’s Music For the Masses-‘Influenced by the ’80’s’ Edition

Filed in National by on May 16, 2009

The Beast Who Slumbers roused himself from his torpor (don’t ask how, this is a family blog…) to forage for more musical nuggets from the ’80’s. In performing this aural archeology, he unearthed three great artifacts, one from the ’70’s, and two from the early ’90’s, each by artists who had success in the ’80’s. Since El Somnambulo is nothing if not a creature of habit, he will present these songs in chronological order, sandwiched by some great songs from the Reagan Era:

‘Bulo’s ongoing musical vanity production would have been worth it (to ‘bulo at least) if this was the only clip he’d found in his weeks-long search. ‘Bulo’s favorite song by this artist, performed right at the beginning of his career, and featuring a couple of musical heavyweights of the era. It takes Jackson Browne a little time to tune his guitar, but it’s worth it:


Warren Zevon- ‘Mohammed’s Radio’- “Warren Zevon” (1976)

Critics called Squeeze’s Chris Difford and Glen Tilbrook the “Lennon-McCartney” of the ’80’s. El Somnambulo considers them more the “McCartney-McCartney” of the ’80s. They sure as hell wrote some irresistible songs:


Squeeze- ‘Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)’- “Argybargy” (1980)

You’ll likely remember this lush and romantic video. It goes perfectly with this lush, romantic song:


Bryan Ferry/Roxy Music- ‘Avalon’- “Avalon” (1982)

An artist who employed his composing, singing, and killer guitar to expand the horizons of the blues:


Robert Cray- ‘Right Next Door’- “Strong Persuader” (1986)

This bloke can be too talkative in concert, but, cut out the political harangues (even though ‘bulo admires his lefty sensibilities, feel free to skip the part after the song ends), and what’s left is a great songwriter and galvanizing performer (Old fart ‘bulo especially likes how he morphs the Kinks’ “dedicated follower of fashion” into “dedicated swallower of fascism”):


Billy Bragg- ‘Accident Waiting to Happen’- “Don’t Try This At Home” ( 1991-great album from beginning to end)

Finally, a great summer song (roll down the windows and crank up this joyous song) by a band (did ‘bulo tell you he was old?) the Beast Who Slumbers saw at a massive anti-war rally in the early ’70’s. They went by the name “New Rhythm & Blues Quartet” back then. There aren’t many ‘perfect’ songs. El Somnambulo considers this one of them:


NRBQ- ‘Ridin’ In My Car’- “Honest Dollar” (1992)

The Beast Who Slumbers hopes you are getting at least some of the same enjoyment out of this that ‘bulo has putting this together. Feedback encouraged!


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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh Bulo–Ridin’ in My Car…I swear I saw those roads. Only needed Jackson Browne singin’ and not playing, or maybe Pure Prairie League…thanks for the recap.